Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Thanks Jane, I’ve thrown the boots over the stables, so bare feet or flats for me come daylight!!!
Catch ya all later x

Late into the saloon and think maybe you’ve all fallen off your stools in a heap? :smiley:
Being a true Somerset lass I’ll stick with ye olds zider and prop myself by the swinging doors keeping my eye out for night raiders.

Sleep well all and will check on y’all at daybreak xxxxxxx

Morning Ladies
Good luck Sandra and Mary for today :slight_smile:
Hope you had a good sleep Carole.
Hi Piper, hope you didn’t guzzle all the zider last night!!! Still you’d have had a good sleep if you have!!!

Hey Jane did you see which way my boots went!!!I need em for a long walk I’m going on today, building up my energy levels for the bad guys!!! I’d ride my hoss lightening, ‘cept he’s run off again…pesky .,;’@%"^&&*. Gonna catch all those ‘rays’ while I can… save some coffee and grits…
catch ya later!!!

thanks nell - trying to keep busy till 1ish when I’ll be heading off to kick some bad ass with my chemo…guns ablazin’…been drinking water +++ and piddling all morning…see y’all later…sandra - pecker up kid…mary x

Good luck Sandra & Mary for today.

I have 2 children home sick today, number one son threw up all over his bed in the night but for once I was able to make hubby deal with it on the grounds that if I catch it I’ll end up in hospital and then there would he be lol. The dog was also sick in the night, what is it with my family?! Daughter is, I think, capitalising on her brother’s illness to scam a day at home as I don’t think there’s much wrong with her in fact. Number 2 son was despatched to school, poor thing.

I started taking my antibiotics 12 hours early last night and one of the things they seem to cover is tummy bugs so hopefully if my Lady Macbeth obsessive antibacterial handwashing doesn’t keep it at bay then I have stuff in my system ready to fight it.

Day 8. What marvellous timing eh? Flipping kids!

Sorry to hear you’ve had a stinker today Gen, and hope kiitenkat gor on OK today with chemo.
I had mine yesterday and felt OK this morning but intended dozing 1/2 hour this afternoon and ended up having 2 hours. On onc’s advice am taking double dose of anti-sick for a few days - let’s see how it goes. Regards, to all Tumbleweed - anyone coming for us up at the gully yet ?

hi gennie nice to see you back. so how come you are prearmed with antibios. i have to jus take it as it comes and worry every time i cough or sneeze am i coming down with something. lol

ros it that your second chemo and i know you have told me before but i was jus startin to get the stats on everyone here and then with havin chemo i went missin a few days and when i return the posse has increased so now im back to square one. anyway i dont think any of us here mind having to repeat things, no one takes it personally it comes with the territory :-).

Mary should be done by now, hope shes gettin on ok.


Martina - I don’t know why but my Onc likes to be extra cautious and prescribe antibiotics to take during week 2 rather than wait for infections to happen. I guess easier to head off at the pass than deal with once they take hold. I’ve also got a week’s worth of anti-fungal meds to take. I suppose Oncs all have their preferred way of working, but I must admit I’m not complaining if it averts a hospital stay.

Plus this is all on insurance so the NHS aren’t bearing the cost, she can be a bit more profligate with medication. On the subject of which, DH’s employers are changing health insurers as from 1 April, I discovered today. Very little in the way of detail so far, so I just hope this isn’t going to throw a spanner in the works. Eeek!!

youre right they all have their own methods. i hate taking antibiotics anyway they dont agree with me its not that im allergic to them or anything just cos other things not to work properly if you know what i mean.

how will you find out about insurance, after all the time it took you getting it sorted and now this. jus keeps gettin better and better.


Yes Martina it was #2 of 4 epirubicin . I was worried they wouldn’t do it as I’ve now been on various anti-biotics for 9 days for an infection in the scar area, and have now been given a further fortnight’s supply. One way of clearing up the mouth ulcers though !

Hi girls
Poor you Gennie, two sick children and a sick dog as well!!! Hope they get better quick!
Hope the chemo went alright Mary!!
Hope that things went ok this afternoon Sandra!
Hi Ros and Martina don’t know about chemo, but hope yours is doing as ok as that treatment can.

