Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Okay, Steel, I won’t fight you for Colin Farrell, but bags I either Neil Oliver, James May or Ed Byrne! Spot the connection? all long haired but very, very bright!

Could I nominate my holier-than-thou neighbour for the bin treatment too - it hardly compares to the crass behaviour of Gen’s friend but she sure as hell upset me. I’m still trying to find the exit from Black canyon this week , then got a call this morning from the hospital asking me to get there for 10-00 for an ultrasound scan on my vein problem, with the express order not to drive in case I had a DVT and dislodged the clot.
Next door is one of these people who says that “if you need anything just ask” as she disappears into the distance. I did need help today but when I saw her, she said a very hasty hello, didn’t even ask how things were, and legged it before I could explain that I had a problem - so much for the Christian spirit ( the taxis cost me nearly £30 )
Can you do the necessary ?

Thanks guys - would love to grab a bunk…and shut the door on some of the insensitive idiots, like the ‘friend’ whose reaction to my mastectomy was “oh what a shame, we do love our boobies don’t we?” - come the revolution as they say…
Still, it’s one less Christmas card to write.
Nell I have the results on Tuesday so I have everything crossed.
Rosie I may have to duel you for James May :slight_smile:
Have a good night everyone x

Piper, can’t believe a ‘friend’ was so insensitive…sounds like a few friends and neighbours could do with a timely ‘tar and feathering’ and a running out of town!!!
I have my results on Friday, Sandra on Wednesday and you on Tuesday, big week,will deffo keep everything crossed.
Right, got to go and look for that durn hoss of mine, threw me again, then stormed off into the night!!! Wish he didn’t live up to his name…‘lightening…lighteniiinnnngg’.
Goodnight ya’all

Oohhh Rosie … Neil Oliver,like your thinking but you can have him cos I’d opt for fellow Scotsman David Tennant …mmmmm what did you say about having post op vivid dreams,lol makes me feel better just thinking about him now…and he is is a Doctor !

I would like to nominate a couple of my friends for a good friend awards… one of them works for cadburys…she was actually my friend before she worked there… got a huge gift box full of different chocs and the other most appreciated gift was a huge bottle of vodka,never received that through the post before ! Both gifts greatly appreciated along with lots of flowers pot plants and books from others.

Off to zzzzzzzzz catch up soon.

Sandra x

hi all
just to let you all know im still battling the doldrums. finding it very hard, not one to lie down and give up but these past few days been hard may e feel a bit better tomorrow

good news sal. delighted for you.

gen how are you doing hoprfully better than me,

talk to u all tomorrow.

Martina, here’s a hand to hold if you need it. You too Gen. I’m right there with you. It will pass.

Hi Martina
Keep your pecker up love, thinking of you, good vibes coming your way…
Helen x

Yipppie Hi Heyyyyyy!!! Sal thats fantastic news. I’m soooo pleased for you. Did they mention any hormone treatment or is it just the rads.

Martina, Gen thinking of you both and hoping the bad feeling pass soon. Gen, you need to kick that ‘friend’ of yours into touch. she obviously thrives on other peoples missery and needs to get a life of herb own.

Angel, hope your results are good ones, anemia can have all kinds of side effects but its easilly treated.

Had third lot of rads yesturday and already rash appearing under arm. Is this normal so soon anyone??? I was told it would be about eight days before I would get a reaction (if there was going to be one)but just knew I would have probs because of my skin. Also whole area very itchy. Any advice Angel, Old One? By the way how is your leg doing Old One?

Welcome piper you have come to right place for support. the girls on this thread are great.

Off to the canyon now to drum up good vibes for all those getting results next week.


Jane, sent you a message.

Jane - my skin was starting to go a bit pink by day 3… and yes it all felt itchy… How many days of rads are you having…?

Martina - Sorry to hear that you are feeling down.:frowning: (hugs)

Gen - Hope today is much better for you.

Thanks Angel. I thought I was having 15 lots but it seems they have put some extra on at the end 4 boosters. So 19 in all. Did they give you anything for itch? I am using E45 at moment but I do take steroids in the summer for my skin probs and was wondering about that?

Hey girls our storewoman is feeling a bit lonely[see going it alone in Living With]lets all rally round and give her a helping hand through the desert.See you later for a campfire sing song.The leg is taking a bit more weight so in a few weeks I’ll be square dancing at the hoedown!Cant wait to get rid of this zimmer frame[4/6 weeks]
The Old Onexx

Hi Horace
Just to say have been on the suggested other forum.
Ps just lurrrve your grits and coffee!!!yeeha

Helen (Yorkie)

jane - if you mention it next week they might give you the hydrocortisone cream - that is for when people have dry desquamation - (red, pink skin that is itchy bit like sunburn…) you should be seeing a dr in the rads dept once a week plus if the staff are concerned in between those appointments they would arrange for you to see one…
it really shouldn’t get as bad as mine was - i was getting a really high dose…

well - I’m home…could have stayed a week - surprise surprise - had a lovely time with a bit of space and fussing…
Sal - brilliant!! really chuffed for you xx
And Martina - you can’t get further down Doldrum Drive - we have it blocked, you’ve turned back towards us, we have you covered…my turn next week…

Hey Tumbleweed. If you look across to the east from Black Canyon, The Old One’s place is just on the outskirts of town. Ride Siesta over that way and knock the door. The Old One knows you’re on your way (she “sees” things, the old Storm Riders develop some almost magical abilities, :D). The Storm Riders are having a gathering tonight, seeing as we’ve picked up a few more. The Old One’s got a spit roast started, and there’s beer, whisky and music to take us into the night.

Sounds like some of us have had a few dodgy run ins with bad guys this last couple of days, particularly that “neighbourly” type. I reckon these are the townsfolk Sheriff Dan was warning us about.

Ride fast, ride strong Tumbleweed. :0)

Hold the chow till I get back from seeing the medicine man - got to get a change of anti-biotics - see ya later

bring on the gathering, I love spitroast…plenty of protein for building us up and pancakes for afters?? Yuuummmmm, mary x

Howdy gals
The chow sounds mouth watering…mmmmmmmmmm…Now where in tarnation is that hoss of mine…ah I see him…he threw me again, but I’ll be back with a soft cushion for my butt, to join in the gathering! See ya all