Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

ok its 9.30 check in, i need a few of the posse to have a look around see if any baddies waiting to hijack me. i know they lurkin out there in the bush just waitin to catch me off guard. damn sneaky weasels.

sometimes i really wish i did drink, this is one of those times, feelin fine but cant relax waitin on baddies. glass or two of wine be jus what im needin me thinks.

liken the style sal.


Steel just had a look round the bunk house. Scared off a coyote, and I think one of the Boss’s boys has been hanging around earlier on again, but he’s gone now. We should be ok tonight. Try and get some sleep Blackjack. Tomorrow we’ll take care of some business in town. :slight_smile:

Steel’s about to wrap herself in her bunk, but she’s ready to be up and at 'em if you holler.

martina - that large glass of red with your name on?? Well, I had it on your behalf…hic…very nice it twas twoo…I’ve been out for a snaek around and its all quiet so far - thats why I had the wine - I was fretting that the baddies were a comin’ - its all your fault…now I think I need an early-ish night…;0)

And Poncho-Cat rolled heavily into her bunk and straight out the other side. Blackjack and Steel sighed, picked her up, planked her on the bunk, took off her boots and covered her with her blanket. Poncho-Cat snored loudly in thanks.

:smiley: Night all.

Night again. The site posted a doubler, so this is me deleting the doubler. Night.

sorry mary, you deserve the wine for my mithering.

carole jus before you go another question and i know that i should know the answer but it wont come to me. why do we get steroids. sorry but you are our fountain of knowledge.

i tip my hat to you.


The steroids act as anti sickness too, but also help the other anti sickness to work better. That’s what the nurse told me. Are you only on them for the first three days? If so, that’s the same as me, so I guess that’s what yours are for too.

i have only to take them for two days starting tomorrow and have been told to take both doses of steroids in the morning so im not hyper at night. hubby thought being hyper might be interesting lol.

by the way i meant to say earlier when you mentioned the tingling down below, thought nurse was having a laugh until it started to happen, strange strange feeling, but only lasted for bout 30 seconds.

thanks carol go to bed now,


Going to bed. Yours will be anti-sick then. Definitely take them in the morning. I got told to take one at lunchtime too. Bad idea. Hypersville! I’m going to drop the lunchtime one next time. See you tomorrow.

Steroids to stop possible allergic reaction to drugs i was told…
Carole you look super duper fantastic! baddies drinking spitoons, magic idea! my hair fell out thurs, 14 days after AC (yes its me) and oh my god did that take the wind out of my sails! i had shaved it down to grade 3 for charity, thought i might hang on to it a bit longer and wouldnt be such a shock, teehee, what b*****it! but now its all gone, shaved the patches of with OH’s help, i will beat this, one way or another! watch out taz is about!
Picked off a couple of the baddies, but need some help up on this here roof i recon, could do with some kip but they just keep on comin…
felt alright on AC til night of second day, started feeling really detatched and shoulders hurt from being so anxious, ditto on constipation, didnt feel sick til 13days in, overdosed on steroids thanks to onc’s, so that prolly helped. but feeling really nervous bout thurs still, mum has to go home in 5 hrs, been here for 2 weeks and its been lovely, but dont know what ill do without her.
sorry to bum the mood again, poetry was beautful, and the old one, poem amazing, and huge congrats on baby edward, thats my ginger wonder’s name aswell! Gennie, good luck, Martina dont worry and try to relax it will really help, dont look for the baddies but keep gun cocked! right, good foot forward… take care guys
Red/Breeze & Nikki xxx

morning gals…:smiley:

Red i was sure someone else was on AC…lol Are you having it before surgery?

Feel a bit better this morning, Gennie - that’s what i don’t want to happen that i am panicing at every little ache and pain… I am also now overdue for my “Birthday check up” with the practice nurse - because of being on rads… So i think i might just phone up and book an appointment for that and mention my chest at the same time, unless it gets any worse…

Morning Red and Calypso!

Yes, Theresa said that about the steroids too. I’m wondering if it’s different for different drug types. I’ve asked but not been told that about the allergy thing.