Helen x

Hi Guys, sorry to hear you’re having a rough day Gennie, and hope you’re feeling brighter now Storewoman (sorry I don’t know all the names yet). Mary hope your Chemo went okay.

Nell, it’s not long to wait for you now is it, everything crossed for you.

Martina, your posse is certainly growing, there’s strength in numbers and I do feel strong when I read all the Stormriders posts, you’ll need a spreadshhet before long for all the gang :slight_smile:

Hi Piper how are you today…sounds like you stopped up late last night…did you drink ALL the cider!!!or just enough to help you sleep. I had to climb on the stable roof to retrieve my boots back…I threw them there last night…I Went for a long walk today and blow me if it didn’t start to snow!!! Its all melted now…:slight_smile:

I’m waffling a bit, think I’m thinking about Friday more than I thought I was…mmmmm
Helen x

Hello everyone,hope the chemo gang come through all right. Sorry I am needed elsewhere for a while family probs.Love TOOxx

Piper i jus mind the horses and keep a note of everyones names, the storm riders were mates a few weeks before i came along. to put it plainly “am jus a blow in”. but as you can see i was welcomed jus likes all the rest of you. as much as i would like to take the glory for Storm Riders that belongs to Carole, Sal and Gennie. take a bow gals.


Gully rescue coming up shortly! First The Old One needs to deal with her unwelcome visitors. But never fear, Calam is riding fast to fetch help, and Steel is about to give the trapped ones some good news.

Gen, I’d keep playing that “oooh but I might catch something” card till it’s all worn and curled at the edges and the diamonds have worn off. If you can’t beat him at kiddie poker now, when can you! Love the Lady MacBeth. :smiley: Wonder what other Shakespeare works? The Tempest? Lol.

Ah ha! But they’re changing insurers on 1 April. How much of a prankster is DH?

I’m not on antibio or fungal stuff either, just the anti acid meds.

Ooooh, are you getting mouth ulcers Ros? Poor you. My first one showed up at the weekend, but it’s virtually gone now. Hope they aren’t too painful. I’ve got my Bonjela on standby.

Helen, groovy thoughts, chilled attitude kiddo. Channel Yorkie to help you through, and if that fails, just go chase Lightning again. That’ll take your mind off it. :slight_smile:

Don’t worry Old One, we’ll look after the place for you. Hope things are ok.

Thanks for the glory Martina, but in the end the Storm Riders are, as their french cousins like to say “All for one, one for All”. :smiley:

Off for my dinner. Back later.

Why does the site do this!!! Posted me double times again. Sheeesh.

Martina, thank you, thank you. I think it all started not long after diagnosis, when things were all a bit surreal. We started off with the yellow brick road, I seem to remember, but it soon developed into the wild west (probably all that booze over Christmas that did it).

Jane, I’m so glad you had a good day yesterday. It sounds great. Pampering and free booze.:slight_smile: I went to see someone today who runs a support group for those newly diagnosed and I’m going along for my first session next Tuesday. I had never considered it until last weekend, when my reaction to good news knocked me sideways. It looks like there’s the possibility of the odd indian head massage or reiki or such like there too, so here’s hoping. A bit of free pampering is what we all deserve I think.

Gennie, I must say you haven’t got your family very well trained. lol It’s supposed to be you that’s sick and they are supposed to be running around in circles after you, not the other way round. Now which one of the Storm Riders owns the whip, 'cos I think we need to get your family into shape!!! Seriously though, make sure you don’t do too much. Antiseptic wipes are no remedy for tiredness. :frowning:

On which topic, I didn’t get to sleep until 3:30 am last night, so I don’t think it will be long before I get my bed roll out and hit the hay.

Mary, hope everything went ok today. Boy is it hard to keep up with what everyone is doing!!!

Hi everyone - had a quiet day today - infact i went for a nap for 2 and a half hours this afternoon. lol

On a Shakespearean note, the one I keep thinking of today is

“to sleep, perchance to dream”

I wonder why that is?