Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Sandra my boob exploded too, although it wasn’t infected. Quite alarming isn’t it?! You might find, if you are going to have chemo, that it delays it a bit because the scar will have to heal itself all over again. Mine is only just about there now, it’s a bloomin nuisance isn’t it? I bet it feels better now all that goo is out though!!

Well either I have the tummy bug or the antibiotics are upsetting my stomach, because I’ve had the runs and feeling a bit sicky today. No fever though, so I suspect more likely anti-b’s than bugs. Sam tells me he had 100 bugs in his tummy and now he only has 97 so that’s good to know. At least it’s cleared the block anyway and I’ll shop for prunes prior to my next dose of poison. I always find dried apricots upset my stomach too, much as I like them, so assorted dried fruit will be eaten copiously next time!

Sal you are so right on the odds thing. When I was told my odds were over 95% if I go the whole treatment route I thought well that’s as much as anybody could say really - nobody can be 100%. I always take statistice with a large pinch of salt unless they work in my favour, in which case they are gospel truth. :smiley: :smiley:

Carole - re the stage thing, I wasn’t told my stage but from looking it up I reckon ours would have been the same stage - between 2cm and 5cm with no spread appears to be Stage 2a from everything I’ve read. It’s all very confusing.

On the “to chemo or not to chemo” issue I do find this discussion very interesting. I’ll add my thoughts on it, but they are entirely personal to me. I discussed it with my family beforehand and we decided that, even if I wasn’t offered chemo, I would ask for it if that was possible. I know it really REALLY sucks, and I’d probably be wavering in that resolve right now if I were in your shoes Martina, but for me I only want to do this once so I’m throwing every weapon in the arsenal at it to give myself the best chance of that being the case. I know there are no guarantees and I guess it also depends on how much of a worrier you are. For me, every little twinge or ache at the moment has me worrying if the bgger has somehow managed to seed itself elsewhere. The fact that I’m having chemo to (hopefully) kill off anything that has managed to go astray and is merrily multiplying anywhere else is reassuring to me. I don’t think I’d have a moment’s peace without it, but that’s just my own personal opinion and I wouldn’t for a moment to presume to say that anyone who holds a different view is wrong.

Here endeth the lesson. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

In other news, we have establishhed that the new health insurers have said they will continue with my chemo at home so it’s just a case of sorting out the admin. And we all know what a cinch that was don’t we ladies?!! Ha ha. I’ll get on the phone to them tomorrow I think and make sure it’s all good to go for a smooth transfer on 1st April.

I treated myself to some lovely Lush bath goodies the other day and had a lovely long hot bubble bath earlier. If any of you haven’t come across Lush products yet, look them up and treat yourself, they are …well…lush. :smiley:

God, I do go on don’t I?! :smiley:

Do you know what girls…As far as treatment goes, I think it all depends on what part of the country you live and what doc you get. I’m not saying grade and stage have nothing to do with it but I do think where results are concerned, if they are the same/similar to someone else’s it depends where you live. I think we can all read to much into things and worry our selves silly.

I have not found one other person yet, who has lymph involvement and is not having chemo. Like Gen, I’m a worrier and have been driving myself mad over this. So at rads appointment yesterday, I got to see onc and demanded to know why I was not getting chemo ( I’m 44 by the way and was told by my surgeon because of this, I would probably get chemo regardless of results) onc asked me what I thought was the most effective treatment for cancer. Logically, I knew it would be surgery but replied chemo. Ha No your wrong was his reply. First its surgery, then rads then hormone treatment and chemo last. Now I bet if you all ask your onc the same question, you’ll all receive a different reply. He did reassure me with other gobble de gook as to why I was not getting chemo. As I have said before, we just have to trust the experts, even if they are all different. lol

Back later to chat

gennie - I think you summed me up there too with the chemo - initially my cons said prob just get it out then rads and then I thought why no chemo - is it cost, my age, what?? Anyway, had one node involved so down the chemo route and he said the chemo & rads would boost prognosis blah blah blah…mary x

hi jane - did you have nodes involved? Sorry, I’m sure you’ll said loads of times but the ole head 's not keeping stuff safe…

Hi Mary… yeah I had 2 nodes. Hope your feeling ok after your first lot of chemo.