It’s a shocker when the hair goes isn’t it. :smiley: Doesn’t matter how prepared you are. Excellent job on the bad guy front. Storm Riders massing for a good old butt kicking. I feel another little chapter coming on. :slight_smile: Hang easy about Thursday. It’s another one down after all.

Really glad you’re feeling a bit better this morning Theresa. Thinking about you.

Morning Carole…:smiley:

Just phoned up and booked a drs appointment for monday morning… also booked the birthday check up - but they couldn’t fit me in for that until the next week… To be honest i think even if something bad was happening it wouldn’t make much difference if i didn’t go until monday…

Morning girls. Been feeling really tired these last few days, not sleepy tired, more physical, don’t know what thats all about because I haven’t overdone things.

Gennie, so pleased your getting started on your chemo today and I will be thinking of you this afternoon. I’m sure you’ll be a wonderful storm rider and knock all those baddies into oblivian.

I have my first rads at lunch time, angel. I did ask last week about lung damage and the onc told me it is a very slight risk these days because of the way they target the area. Where as 20 years ago it was a differant story.

Sal, love the sling back wellies. They would be great for walking my two dogs.

Carole you seem to be getting back on your feet again after 2nd chemo and cant wait for next chapter. Wish I had the imagination to write one but you know me we’d all be in the saloon and too sloshed to fight anything.

Martina hope you too are still feeling ok and all the other storm riders. Off to get ready now.


P.S Does any one know if we are supposed to inform our car insurance? Was thinking about it the other day.

Just want to send special love to Gennie and anyone else starting/having chemo today.
from The Old One

Just had that same-time-posting phenomenon happen to me!

Try again…

Hi y’all
Calam here - well today’s the day I have that big show down with the Sheriff and one of his Deputies - 3 o’clock at the NX corral. Got a fellow sharp shooter comin along for back up in case they get tricksy, but at least i’ll know where things stand from here on in.

It makes me feel a whole lot better knowin the posse are all goin to be waitin at the Old One’s place when i get back - but don’t wait up for me, you hear? Might just need to stop by the Saloon for a bourbon or two, if I’m feelin a mite wobbly in the saddle afterwards.

(Am I getting carried away with this scenarion? probably, but hey, it works for me…)

love and hugs to all Storm Riders, and a virtual apple for each of their trusty mounts.

Good luck to Rosie, Jane and Gennie today - a big day for the storm riders…

yes, good luck girls, thinking of you all, I’ll be covering the outposts to keep them baddies out and won’t have any wine till we’re back round the table at The Old One’s…Martina - hope you’re still doing well kid…mary x

A massive helping of good luck to you all, Gennie, Jane and Rosie. We’re all up on the roof watching over you. The Boss and his gang won’t dare to show up today and if he does, we’re ready for him.

Glad you’re feeling happier today Theresa. Isn’t it wierd how sometimes you can be so rational and positive and then bam - it all goes out of the window.

I couldn’t sleep last night - probably because I’d slept too long yesterday afternoon. But at least I don’t get the grims at 3am any more.

By the way Red, I’ve got a red-headed son too. Don’t quite know where that came from - it was a bit of a shock when he was born. The nurses at the hospital kept asking me if the milkman was a redhead. lol

Jane, as long as you have proper control of your car and you have not been told by the docs not to drive, you should be ok. Although I tend to think it’s as well to inform them anyway, as that covers you (ie, stops them being able to squirm out of paying out if anything happens!)

Good luck for this afternoon Jane. After the op, the nurses said not to drive in case I had an accident, because the insurance companies would use that as an excuse not to pay out, ie blame me. Bah Phooey to that I thought. So I drove once I felt that my wound let me do it safely, about Day 5. Might they do the same if you didn’t tell them about Rad? Hmmm, don’t know. They always say you have to tell them anything or they won’t pay, so my guess would be, tell them.

Calam, hold steady Storm Rider, keep them in your sights, but don’t waste your ammo yet. There’s plenty of time to get 'em. Meet us in the saloon once you’ve negotiated them sneaky rattlers, and give us an update. :slight_smile:

How you holding up Gen?