Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Hi Guys Thanks for all your support for today, I could feel the vibes heading my way.
Got results and good news/bad news I think (?) I had a SNB and he took 3 lymph nodes, evidently one was infected so I have to go in on Monday for some more to be removed to check they are clear, unfortunately another 4 days in hospital. Once the results are back and I’ve recovered from that op then have to start a course of chemo, but have no idea what, when, where, how etc.
I’m thinking it’s good news that ONLY one of the 3 was infected and also bad news that one was infected if that makes sense.
Pee’d off to be going back in as I had an awful reaction to morphine with 2 days sickness but also want to get on with getting this sorted.
Head is all over the place at the moment as I’d convinced myself he was going to say it’s all fine no more treatment, I honestly hadn’t even considered chemo…denial or what?
Pleased to hear everyone else got through today okay too if a little battered and bruised, sorry if I’ve rabbitted - my OH said I get all ‘airy fairy’ at times like these :slight_smile: Hey ho…open the Shiraz methinks!

Hi there Piper
How great of you to pull a positive from a negative so to speak. So sorry that you have to go back in for more stuff done!! Sorry about the chemo too…but there are lots of ladies here that will help you through that one I’m sure.
We’ll all help you whup the bad guys…come and have a tot of moonshine…that’ll help you sleep…
Keep your chin up love
Helen x

hi Piper - mine had 1 node involved but he did a clearance at primary op - took 21 out I found out today, so me too for the chemo…
Its just a pity that you have to go in for more surgery - thats a bu**er…I’ll join you in a virtual tipple as I’d better not have any tonight…being a good girl…
plus - I’m officially a failure - well a picc line one anyway - my vein didn’t oblige so I’m having first dose tomorrow of FEC as apparently vein is ok for the one treatment and then will have a Hickman line 14 days later when my cell count is up…they were lovely at the hosp though so I’m due at 2.30 for chemo tomorrow.
storewonam - have a good sleep and thinking of you and you too Theresa - will be crossing all for you kid…Sandra - good luck for tomorrow too and yes its early yet after your op but rest plenty…mary x

Angel - if your xray was scheduled as an urgent one (which it obviously was as you were seen quickly) then he would say he’d report the results urgently. It doesn’t mean he could see anything, necessarily. I know it’s really hard not to second guess everything everyone says so roll on Friday and fingers crossed for good news!

Piper - sorry you’ve got to go for more surgery, but you sound upbeat about it all (and, as you say, 1 out of 3 is better than 3 out of 3), attagirl!! There’s enough of us going through chemo here so you won’t be alone when it gets going.

With typical immaculate timing, just as my immunity is dipping, one of my boys was sent home from school today with a tummy bug. Eeeeeeexcellent, just what I need, sicky children, no immune system and a hubby who is so deeply embedded in work he won’t surface until round about June time. Think I may start my day 8 antibiotics a few hours early and get them going tonight.

Well Piper, you’ve certainly got the right attitude. It’s a shame you have to have more surgery, but in the long run, you’ll have peace of mind I’m sure. I know what you mean about the morphine. It floored me for two days too.

It’s an eventful week. Good luck for tomorrow Mary and Sandra. And Theresa, there’s lots of positive vibes going your way from this thread. It’s hard not to think the worst I know, but keep the faith as they say!

Storewoman, make sure you get plenty of rest. We need you up at the gully!!

Gen, I so glad your wound is finally healing properly. About time! But yes, kids have the ability to get things as precisely the wrong moment don’t they? I remember my son getting chicken pox on the first day of the summer hols and the day before my daughter’s birthday. I spent all day on the phone saying “if you don’t want your children to get the pox, they’d better not come”. She ended up with only 4 children at her party and she’s never forgiven him! lol (she’s 27 now by the way)

Hey Girls…

Piper, sorry you need to have further surgery. Must have been, bit of a bu!!er to find that out but you seem to be coping with the news well. We’ll all be with you while your back in hospital.

Glad they were able to go ahead with your chemo Storewoman, you just put your feet up now, enjoy Mules stew and have a well deserved rest.

Gen, you seem to be picking up nicely now. Hopefully your boy has just eaten something and hasn’t got a bug after all.

Angel, what Gen says, makes sense. So I’m keeping everything crossed for you that all goes well on Fri.

