Ok. So I have been back today for recall appt. Compression mammogram on left nipple then ultrasound. Doctor asked if i had discharge from that nipple and said there was increased density behind the nipple. He said all seems ok after these further images.
can someone please explain to me why I still have a sense of unease ?
Much love
Hi there. It’s natural for our minds to run riot when we are faced with something we are unsure about. It’s our desire for information that leads us to google etc. However it’s always best to trust people in the know. If your bs thought there was more to the density you would have had biopsies to investigate further. Keep an eye on the area and if you notice any changes, as shown on the things to look out for diagrams on this site, then phone the clinic and asked to be seen again.
Take care and go out and enjoy yourself!!
Emma xx
Thanks Emma
think it was just the initial feeling. Anow fine now. Happy and relieved that I was given the all clear. A huge weight off my mind. Am thinking of all you wonderful ladies and all you are going though. Take care one and all. Sending lots of love and hugs xxx