Sandra great results, sorry about the boob though. How is it today?

Glad baby is on the mend Old One. Its so worrying when they’re so tiny.

Rosie, positive vibes coming your way for tomorrow. Have you kicked the fags yet?

Mule, so sorry your having probs with your shoulder but your a tuff rider and am sure it wont be too long before your on the mend. And great news about the support group, if its anything like the one I’m going to, you’ll get lots of benefit.

Gen there’s no shame in asking for help and you seem to live in quite a close nit community. If your not feeling too good and the children are poorly too, I’m sure one of your friends would be only to happy to help. One of the ladies at my group has young twins and a toddler too, she was saying how hard it is even when your feeling well. If I was closer I would be round there myself to give you a hand. Am not doing too bad for fatigue on day 8 of 19. Just Itccccccccchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyy. lol

I think we’re all agreeing on the stage/grade/treatment thing - it can be really inconsistent. In the end, you said it Jane, you have to trust the “experts” when they can’t come up with anything new to tell you. I didn’t know that about the chemo coming after rad. I’m definitely going to test that one out on my onc when I see him next.

I’ve got a twinge obsession too. I’m trying to avoid thoughts of ovaries and bowels, and I just opened a magazine and what have they got? Articles on ovarian and bowel cancer and I’m convinced I have both now. You can’t win! :0)

Good news on the insurance Gen. I tried Lush stuff a while ago, but as I haven’t got a bath at the moment I’ll have to postpone a repeat of the treat. I also had the runs with anti-biotics a couple of years ago. It got so bad I just gave up after 3 days. You can probably get another kind easily enough. Does Sam own his own endoscope perchance? :smiley: I just love how simple life is at that age!

Not so good news on the shoulder Sal. Is it the same shoulder you damaged a couple of years back?

Yep, Casey was one of the originals too, with Ponchocat and Blackjack coming along pretty soon. Steel is delighted to have Mule doing the cooking. She’ll just take a little taste at the beginning of everything before chowing down. It was that desert lizard in cactus sauce that did it way back when we were making the crossing. Everyone was hungry, ingredients were limited, everyone thought Mule was a genius at finding enough for a meal, and it did have a certain chewy meatiness in amongst the rather slimey yet strangely spikey juices. Steel never quite got over that one! :smiley:

How are you holding up on the chemo Mary? You sound good. And you Ros?

Best of luck tomorrow with your chest results Theresa. Humungous amounts of positive energy waves flowing your way. And you too Helen. Whatever the outcome you can see it through, and we’ll be here. And Rosie, if tomorrow is onc appointment day, hope he/she takes it easy on you with the planning. :0)

Gully episode coming up.

Jane, you are absolutely right about differing opinions. I guess it’s because, despite what we would like to believe, medicine is not an exact science. And everyone of us is different, with a different problem, a different physical reaction to perhaps the same thing, a different approach. I don’t want to sound too airy fairy here, but at the end of the day, we are in the lap of the gods so to speak. Although I do think we can affect our outcome by our attitude and we DO have attitude on this thread! :smiley:

Yeah, same shoulder Carole. I knew it would be a problem. The physio I spoke to said some people get trouble with adhesions on incision sites and I know I’m that sort of “sticky” person. I’ve got a cute little dimple on one of the keyhole incision sites from shoulder surgery and my shoulder got frozen, so I’m guessing that’ll be part of the problem.

Now, Lush. Probably luvverly stuff, but can’t stand the smell of the shops enough to go in one! Too strong by half. I might just wait to see the “Grow your own drugs” prog on BBC 2 on Monday, when the guy is apparently making his own bath bomb:) Could be interesting.