Loved the poems from last night Blackjack, please keep sharing them with us.

Carole, I’m loving the story and just wish I had your imagination, so I could get more involved. An ass whooping I’m ready for though. Especially after today. I’ve been to my first breakthrough meeting (to anyone that doesn’t know, that’s a positive living program for the next eight weeks) and feel ready for anything. To anybody that has something similar in your area, I strongly recommend it. From the moment I walked through the door, I felt more relaxed than I have in a long time. So no wine for me tonight girls, just pure orange juice and hot chocolate at bed time.

Thanks everyone…:smiley:

I suddenly wondered whether the xray was down as being an urgent one and therefore it was automatic that he said it would be looked at urgently…

Unfortunatly i told my husband though and he hasn’t taken it well…:frowning: i think it is so upsetting as i had one whole week of “normal health” between my skin recovering from the rads and then this starting… it just feels as though since may 27th last year there has always been something happening with me…

Hi Piper
Great news that it was only in one node. Not so groovy that you need more surgery. But as folks are saying, at least once that’s done you have that peace of mind. You’re one heck of a Storm Rider kiddo. You can ride this one.

Theresa, I’m with Gen’s thinking, and now yours. The word “urgent” could just mean urgently reply, not that he saw anything worrying. We’ll be the other side of the landslip soon, never fear.

Mary, keep thinking groovy thoughts and you’ll sail through the chemo tomorrow.

Sandra, everything is crossed for results tomorrow. With the amount of positive energy we’re all generating this week, I’m surprised we need the docs at all! :0)

How you doing Ros? You will observe that I have at last tracked down your name. :smiley: Thought I’d use it to prove I can pay attention. It’s Epi you’re on isn’t it? Then CMF? I didn’t ask, how did the vein investigation go?

Vegas, if you’re out there just now, how’s the TAX going? We’re here to back you up if the bad guys are putting the squeeze on.

Ooooh, bugs on WCB week! You do know how to move in those circles of fate reserved for the truly blessed. lol! Anti-bacterial wipes are the new miracle hand cream. When OH got the sniffles I wiped everything I could conceivably imagine he touched. Got a bit OCD about it for a week, but didn’t catch it. I go round things like light switches, handles, taps etc every couple of days or so now, in a totally un-OCD way I must stress, 'cos I’m not like that. I mean you’d never catch me unplugging all the plugs when I go out, or triple checking the door’s locked. Ooooo no, not me.

Jane, how’s the rad doing? Nicely tanned yet? Hmmm, you’re making me think about this breakthrough thing. We’ve got something called The Haven somewhere near here. I think I’ll inquire/enquire (never know which one)next week. Bit of free spa therapy sounds groovy.

Mule, never tell us what’s actually in that stuff! And if there’s so much as a hint of anchovy in the next bit of cake, well, Steel, Mule, appointment with the creek, and you are so going in fully clothed.

Looks like Determination is going under the snow again. Just looked out and it’s drifting in. Another storm a 'comin. Which gives added interest to the whole gully battle. Watch this space for the next rivetting instalment as the Chicken Run plays out, Steel comes back with news on the gully, the Old One shows she’s got some tricks up her sleeve, and the Storm Riders meet the Boss’s boys head on!

Thanks all - what a great bunch you are, I’d love to partake of the moonshine if there’s any flowing yet, it’s definitely been a helluva day.
Am sending all the positive thoughts I can to those still waiting for results this week, and those having treatments. I know I’m new to you all but feel like I’ve been adopted by a loving family - a slighty mad one but hey, they’re the best ones!! :slight_smile:

Di xx

Sandra/Mary good luck with your results/chemo tomorrow.

Rads are going fine thanx Carole, scar feels a bit lumpy but no tan as of yet, just itch lol. Get to see quack tomorrow but am sure everything is going well.

You should seriously consider the haven thing if its anything like the program I am on, it can do nothing but benefit you. I’m going to have reflexology as my complementary therapy and they have suggested you bring your own music, so that when you play it at home, you can associate it with a time you were really relaxed, which makes great sense to me. The best bit though was the glass of wine they give you with lunch. You know me…hic. Straight after lunch, its shoes off, feet up and guided imagry, where you close your eyes and they take you on a lovely beach walk, while playing soft music. Its a wonder I didn’t fall asleep!!!

