Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

The Old One stayed where she was and glanced over at the stew pot. She saw the third one standing on the veranda looking out over the yard. She knew the two that were standing in her kitchen. Mex and Vinnie, not the best the Boss had, but nasty. Vinnie strode round the table, pulled back a chair and sat down.

So, the Boss has known about you for a while old woman. He sneered. Knew what you were as soon as you came in on that clapped out horse and trap of yours. The Boss doesn’t mind as long as you keep your head down. But you’ve got company. More of your kind, and the Boss doesn’t like your kind.

And he spat grossly onto the floor.

Why don’t you give me a bowl of that stew there while I tell you how this is going to play, he said. Mex looked at the stew pot and licked his lips.

Well now, seeing as you’re already sat down, and I never let my guests go hungry, said the Old One, I might just do that.

She stepped back from the table edge and took a spoon to the stew pot. Like seasoning? she asked, and she reached to the shelf above the stove and took down a small pot.

Well don’t mind if I do, said Vinnie. Mex, you like your stew hot dontcha?

The Old One shook a goodly amount from the pot and stirred it in well before ladling out two large bowlfuls. Mex stuck right in, making hideous slurping noises while he did it. Vinnie stirred his bowl and took a spoonful.

Mmm, not bad. Pity you won’t be staying, or I’d drop by every so often.

The Old One watched as Vinnie downed another few spoonfuls. She stepped back towards the table, and in a swift, smooth movement, she pulled the shotgun out from its latch under the table edge and before Vinnie could react she had it at waist level aimed at his chest.

Now, she said, how about you two decide you’re finished and slink back where you came from. I’ll forget this happened, and the Boss can go about his business and leave me and mine alone.

Mex dribbled his last spoonful down his chin. Vinnie snorted and pushed his chair sharply back to show his gun aimed at the Old One.

So what now? he sneered. You got one gammy leg, what say I make it two.

The Old One didn’t budge an inch. She let a small smile curl her lips as she heard a faint thump above her head. She glanced to the window to the third man.

How about I just stand here, she said, and you two leave my kitchen.

Max and Vinnie looked at each other and laughed. For about a second.

An almighty crash sounded just outside on the veranda. They leapt up and whirled round just in time to see Joe’s boots kicking in the air in front of the window, then he dropped heavily to the veranda. His boots showed in the doorway for a second, then slid off to the right. There was an Aaaargh, then silence.

Mex ran to the door drawing his gun. Vinnie, he yelled, Joe’s gone! A pair of booted legs dropped from the roof and kicked Mex hard in the back. He sprawled into the yard and Bilbo dropped lithely from the roof and jumped forward off the veranda landing both feet either side of him. She dropped a knee between his shoulder blades and leaned forward. Gotcha! she breathed into his ear. Winded, Mex could do nothing as she hog tied him in the yard.

Vinnie caught off guard, whirled back round to the Old One, gun raised. The Old One had moved round the table and caught him hard on the chin with the butt of her shotgun. He fell heavily and in total silence.

Vegas and Yorkie dragged Joe back into view, lasso-ed, knocked out, and lined him up alongside Mex. Bilbo dragged Vinnie out down the veranda steps, being none too careful about his head on the way down.

Well, said Yorkie, look what we caught here! Good job the roof’s easy to climb.

I never would’ve thought these guys were such lightweights, said Vegas, Sure didn’t take much to haul him on a rope!

The four Storm Riders looked at each other and laughed.

Ok, said the Old One, best get this rubbish back where it belongs. Tie them to the back of their horses and get them up to the Boss’s place. Oh, and Vinnie, she said,

Vinnie looked blearily up at her from the dirt.

I’m not letting you ride back because I wouldn’t do it to the horses. Just make sure the latrine is yours for the next couple of days. That stew had something extra special in it, just for you.

There was an ominous gurgling from Vinnie and Mex as the Storm Riders tied them off their saddles.

Pheeeeyeeewww! gasped Yorkie as she moved forward and swung up onto her horse. Old One, there had better be a fresh pot of stew on the go. These guys stink!

The Old One chortled and went back in to make a fresh stew. Boy, did that horse laxative come in handy sometimes!

I could do with some of that horse laxative myself, know what I’m sayin?! ;oD

My results were a Grade 2, not wildly aggressive - partly DCIS and partly invasive (more of a grrr than a rarghh), clear margins, no node spread. Oestrogen positive, HER2 negative.

My odds were 75% of getting to 10 years if I stopped at surgery, which some would say is good enough. Chemo increased that to 85%, rads increased that to 90% and then hormone therapy increased it again to over 95%. So my treatment overall gives me 20% in theory - it’s a goodly number I reckon.

They did say, though, that if I’d been 45 chemo wouldn’t have been indicated, presumably because my beast was a grade 2 rather than 3 Carole?

