Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

I’d worry, definitely! Not sure which one I’d worry most about though. :slight_smile: You must show us the whole photo sometime. I’m in awe of the sequinned wellies.

Good to hear the pain’s gone now Gen. Any left will be numbed into nonexistence after tomorrow. :wink: oh, I get a numb nose about Day 6, forgot about that. It goes away in a couple of hours. Wish I could blame it on excess alcohol…

Talking of numb. Is everybody still numb over their wound area? I have a bit of feeling but would err to numb really. Does it ever come back fully, apart from the actual scar? Old One, any answer from the oracle?

You’ll do fine PP. We can always beat up your bad guys in Determination. Just point them out, and you can have first swing. :slight_smile:
I just keep thinking, the more relaxed and stress free I can be about the chemo the more it’s got to help. Stay cool, stay groovy, and only watch horror stories from the safety of behind the couch!

Sal - think you read my post wrong…lol it wasn’t about exercises… i was lucky and got all my movements back really quickly…

the problem is i’m suddenly breathless again. it got really bad when i was on the docetaxol - i couldn’t even go from the living room to kitchen to make a drink with out wheezing in the end…:frowning: also i am getting strange pains but not on the side i had the mastectomy i’ve never had anything like it before it is almost like it hurts to take in a full lungfull of air… and if i do breath in too much i cough…:frowning:

i read up on rads side effects last night and it did say that slight lung damage is possible, plus it is possible that chemo could slightly damage lungs - but they usually recover eventually…
but the worrying thing was it also said it should be checked out as it can be a sign of cancer spread to the lungs…
i am going to try and arrange a doctors appointment tomorrow morning (the receptionist said to call at 9am when they hand out the “on the day” appointments…)

hopefully i am just worrying for nothing…

Calypso doesn’t worry, Calypso deals with it, and so she is! :0)

Remember when Calypso grew into her full, awesome, goddess strength, bursting her ropes and roaring her power over the ocean? That’s you. :slight_smile:

I thought you meant when she turned into zillions of creepy crabs… lol

Oh gosh that’s a worry isn’t it? That’s the awful thing about this - every ache and pain you just think “is that it? has it spread somewhere else?” whereas in fact it’s just normal aches and pains that we’d never have thought anything of in the past. I don’t suppose that will ever go away.

Carole - I’m aiming to go for the mind over matter tack too. Stay positive, don’t dwell, just head down and forge onwards. That’s the plan anyway!

Actually it is a weird one… i don’t know if any of you have ever heard of / read anything about IBC… Basically it is one of the baddest baddies there is…:frowning: It used to have a zero survival rate until really quite recently… Nowadays the 5 year survival rate is 50% and the 10 year survival rate is 35%… but realistically even that 35% will have secondaries…:frowning:

So really i feel abit like i am waiting for something to pop up somewhere at some point…:frowning: Just hoping really it is later rather than sooner…

Angel dear I had the most horrific breathlessness on taxotere and it didnt improve until about a month post rads.Re Fec I found I was sick once each cycle on the night after the chemo.Taxotere was worse though I wasnt sick at all I had horrendous diarrhoea which gave me a very sore btm.I also had pains which started about 4/5 days after chemo.When you are on chemo almost every nasy thing that happens is a recognised side effect-this is especially true of tax-watch out for bloody nose etc.
On a lighter note I cant change my avatar!Carole if you get a minute maybe you could pm me instructions.
Good Luck dear riders hope you got the Shrove Tuesday pancakes I sent out to your camp.
love T.O.O.

Sorry, Theresa, I told you I was woozy. It was Storewoman who was complaining about exercises. I’ll change my post.

Sal don’t worry - i’m convinced someone is on AC chemo… lol and it is probably another thread entirely…:smiley:

The Old One - i had my final chemo in Oct…:smiley: agree tax is horrid… i had the burning poos as well… lol

Of course, glad to Old One. Just a sec. Oh, you just nabbed my slot again! :smiley: EDIT: I mean, that thing where two people are posting at the same time and only one gets through. Hope I didn’t sound rude there. :confused:

Here’s what I wrote earlier:

Calypso, you could always do the creepy crab look. It’s an option. :slight_smile:
It sounds like a hard moment for you. Are you worrying, or saying that you’re in line for this? I really hope you’re only worrying. Hugs your way right now.

Looks like we need some positive focussing. Let’s all do some buddhist chanting. Come one everyone join in.

Om mani padme hum, om mani padme hum.

Or we could sing a little song:

“Getting to know you, getting to know all about yoooouuuuu,
Getting to like you, getting to hope you like meeeeeee.”

Or a little dance:

Skip, skip, hop, hop, be bop, tap, tippety, tap tip, ta daaaaaah!

Ok that one didn’t work so well in writing…

Changed my photo for a brief period only. It’s a bit small to see the sequins though.

In case you’re wondering, the dress only cost £3 in TK Maxx, as it was falling apart. I wouldn’t spend good money on it!!

Lol! You look great! I just love the style mix. So retro, yet so now. :smiley:

Ooh tres glam. I have a pair of pink polka-dot wellies that would have gone with that a treat!

I was just reading another thread and they were talking about drinking wine on the chemo. Oh how I would love a large glass right now. Maybe once the Epi is over? I’m still thinking Epi is a hard one so stay off completely for the duration, but maybe a small glass in week 3 on the CMF might be ok. Ooooh it would be nice.

My Onc said I could drink alcohol if I wanted to. Obviously don’t overdo it and she said I might not fancy it but if I want to I can have the odd glass of wine.

Hmmm, might consider a small glass of bubbly to celebrate the end of Epi then. I definitely don’t feel like it for drug week, but by week 3 it’s starting to sound very appealling. :slight_smile:

hi old one heres how i changed mine.

go to your profile and click on the EDIT PROFILE tab

on the bottom of the page beside your pic is a box that says

check this box to delete you your pic

check and press submit

then go back in to edit profile and for your new pic click on the browse button to go to pic and then click submit again. #

hope that is clear.

let me know if you have any probs.

How are you feeling Martina?