Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Howdy all, sorry some of you guys are going through a bad patch … loads of positive vibes heading your way anyway :slight_smile:
Love the installments, there are some clever dudes on this thread, I’d take a month to think up anything like it but just love reading it!
Di x

Hi girls
Positive thoughts to those who are feeling a bit down >>>>>> :slight_smile:
I agree with Piper, some imaginative chapters going on…being able to ‘loose’ yourself in them sometimes, takes the edge off.
Hi Jane, I’m interested in this ‘chill pillow’ thing, might be just the item I need for a decent nights sleep! (apart from the moonshine i had last night that is!!!)
Helen x

I was surfing the net earlier on looking for " nice" headgear and came across a site called Chemo-Savvy. That set off reminiscences about the Indian who used to be the Lone Ranger’s side-kick - anyone else old enough to remember it in b/w.?
He always used the expression "Keemo Sabay " - our literary experts must be able to use that in the story some how ?( Could be a baddie by the sound of it )

Nell, I just put it into my search engine and came up with a whole lot of them, ranging from £25 to £35. They were recommended by some of the other ladies on a different thread so I assume that they do work.

hey, Tonto!! I loved the b & w ones!!!

Hey Gen, glad to see you’re back in the saddle. Take it easy there though kiddo, a few days of drugs in the system yet, and you’ll be tired in the second week. Water, water, water, flush, flush, flush. :slight_smile:

Shraggy? Yes Scoob? Did Grrren gret bad grrruys? Zoiks, Scoob, she like totally did! Scooooooby, Dooooooby Dooooo!


Hey Casey, you have a face! Excellent! Like meeting you all over again. :smiley:

Hi everyone…:smiley:

More hugs for everyone felling down / going through treatment…
Another vote here for taking the tamoxifen just before you go to bed.

I’ve not had any periods since I went onto chemo and stopped taking the pill. Mind you I never had any periods in the previous few years either as the type of pill i was on was the sort where you take them everyday and don’t have periods…

well im back, well most of me is. thankyou for the good wishes you all posted while i was “laid low”. i have read them all now.

i see we have some new members so i will introduce myself
i am BlackJack and I take care of the horses.

i have decided that i gonna need someone to help look after the horses when im fightin the good fight. the wages are crap and the hours are irregular, but the company is good and the food is second to none.

jus give me a few day to catch up with everyone and i be back in the saddle like i never got out of it. thanks for watching my back gals.


There we go - number 4 all over and it doesn’t look as bad as expected - will finish the job tomorrow.
Quick question - do the brows and lashes take longer to disappear ? and all the other bits ?
I’ll help with the horses - I was used to dealing with a load of c**p at work

My eyelashes and eyebrows went in sept… so about 4 months into my chemo. My eyelashes have now grown back - but my eyebrows are taking longer (i finished chemo late oct…) One place you probably havn’t realised about yet lol No not there… lol

Your nose!!! lol i found that suddenly my nose kept running like a tap - and it was because there were no nasal hairs… so for a few months i permanantly had a hankie… lol but thinking about it that also must have been a quick one to grow back… I also found with the no eyelashes that my eyes would water more than usual…

Mornin’ all … another Monday and still weird not to be be rushing around trying to find something to wear to work!
Blackjack I’ll be a stable gal too, anything for a good nosh :slight_smile:
I had a crappy night as have so much fluid built up since MX 10 days ago, appt tomorrow so hope they’ll sort it out then.
Meanwhile, I’ll be round to shake a few bunks in a bit see if anyeone’s up for a fry-up - by the way who’s the cook??!! Di xx

Glad to see you up and about again Martina. It’s a bummer of a few days, but Blackjack sure isn’t a quitter! :slight_smile:

Tumbleweed, I think it depends what drugs you’re on. I’m on E-CMF and nurse told me that the eyebrows and eyelashes might go, might not, but if they do they’re the last to go the first to come back. That’s me at Week 5 of my 28 and I don’t think anything’s happening there. Nose hairs are still in place :D. In fact general body hair is still there, just not growing. Moustache and beard (you know what I mean) is very little - yes!!! - but hair on the rest of the face is still there. Very odd.

Hey Di, hope they get the fluid drained ok tomorrow. Since we started bunking at the Old One’s place she’s been cooking, but when we were camping out Mule was doing a fair bit of the cooking. We can all stir a pot, some better than others, so if you want to give the Old One a hand anytime, I’m sure she’ll pass you the skillet. :slight_smile:

Just had a phone call off the gp i saw on friday night… he had my blood test results - no blood clot good… but not anemic…:frowning: i was hoping it would be that as it is simple to solve and not a “bad thing…” anyway have to go down for an appointment at 9.50am not sure what they will suggest next…? a chest xray to see if they can see any rad damage? i know they also say you can get slight lung scaring from the chemo… anyway fingers crossed it is something simple like that and not something bad…

well mornin’ all…I’m going to be busy today - givin’ them bunk rooms etc a good scrubbin - anything to detract from the picc line bit tomorrow etc then chemo wed…martina - good to see you back too kid…mary x

Morning all,I’m off to the sawbones today to see if my leg is ready for an even more bendy cast.Had great hopes of getting onto a stool in the shower today but it couldnt be done:-(Will have to make do with bidet baths for a bit longer.
Now the chemo stuff!I still have no eyebrows and no underarm hair nearly 2 years post taxotere.The nose thing-dont be surprised if you get bleeding of the nose lining.It is horrid but clears up quickly post chemo.I’ll let someone else do the cooking today as I am very tired.
The Old Onexx

Hi all
I feel like you Mary, so used to being busy and getting up real early, I’m gonna have a big shock when I get back to it…so if you want a hand or two scrubbing and cleaning the bunk house, both mine are on offer!!!..sorry I can’t offer to look after the horses
Blackjack…but I can hardly handle my own hoss …lightening…!!He’s always throwing me off, think he’s more wild than tame!!

Morning Di, hope the fluid gets sorted tomorrow, do you get results then…fingers crossed!!!Morning Angel, morning Carole.

Sure am ready for a fry up!!! Got to see that ornery horse of mine first!!
Helen x

Hey there Old one
sorry yer feeling real tired, I’ll have a go at cookin’ today, but can’t give any promises about it being tasty :frowning: …burnt maybe…
So good luck with the leg cast…catch you later.
Yorkie x

All the best at the doc’s Old one - make sure you rest up properly.
Woke with hair up my nose - not the ones that live there but had obviously inhaled a few off the pillow overnight. Once the D/N has been to look at my chest swelling, I’ll finish the head shave - wouldn’t you just know it would turn cold now !
Best wishes to anyone having any treatment today - Tumbleweed

Hey all,I love cooking so will give you a hand,first off going to make some bread…need to do a lot of kneading to get out my pent up inner anger before my head explodes !

Just opened up an email from someone who’s hubs is friends with my hubs… a blooming chain letter ! GRRRRRR, I hate them at the best of times,this was the usual cr*p of send it to 20 friends within 4 days and you will have good luck ! Just what I need before going for my results on Wednesday…this woman gets my moron of the week award ,I won’t be forwarding it to anyone,and if I do get a rubbish result on Wed and she dares to suggest it’s because I didn’t pass on her stupid e-mail,well think she will be needing more luck than me !

Do you know what the best laugh is… she has actually had breast cancer and I used to think she had a brain in her head. Hmm bit of a misjudgement of character there on my part.

Ooop sorry for letting off steam maybe I’m over reacting but I really do hate the way these letters do the rounds and go on about breaking the chain and all that rubbish. Will get back to my dough bashing…