Angel, May 27th is a long time to have been struggling with things, so I’m going to muster up all of the possitive vibes I have gained today and send them your way and dont forget theres nearly always one of us here to chat if you need it. (((((((((((big hug)))))))))

The Old One passed Bilbo the cider jug and a plate of thick broth. Bilbo poured a good long drink and passed it over to Scotia who did the same. Scotia, Bilbo, Vegas, Red, Calypso, and Yorkie had no idea as yet that the other Storm Riders had run into trouble at the gully. They ate and joked heartily, and once lunch was over they headed out to take care of some chores for the Old One. Scotia, Red and Calypso headed out with the Old One’s wagon to start on fence repairs in the far field. Bilbo headed up into town to the store, and Vegas and Yorkie headed up to sort out the hayloft now that spring was coming.

The Old One started tidying up the table and setting a stew on the stove for the night’s dinner. She was worried about Bilbo. Bilbo had ridden in a few days ago. Casey and Calypso had found her walking her horse in, both of them looking pretty tired. They’d brought her over here and bunked her down. She’d recovered well after a good night’s sleep and a full belly, but today it looked like a cloud was sitting over her. The Old One fetched down a fresh bottle of whisky. When they all got back in she’d get them sat round the fire. Nothing like a few tots of whisky and some banter to set you right.

She looked up from her tidying at the sound of boots on the veranda. Heavy boots, not her Storm Riders. She moved quietly to the end of the table just as the light from the door was blocked, and two of the Boss’s boys pushed their way in.

To be continued - writer falling asleep!

Sandra, here are some vibes…all good …for tomorrow gal>>>>>>>>>>
Same for you Mary with the chemo>>>>>>>>>>> :slight_smile:
Piper come an have a few slugs of moonshine!! We’ll fall off the stools together!!!

And away from the story as such - hand that moonshine over here too. Steel could slug a couple back with you before hitting the bunk tonight (I wish! lol).

You managing ok about Friday Helen? Nerve wracking time. Good job Yorkie has nerves of steel. :smiley:

Yorkie and Bilbo better avoid the really high stools if you’re going to finish that moonshine. You’ll both be at the Docs with broken bones and bruised heads never mind anything else!

The nap didn’t last - I suddenly feel the need for Domperidone !!!
As the others have already said, chin up Piper - 1 is better than lots and you have to play safe as early as poosible to get any traces of this vile beast out of your system.
The DVT scan last Friday was clear Carole although the GP said it was just superficial phlebitis. It was just easing off but new dose of chemo and it’s gone back to how it was 3 weeks ago - can’t be a coincidence can it ?
Going to bed now to elevate leg ( until the next pink wee )so good luck to everyone having anything tomorrow - goodnight, Ros.
P.S. Think someone may have to drag me back from the gully

Hi there Steel, I have a few flutterings inside when i think of Friday, but I guess that could just be the few slugs of moonshine I’ve had this week …guess I’m getting a taste fer it!!! Maybe you’d better take the jug before I fall off my shoes…did I say shoes…oops! its starting already…nope I meant stool…I think…
Yorkie x

Wouldn’t be surprised if it isn’t a coincidence Ros. I banged my elbow up a bit a while ago, and it was just settling down when I started chemo. Now it’s aching again right into the forearm and upper arm. It dies down a bit as the weeks pass, then comes up again after chemo. My thinking is that the chemo slows down body repair, so it aggravates anything achey you get. At least it’s not DVT. I guess it’s just another small tornado we’ve got to ride round…

Gully dragging noted. :slight_smile:

Night Storewoman, you get a good nights sleep, and keep well away from the gully ya hear!!
Yorkie x

Just how high are the heels on those boots anyway! lol! You’ll do fine Yorkie. Just remember, every situation you face, there’s a line of Storm Riders at your back, guns at the ready, horses set to ride.

Away to hit the bunk.

Sleep well all.

Thems mighty high boots your wearing Nell but hey ho… no worries, we’ll catch you if you fall too hard

The boots are 2inches , obviously too high, will try for flat ones when I drink the moonshine!!!Any hoo I’m fer my bunk too!!
Pleasant dreams all x