Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Indian doctor she give me heap strong medicine - the infection is spreading sideways !(much like everything else really )
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer please bartender - won’t go too well with the drugs, but what the hell !

Awe sorry to hear that store woman. Hopefully new antibiotics will kick in soon. Mines a whiskey too.

Hope the antibiotics work soon Storewoman, make mine a Jack Dee and coke…on second thoughts forget the coke!!!

storewoman - mine’s red wine, when it runs out its white or rose…anyway, we all know alcohol kills bugs…drink up but have something to eat first ;0) mary x

Hey store woman mine,s a raisin wine-I must tell you that rude joke
Cowboy goes into a bar hears a man ask the barmaid for a raisin wine.The bottle is on a high shelf,up the ladder she goes with a froth of petticoats and a glimpse of pantalettes.The cowboy sees the other customer grinning.Another man comes in and asks for raisin wine and gets a repeat performance and now our cowboy moves forward,hat in hand.The girl looks at him and sighs,‘Is yours a raisin cowboy?’‘No ma’am’ he says,‘just a twitchin’!'Sorry hope no one is offended but it seems appropriate for the Storm Riders!
The Old Onexxx

Drinks are on the bar Tumbleweed. In fact there are a lot of drinks on the bar! :smiley: Pace yourselves all. If we run out of drinks here we have to resort to Tod’s moonshine, and that we will definitely regret in the morning!

Good joke Old One! Steel even raised a bit of a grin there. :smiley:

Howdy old one , grreat joke!! oops I seem to be running dry, set em up bartender, I’ll have another drink, one for the road, a tot of moonshine then I’m for my bed, I’m plum tuckered out! aaagggghhhhh! yep your right Steel…strong stuff that moonshine , should send me zedding pretty quick.
Goodnight ya all, pleasant dreams zzzzzzzzzz

(hope you sleep better tonight Carole)
Helen x

I seem to be the first one awake in this here bunk house - so I’ve just put some coffee on, then I’ll sit out on the porch and keep look out till the rest of you quit snoring…!

Morning Gals.:smiley:

Restless night’s sleep here - just couldn’t get comfortable…

Mornin’ girls was just hobblin’ round doing some chores.Thanks for coffee.Theres bacon and eggs in the skillet and grits in the pot.Bowl of fresh fruit on the table and some homebaked corn bread with butter and preserves.I can soon rustle up a batch of pancakes too!Glad you liked the joke:)
The Old Onex

Mornin’ all, bacon & eggs sound like heaven!! I too had a restless night so really pleased to see others up and about, not so sure about doing any chores though…am finding the supervisory role suits me great!!!

Howdy all
Wow that moonshine sure is powerful stuff!! Best nights sleep in weeks…you’ll have to try it Angel and Piper!! Thanks for the coffee Calam, and bacon and eggs sounds like a feast Old one!!

Yorkie x

Hey Piper like the photo, Storewoman has given me directions of how to put one on too…might try it today!

Hi Nell, I was really pleased in my muddled state to be able to get a photo on…how sad am I?? Must get out more!!

Look forward to seeing you :slight_smile:

Hi Piper, hi Storewoman…managed to put a picture on at last…well actually I didn’t, I cheated!!! son did. It only took him half a minute. I don’t get though why sometimes there are photos of people and then there isn’t , is it just my computer???

Helen x

Howdy pardners. Nell, if you look at the forums without logging on, you don’t see the photos.

Looks like you lot had a good night last night. I spent yesterday in the doldrums, but I’m feeling a lot better today. I’ve been doing a bit of cathartic writing, so if you don’t mind, here’s the next chapter.

Sheriff Dan had called the Storm Riders to his office again. “I have a job for you”, he said. “I need you to go and get some supplies from a neighbouring town. It’ll be a tricky road, as The Bosses’ boys are jumpier than a spawning salmon at the moment, but here’s no one else in the town up to the job. You guys have the strength to do it, but you may be tested on the way. Keep your eyes peeled and never give up hope. Good Luck.”

Riviera, Steel, Mule, Casey and Blackjack had been on the road together for some time now and they’d picked up many more Riders since being in Determination. They were a good bunch – up for a fight whenever they were needed and quick to down a drink or two in the saloon at the end of it. They headed back to Old One’s place to prepare for the journey.

As they headed out of town the mood was high. There was a good deal of ribbing from those who had been in the saloon last night. There had been a couple of incidents that some of them couldn’t remember and a couple that some of them didn’t want to remember! Yorkie had fallen off her stool a couple of times and Old One had spent some time reminiscing and telling jokes with increasingly slurred speech.

After a good breakfast from Old One, most of them headed out of town, mindful of what Dan had told them. There were a few sore heads this morning and consequently some of them were lagging behind, almost nodding off in the saddle under the glare of an early spring sun. As they headed into the gorge that was known locally as Dark Canyon, the group had split into two and the Riders in the following group could only sit and watch as a landslip started some 20 yards in front of them. They shouted a warning, but there was nothing to be done……Those in the front group had either been buried or cut off, they couldn’t tell which.

Once the dust had settled and silence returned once again to the gorge, the Riders ran to the slip, shouting to their companions on the other side. They had started scrambling up the slip, when they suddenly became aware of the sound of hooves in the distance. They could see that it was a large gang of the Bosses boys. Now that they were split up, there weren’t enough of them to fight and win. They also needed to have the strength to dig the others out, so they wheeled their horses around and sped off back to Determination, to fetch the remaining Riders.

On the other side of the landslip, Tumbleweed, Blackjack, Riviera, Steel and Mule found themselves partly buried and surrounded by rocks and dirt. They’d had the wind knocked out of them and for the moment they couldn’t move. They’d heard the others shouting encouragement; and then a few distant warning shots, so they knew there was trouble on the other side too. It was clear that now they’d have to hunker down and slowly dig themselves out of the hole in which they found themselves. They were ill equipped, but they knew they’d gotten themselves out of trouble before, so they could do it again. For now, they needed to draw strength from each other like they never had before. As they started to dig, they started to sing “Riders on the Storm……”

Nell great photo and lovely to see you.If I can face it I will put me back and leave Edward to grow a little!

hi Horace
Is Edward your grandson? He looked so cute!! Lurverly photo of you though!!
Hi Sal, what a great chapter I hope the other stormriders are ok. Think they must be going through a real tough time. Glad there’s a few more stormriders to lend a spare shoulder or two, until they are out the other side.
Hi Carole, Gennie and Martina and others that are going through chemo, it doesn,t really help I know, but when you are down, the only way is up. With you all the way, shout, holler, chat, whatever it takes to make you feel just that little bit better!

catch ya soon
Helen x

just had a long sleep - reckon one of them rocks must have caught me on the way down ( or perhaps it was just the drugs ).I thought I woke up feeling cold - where’s Siesta gone with my blanket ? I think the big moult may have started, so he’d better have my stetson too.

Och, don’t worry about me, I’m fine. Just had stuff on this weekend and haven’t been around to chat. Martina and Gen are the ones going through the chemo storm at the moment. I’m almost at the end of week two, so Steel just does a lot of napping.

Great chapter Sal. :slight_smile: How are you doing, apart from being stuck on the other side of the landslip with a huge gang of bad guys bearing down? Ready for a fight? I can feel one a comin’ :smiley: