Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

hi Sandra
I had 2 chain letters sent to me through my e.mail address, but by a friend from work. One of them said to send it to 12 friends within the next 5 minutes…or what!!!..did the same as you and gave it the attention it deserved…ignored it!!!
Bash a little of the dough around for me too…I’m going on a walkabout now to …guess what…yer!..look for that hoss of mine!!!Pesky varmint…run off again…got my hiking boots on…now which direction shall I take??? Save some bread fer me!!!
catch yer later!!
helen x

Hi again…:smiley:

The old one - hope you are getting on okay at the docs…

I’ve got to go for a chest xray and an ECG to see if those show up anything…

Afternoon Riders all,

My turn to sleep in late today as had a couple of friends over yesterday and was pretty shattered by time they left at 9pm.

I feel like I’m in that ‘phony war’ phase again now, cos I’m recovering well from the op but know chemo is lurking around the corner. Focussing on making the most of it - as soon as I’m cleared to drive I’ll be whizzing about taking stuff to Oxfam, the rubbish to the tip etc etc and defrosting then re-stocking the freezer.

So Calam hereby volunteers to keep watch whilst all this here cleanin’ and cookin’ happens. Still a bit too sore on right side to use my rifle, but I’ve been practisin’ with my lasso in my left hand and gettin’ better by the day! If any of them rattlesnakes from the Boss’s place show up today they’ll be a-regrettin’ it…
Hugs to all,

right…cleaning done, all ready, rested this afternoon as it looks like a looong night ahead…mary x

The sound of the landslip rolled round them for what seemed like an hour. Boulders that could smash a leg bounced down the mountain side, dust lifted and roiled and twisted out in a cloud. The five heard it start.

Ride, now! yelled Tumbleweed. The others glanced round, cottoned on to it and dug in their heels. The horses needed no extra telling. They’d already heard it, and they were on the go. Hooves thundered down the canyon, kicking dust and stones in their wake. The Storm Riders rode low and held on.

Runner and Steel pulled up and whirled round, the others following their lead. Sure enough, an almighty landslide had filled the entrance to a narrow, incised cut through the edge of the canyon.

Who’s here? barked Mule, glancing around quickly.

We’re missing Casey, PonchoCat, and Calam, Said Riviera.

They looked back at the landslip that spread at least 30m down the gully.

Anyone know how far behind us they were? asked Blackjack. Tell me they were lagging, tell me they’re not under that.

If they are, said Steel, and didn’t finish as she looked over the slip.

They were way behind, said Riviera. Casey and PonchoCat weren’t riding so good this morning, y’know, after last night. I don’t think they’re under there.

Good. Let’s find a way out then. Said Mule. Tumbleweed, Blackjack, ride on down the gully and see if there’s a way out, will ya. Riviera, Steel and me, we’ll see if this slip’s climbable.

Hmmmph, grunted Steel. Climbable or not, Runner’s not going over that. I’ll go down the gully. And she rode off.

The rest dismounted, let the horses off for a bit, then sat and looked at the landslip.

How high you reckon? Asked Tumbleweed. 10m?

About, said Mule, rooting around in her pocket for any of that chewing gum she picked up in town. And these gully walls aren’t for climbing. Look at them! Couldn’t get much straighter. How’d we end up in here anyway?

Well, if I was a bettin’ kind of gal, I’d say Casey shouted that this was a short cut, mused Blackjack.

She’s in more trouble than a mouse in a pickle jar once we get out of here, grunted Riviera. Look at the dust on me! Ok, Mule, got any coffee in those saddle bags?

The landslip wasn’t going anywhere, so they set a fire and got on with brewing the coffee.

Meanwhile, Casey, PonchoCat and Calam skirted along the mountain edge and the canyon rim looking for any signs of a way into the gully. Nothing. Their friends were either under that or well and truly stuck unless they could find a back way out and over the top. Casey suggested going back to the bunkhouse and finding some lengths of rope, spades, lamps and such. They had to find out, and climbing over the landslip was probably their only way. The three of them headed back.

A mile out, they saw the dust of horses coming towards them. Calam squinted into the sun.

That’s none of our lot, she said. Y’know, I’m not sure they’re altogether friendly. Looks like some of the Boss’s boys.

In goddarn name of the…… Casey swore and slapped her thigh hard. If we didn’t have enough to do. Calam, go right. Skirt through the edge of the mountain trees and get round to the Old One’s. Get the rest and head back here fast as you can.

Calam wheeled right and headed out. Remember the digging kit, yelled Casey.

So now what? Queried PonchoCat. That looks like about ten of them, two of us.

Well, and Casey paused for thought. I could tell ‘em the joke the Old One told us last night, or I could challenge them to a hand of poker. Short of that, what would you suggest, old buddy?

Hmmm, said PonchoCat. How about a game of Chicken?

Casey grinned and wrapped her reins tighter around her hand. She leaned forward and stroked Jet’s neck. How about it pardner, she grinned, You up for a game of Chicken?

