I’ve had the results of the needle biopsy and scan and both showed benign lumps on the unaffected breast so I’ve just got to wait for the blood results.
I’m still worried because since starting Arimidex last June I started with indigestion, (my tablets were changed to Exemesetane because of severe joint pain). I had an Endoscopy which showed some changes, things seem to have settled down as I was prescibed Omaprazole for the indigestion.
About a month ago the indigestion flared up with pain across the right chest and back and various other symptoms including tiredness.
I have to see the consultant next week for the blood results but dread mentioning the indigestion as well as he most probably thinks I’m a worrier after mentioning the benign lumps on the other breast.
Do you think it’s possible that a new cancer has started in the oesophagus!?
I have lost weight but think it’s probably since giving up alcohol, but I have lost over a stone. : - )))
Should I mention my fears to my GP?
Hi Most definately, This is why our Oncologists, BCN etc, are there… You must tell them everything to get the correct DX.
You know they cannot possibly help you on only half a story…
My advice is write down all your symptoms, aches, pains etc… And just pass over the list… Let them tell you what is important.
Good luck Teresa xxx
Hi Muffett,
Many thanks for your advice.
I saw my GP today as I though she might possibly increase the dose of Omaprazole but instead after takingmjy history she’s reffered me back to the Consultant who performed the endoscopy last year.
I’ll let you know what happens.
How are you getting on?