On the menu tonight. Groundhog pie with bourbon gravy, I thought. Followed by … oh hell, it’s got to be chocolate. Can’t be bothered with anything else - I’ve been on the red wine!! Cheers;/

Thanks Carole! Well I’m all ready for whatever they want to throw at me tomorrow…bring it on…I think!! :open_mouth:

Good luck to you too Rosie and Theresa with your meetings!!
Hope chemo is still going ok for you too Mary! And Ros!

Hey Piper, are you getting yourself prepared for Monday! Better not have too many slugs of cider…oh what the heck…one or two won’t do any harm…I had my first glass of wine last night in 3weeks, hoping it would help me sleep…I was awake at 3am reading my book very very quietly so I didn’t wake my hubby! It always gives me ‘hot feet’ too…uncomfortable…but sometimes worth it!!!

In fact I think thats where I’m gonna be tonight! Propping the saloon bar up,…so hey anybody wanna join me, you sure are welcome!!!

Hey I think that gremlins have been messing with this site all day. Its taken a couple of hours for it to get up and running again!!!
and that has just been tonight!!

Any hoo Riders, I’m fer an early night, think I’ll miss the moonshine tonight and crawl into my bunk, get a goodnights shuteye!!!
Catch ya all later!!!
Helen x

Hi everyone - just had a really quiet day doing the bare minimum other than taking tablets and eating followed by long periods of staring at the walls and/or TV - guess it’s that time of the chemo.
I was really surprised when the surgeon told me the chemo and rads could give me another 10 years - just ahows how naive I was that the surgery would be it over and done with.
Even though I’ve already reached 62, there are still a list of things and places I want to tick off my list before I shuffle off, so it’s not getting me yet.
Nothing much is registering today so sorry if I can’t remember who’s had what done - just best wishes to all and goodnight, Ros.

Mornin’ Y’all!

Couldn’t get on the site at all yesterday so hope everyone who had ‘things’ going on got on okay, and you’re all feeling well today.

Good luck for today Helen, will be thinking of you and hoping it all goes well…plenty of positive vibes heading your way from the West Country :slight_smile:

Di xxx

Good luck Helen and Theresa for today. Loads of ++++ vibes coming your way from Suffolk. Is there anyone else being tampered with today, I’m losing track.

hey peeps - helen - sending good positive vibes your way kid for today xx and anyone else with thinga a-waiting too - head like a sieve and all that!! mary x

hi ros - what did you have chemo wise and what day are you - hey just thought this site has a unique asnswer to “what’s your poison?”!! mary x

Morning girls
Thanks all for the positive vibes…going to wrap them up and take em with me this morning!!! Good luck Theresa…
Will catch you all later!

Helen x

All the very best for today nell(((((00000)))))

Hope all goes well for Helen and Rosie today, am just back from nurse with wads of wads,or should that be pads…feel like a cow that has just been milked…oooh is that too much info…sorry.Feel a bit better for it anyway so that can’t be bad.

Just sitting watching the daffodils nodding in the breeze, very therapeutic…zzzzzzzz catch up later.

Sandra x

Morning Mary - had #2 epirubicin on Tuesday p.m. and so far it’s been a lot better that #1, probably because other things have healed a bit and I can now sleep on one side since the Hickman line wound has settled - isn’t it amazing how such a small thing can be appreciated ( any improvement has got to be a good one ).
Am now on day 4 and have managed to avoid 3 of the problems I had last time so I feel a bit more confident.
The neighbours have gone AWOL again but at least I’ve got phone numbers for our local support group now as well as the Rapid Response Team if any things goes badly wrong.
Best wishes to all , Ros.
Anyone know a good typing and spelling school - I think that’s 4 times I’ve had to check this for mistakes

Hi everyone…:smiley:

No calls yet - but the breast cancer did say the results probably wouldn’t be on the system until the afternoon…

Helen - hope all is going well this morning - hugs x