This is all based on statistical models of survival rates for people who were treated years ago of course. Treatment has improved so much over the last few years that you’ve got to wonder how accurate these predictions are, but I guess it’s all they’ve got to go on. If anything the odds must be better than the historical stats suggest. I bl@@dy well hope so!!

Just to add - all of this 10 years business - I’m jolly well hoping to make it way past my early 50’s!!! That’s not good enough for me at all.

well im 46 on monday and had no nodes involved, clear margins and ER negative. 89% without chemo - with chemo another 3.3%, really having doubts now after first dose whether its worth it. they said decision was mine. wish they had just said do or dont, how in hell am i supposed to know, ok its sounds very innovative to ask the patient but knowing whats the best way forward is what makes them the doctor and me the patient.

like you say gennie the stats have prob changed now so who knows what my % is. gonna have a long think about this. i know its no ones decision but mine. not a quitter but i have to live with the decision not the docs.


Yup, that what I’d go for Gen. Grade 3 is automatic chemo no matter what - I was just messing about up there.:smiley:

And agree also on this survival rate thing for 10 years. I think those are the studies they’ve got to go on and they only cover 10 year studies, and they’re probably out of date. Unless the great Sod of Law decides I’m in his path, I intend to be around for many moons past my mid 50s. I mean, I’ve got to have time to let Colin Farrell reach a more acceptable age (although he looks darn cute at 33 it must be said, but 43 would feel less like cradle robbing), appreciate the older woman (add another 5 years), then engineer a meeting (possibly take even longer).

PrUUUUUUUUUUnes, Wonderful Pruuunes!

Martina, thinking about it, they should take this decision if you ask them to, or at least say that they don’t think you need it, based on your questions, but if you want it you can have it. That would be a bit clearer.

Rosie, is it today or tomorrow for your Onc appointment? If it’ today, good luck, if it’s tomorrow, good luck sent for the future and more tonight. :slight_smile:

Hmm survival rates…

with all the problems i have been having with my chest i looked up some more stuff on IBC at the weekend… wish i hadn’t if anything the survival rates were worse than i realised and those were recent studies…

so i guess the only thing i can do is see what happens and hope for the best…

Babies a bit better today so have popped in to get that new pot bubbling.The other hormone they check for is progesterone if you are hormone neg they tend to go for chemo anyway as you have no backup.My surgeon said the 10yr survival thing was 'at least’not ‘at most’.My stats were 70% with just surgery then up to 85% with chemo and rads.The tumour was grade 2 2cm triple negative.Loved the story Carole love.Will be back properly soon.
The Old Onexx

Morning all
wow, what a lot of stuff to assimilate!! I take it that this is some of the things you were told at your results appointments…mmmmmm
Interesting statistics…think I’m gonna spend the day,on the computer sussing out whats what, information, treatment and questions wise…It’s time to do that now…

Hey Angel , I can only say we are all different, so even if you are looking at statistics, we are all individuals, and as individuals we can always be the exception to the rule…don’t get down …

Hey Carole…way to go…great installment. Loved how the Old One dealt the bad guys their deserts…so to speak :slight_smile: I guess all that roof climbing came in handy for Yorkie too!!

Hey Old One a little hug for the little one…glad he’s better today!

Helen x

Hi CaroleD, where did you get that information that grade 3 was automatic chemo no matter what? i was diagnosed less than two years ago at the age of 44yrs, strong family history of cancer i was a grade 3 with possible vascular invasion seen, the tumour was invasive with an area of high grade DCIS around it also it was very high for oestrogen and progesterone, no lymph involvement, i was told that i didn’t need chemo. i think treatment differs from each pct, well at least mine, i still haven’t met anyone with a grade 3 that didn’t have chemo! mind you, the onc did have me down as a grade 2 due to a typing error on the histology, but even when the bc nurse corrected him, he still said i wasn’t getting chemo, maybe i was the budget saving that year!

O.M.G. ! Have come down to earth with a bump from good news of yesterday as my boob has literally exploded ! Not a very nice sight or smell I can tell you,so I’d better stand down wind from you all for a while… I now know why it felt so sore and swollen,all that joogling about on trip back from hosp must have been the last straw Ah well, better out than in as my granny used to say ! been to docs for copious dressings and some antibiotics that look fit for the horses ! At least haven’t got a temp and don’t feel too rubbish at the mo,hopefully will knock it on the head before it gets into my system. So true …no one said it was going to be easy !

Hope you are feeling ok Mary after your chemo yesterday, hope you not stressing out too much Rosie or Helen re your appointments tomorrow.
Sorry,no hugs for you all today as I’m stinking and still oozing !

Sandra x

One step at a time Theresa, don’t go jumping ahead.