Jet glanced back, whinnied and tossed her head. Folly looked sideways, and the two horses nodded in agreement. The Chicken Run was on.

Two Riders, two horses. They looked at the Boss’s boys coming fast towards them, then at each other.

Whaddya waiting for! Yelled Casey, Yeeaaaahhhaaaaa!

Ok ,this is the interactive bit. Lol.

Who’s up for a bad guy ass whupping at the gully, and who’s still recovering from last night’s shenanigans and has to deal with a bad guy bullying of the Old One?

Take your pick, but nobody gets to lie in their bunk! :smiley:

You have till tomorrow night to choose, then Steel decides where you’re going. :wink:

Oh, and I’m getting lost again. There’s so many Storm Riders! Check in and update quickly who’s getting what this week. Hate to miss somebody when they’re about to need full posse support. Anybody mind if we did a quick roll call every so often?

I’ve got nothing going on. Chemo next week.
PonchoCat - picc line - relax, breathe, you will totally sail through it. If you get a chance, what time are you going in? Big time huggy vibes coming your way. Chemo Wednesday, be groovy, it’ll be a blast! :smiley:

Phheewww, looks like I’m doing a catch up here.

Piper! Hey avatar, and looks like you have a poochy pal for company!

Yorkie! Groovy pic. I just love seeing everyone. :slight_smile:

Site did it again and posted me twice. So to use up the space:

"Go Forward With Courage

When you are in doubt, be still, and wait;
when doubt no longer exists for you, then go forward with courage.
So long as mists envelop you, be still;
be still until the sunlight pours through and dispels the mists
– as it surely will.
Then act with courage."

Ponca Chief White Eagle (1800’s to 1914)

Ive been to the mountain
left my tracks in the snow.
Where souls have been lost
and the walking wounded go.
I’ve taken the pain
no girl should endure.
Faith can move mountains
Of that I am sure.

Alison Krauss

i know i have said this before but now it seems more relevant than ever.
any word on Gennie.


gonna be dramatic again

read this and thought oh my god thats so true

Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return."

You find some wonderful pieces Martina. Where’s the smiley for “all warm and fuzzy”?

Gen’s doing fine. Still got 3 days of drug in her to go though.

How are yoooooouuuu? Day 6 of Chemo City. Is it passing?

Evenin’all, just surfaced after a few hours kip as felt pretty low but it’s done wonders and am back fighting! Results day tomorrow so have everything crossed for good news.

Love the latest installment…what a cliffhanger!! Definitely some bad guy ass whupping needed :slight_smile:

What a lovely poem Blackjack, it really reaches the spot.

Di x

Ahem, but you didn’t say which bit of ass whupping you wanted to do? C’mon Storm Rider, enough napping… :smiley: Results day means you step up to the plate and kick butt!

What time’s the appointment. I know I ask everybody, but I try and be around on the vibe plane when you’re going through it. Yes, I know, I’m the weirdo! :smiley:

Here is the names and riders in our posse for the newcomers. you pick an AKA and the name of your horse and then you get included in the story.

Carol AKA Steel/Runs with Lightning
Gennie AKA Riviera Kid/ Flashhear
Martina AKA BlackJack/Jack
The Old One AKA Horace/Kiwi
Mary AKA Poncho-Cat/Folly
Sal AKA Mule/ Cariad
Ros AKA Tumbleweed/Siesta
Jane AKA Casey/Jet
PurplePrincess AKA Vegas Kid/Rocky
Nikki AKA Red/ Breeze
Theresa AKA Calypso/SilverStreak
Rosie AKA Calamity Jane /Valentine
Sandra AKA Scotia /Spirit

We’ve also got Di/Piper and Nell/Yorkie. Not sure if we have horse names, need to go back track on the thread.

yes carol slowly but surely gettin there. actually left the house today for the first time since last tue. like it says in the post, a normal day is so so great after last week.

enjoyed the episode update carol we sure are in a bit of a perdicament or predicament - ok were in a pickle :slight_smile:

keep up the good work


Pickle schmickle. We’ll storm through any sec. Watch this space!

Hi girls
some thoughtful poems and beautiful words happening here Martina and Carole… Makes you think… :slight_smile:

Hey Piper good luck with results tomorrow, hope all goes well for you Rosie…although not sure what quite what happens before chemo.

This next chapter is all action, and I’m all ready for a piece of it,I’m totally ready for those bad guys…just lead me to em!!

Yorkie x

OO…er, what to choose without sounding like a muppet :slight_smile: Could I be Bilbo with Firefoot do you think?

My appointment’s 2.30 tomorrow and there will be some ass whupping if he doesn’t say the right thing!! I’ve got a good feeling, I don’t know why as I feel like c**p but hey we’ll see. It’s a great feeling to think there’s someone on the vibe plain for me…thank you xxxx

Will be sure and race back to camp tomorrow Di xxx