Glad Edward’s looking better. You must have been feeding him some of your delicious home cooking. :slight_smile:

Hi Alison. Surgeon told me. It all gets very confusing as there are stages and grades apparently as well as your family history and age. The stage is the size and spread. Mine was 3cm no spread. The size made it a stage 3 and the aggressive bit was Grade 3. With size and aggressive, and throw in my pre-menopausal state, and my hospital put me straight to chemo, no arguing. If it had been less than 2cm but with lymph node or aggressive or all three, I would also have gone to chemo. No lymph, less aggressive, less than 2cm and they would have considered chemo but not necessarily gone that route. It totally depends on your own particular case I think. Looks like you were in the “will we, won’t we” category. :slight_smile:

Eeewwww, nice image Sandra! :smiley: At least you’ve got it seen to quickly. Take it easy there for a while. Maybe it was the fencing you’ve been doing for the Old One? Hmmm, best have you riding slowly for a bit I think. Back of the bunk house for you tonight, Lol!

How are you feeling today Mary? Hope it isn’t knocking our PonchoCat too far sideways. :slight_smile:

nell dont dig too deep cos too much info can actually scare you and you really dont need that. if i had any questions i jus asked on here cos you always got an honest reply and you usually discover that everyone has a different story so you realise that there are no set rules. when you get your results they will explain what each result means to you and the treatment they want you to have. honestly nell, you have given good advice to angel, you are you and your journey is your journey, i think you should just learn about each step as you come to it, dont go looking too far ahead cos the road might look to long. you seem to be a positive person, keep that up and you will be jus fine. dont mean to preach, but there is such a thing as too much info:-)


Way to go Old One!! You gave those boys a good whupping - I knew you were a tough old bird! Don’t worry about going off to visit your brood. I’ve got the cooking covered - although Steel might not be too pleased about that. You know we are all sending good vibes to the little one. The good thing about babies/children is that they generally recover quickly. Look after yourself.

Sandra, I’m so pleased for you. Great results. I hope you manage to avoid chemo like me and Casey. It makes me glad to be 52:) Still waiting for the appointment with the onc. BC nurse tells me the 8-10 week wait for rads goes from when I see him/her, so I hope it’s soon.

Statistics … who was it that said there were lies, damned lies and statistics? The 5 year/10 year thing is wierd isn’t it? It’s not just that treatment has improved is it? I wonder what your 10 year survival rate would be without bc? I mean, it wouldn’t be 100% would it? Because someone in your age range is going to die within the next 10 years. How many people die for other reasons between, say, 52 and 62? You could be run over by a bus or whatever. It would be interesting to have that figure for comparison’s sake wouldn’t it? What I’m saying Theresa is, whatever the stats say, laugh in their face and ignore them.

By the way, I seem to remember Casey was one of the original Storm Riders too. (Named after Casey Jones the railroad train driver and if you can remember that tv programme, you’re probably as old as me!)

Gen, try a couple of hands full of raisins. They can be quite effective at getting the system moving, if you know what I mean.

Spoke to bc nurse today about lack of movement in the shoulder. She’s going to refer me for physio. I thought I’d seen the last of that department. I should have left my bunk there permanently. After 2 and a half years of hassle, I had my last physio 2 days before my first appointment at the breast clinic and I walked down the corridor thinking “I’ve just got to get this little misunderstanding with the breast screening people sorted out and then I’m out of here for good. Whoopie.” How wrong you can be…

Just seen your latest post Sandra. Ouch! Take care and let the drugs do their work.

Hi there Martina
I have just done about half hours catch up on info ‘getting’, but for the most part, its what I’ve learnt while I’ve been on this site…I usually have kept to the stage I’m at , cos it makes sense.
Really it was a refresher course about what I do know to keep it clear in my head…but not bothering with any more…don’t think I have to when there are you lot to answer any questions I forget to ask. Thanks!!
Sandra …well what can I say…exploding boob…unique girl!!!
ps hope it settles down soon, give it the pampering it needs!

catch ya all later…my son has just made me dinner…er cous cous!!
Helen x

Hi all

Cripes, there’s been a lot happening,that will teach me not to log on for a few hours, won’t it? I’m typing this very quietly so as not to wake those trying to get much needed kip…

Fascinated by the chemo yes/no discussions,as I’m 52 and mid-menopause, the lump was grade 2, 2.1cm but HER2 positive. Now have an interesting set of questions to take along to my first Onc appt tomorrow morning, so I’ll report back Fri aft.

Hugs all round - glad cyberspace doesn’t have odour capabilities (yet) :wink:

Rosie dear if you are HER2 positive they will probably give you chemo cos most places wont give Herceptin unless you have chemo.

Hey Rosie, good luck with your appointment tomorrow! I’m 53yrs old and been going through the menopause several years now…and then some…so I find it all 'fascinating ’ too!!!

Had some trouble getting on to the site…they must have been doing some maintenance!!!

Helen x

Hey the time on my previous post is wrong…its an hour ahead…duh…some maintenance…

Hi everyone…:smiley:

i couldn’t get on for ages either…

don’t worry i am normally a positive person :smiley:
oh no for the exploding booby…:frowning: hope the abs soon knock out any nasties…