Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

So brave Gen, take it easy now. We’ll keep the fire burning, make sure your warm and cozy. we’ll not give you grits tonight just hot chicken soup build your strength back up.

Take care xx

Sal, Rosie, good vibes being sent your way for tomorrow. We’ll be thinking of you all day. Take it easy, sleep well, think happy thoughts.


Gen, that was some day and you sound so cool about it! Quite impressive (or maybe that’s just the drugs??) How long do have the portacath in for? For the duration of your chemo?

Well, Steel, how well you know me already! When I read the “I can get up myself” bit I roared. Have you been stalking me? Great chapter.

Went to see my GP today. Thought I’d just touch base with her, as I’m new to the practice and don’t know anyone there. She was really good and said she was quite happy to sign me off for the duration of my treatment. My job’s so physical, you’re not much use if you’re not fully fit. So, I’m gonna be a lady of leisure. Oh yeah, and broke - just SSP for me.

I’m off to pack my saddle bag too. And I’m singing The Doors…“Riders on the Storm”

Riders on the storm
Riders on the storm
Into this house we’re born
Into this world we’re thrown
Like a dog without a bone
An actor out on loan
Riders on the storm

There’s a killer on the road
His brain is squirmin’ like a toad
Take a long holiday
Let your children play
If ya give this man a ride
Sweet memory will die
Killer on the road, yeah

I know, I’m showing my age now, cos I remember this like it was yesterday. But it’s got to be our theme tune, don’t you think? I’ve just downloaded it and put it on my ipod ready for tomorrow.

Lightening strike, here I come.

Mule x

sal & rosie - take it easy girls, we’re keeping watch tonight - just hope we don’t fall asleep with this cosy fire…mary x

ps thinking positive thoughts for you both tomorrow xx

Portacath can stay in indefinitely Sal, some people have them for years. So long as it doesn’t get infected, that is (think nice, clean thoughts for my right top half ladies - he was pouring antiseptic over me like it was water!), and the good thing is I don’t have to keep going to have it flushed through regularly (as you do for lines where the tube comes out of the skin). The plan is to leave it in until chemo is done and then take it out - a much simpler procedure apparently.

Perfect choice of song there Mule, I can hear it in my head. The storm idea reminds me of another song, particularly the lightning strike bit - Sometimes by James. Here tis:

There’s a storm outside, and the gap between crack and thunder
Crack and thunder, is closing in, is closing in
The rain floods gutters, and makes a great sound on the concrete
On a flat roof, there’s a boy leaning against the wall of rain
Aerial held high, calling “come on thunder, come on thunder”

Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul
Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul

It’s a monsoon, and the rain lifts lids off cars
Spinning buses like toys, stripping them to chrome
Across the bay, the waves are turning into something else
Picking up fishing boats and spewing them on the shore

The boy is hit, lit up against the sky, like a sign, like a neon sign
And he crumples, drops into the gutter, legs twitching
The flood swells his clothes and delivers him on, delivers him on

Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul
Sometimes, when I look deep in your eyes, I swear I can see your soul

There’s four new colors in the rainbow
An old man’s taking polaroids
But all he captures is endless rain, endless rain
He says listen, takes my head and puts my ear to his
And I swear I can hear the sea

Somtimes, when I look in your eyes I can see your soul
(I can reach your soul)
(I can touch your soul)

Lol! I remember Riders on the Storm too. Maybe not like yesterday, but definitely last week. The first two lines have been running round in my head for weeks. Must get it downloaded too. Yup theme tune it is!

That James song’s great Gen. I don’t know James at all. I’ll have to look him, her, them out. I guess it’s a boy? I’m starting to get envious of your port Gen. If you’re in for the long haul like us it does seem a pretty good way to go. I’ve got 11 stabbings and bloods to do yet.

Mule, Calamity, you’ll be getting prepped for the Doc’s table by now I think. Thinking about you. See you when you wake up.


Ahhh songs; being an Old One my thoughts drift to the Ghost Riders in The Sky-thats what you look like through the clouds of dust as you ride by my porch.It was good to see so many of you come by.Thanks for the brandy you sent over-it sure warmed the cockles of my heart.Keep your spirits up and go on supporting each other,you are an amazing bunch of comrades in adversity.
The Old Onex

heck Old One - once that leg of yours is sorted then you’ll no doubt join us - for encouragement and experience…xxmary

Sal, Rosie, hope it went well today. Let us know how you are when you can.

Gen, how are you today? Thinking about you and guessing you might be a touch sore today. Hope not, but keep resting up anyway.

My computer hard drive is starting to pack up. I’m hoping it’ll last the weekend so I can get it repaired while I do the chemo next week, but if I disappear suddenly for two or three days, it’s just that. No computer, no internet access.

Just in case it goes on me soon, Martina, next Tuesday, try not to worry too much about the chemo. The nurses are great and will take very good care of you. You might have a wait on your first dose, so take a good book, wear comfy clothes, even consider a cushion. No kidding. If you can’t go for a walk or go to the shops if you have a big wait, you’ll need it! Most importantly, take water. Drink as much as you can before you get it, and start drinking again as soon as you’re done. The more hydrated you are the easier the whole thing is and the better you’ll feel afterwards. Keep up the water intake, at least 2 litres, for the next 10 days or all the time if you can. Water, herb tea, water with a splash of cordial, but try and avoid tea and coffee. You’re system will tell you it wants water anyway while the drug’s in you. If you don’t drink enough any side effects will feel worse. I’m going to try 2.5 to 3 litres this time. I managed 2 the last time, and I think I still needed more. The chemo really dries you up. Take a large glass to bed with you each night and when you wake up in the night, drink it. Hope that helps. If the computer stays with me, I’ll be around if you want to ask anything else before going in.

hi carol
thanks for info. will bring plenty of water.
dont talk to me about computers, took my kids laptop apart today and then put it back together with a few screws left over! no joy anyway, have to take it to get it fixed, hate doing that cos im a computer nerd and i fix other peoples computers but cant fix theirs. hate to be beaten… by anything:-).

hope everyone else is doing ok. talk to you all soon.
take care

Evening Ladies

Yup I am pretty sore today, it’s hard to turn my head to the left so not been able to drive and to be honest, weirdly, it’s more sore than the whacking great slice in my boob was on day 2. Ah well, it’ll pass. It’s a bit odd though - so far as I know nobody is checking it, I’ve got dressings on and I don’t know how long to leave them on for. Bit of a communication failure there methinks!! I’m in on Monday anyway so I’ll get somebody to have a look at it then.

Oh the plus side, having monitored my own blood pressure at home for the last 2 weeks, I saw my GP this morning and she says it’s fine so I can stop taking the medication. Keep an eye on it and if it drifts up again phone for a repeat prescription, but if not it looks as if it was all stress related. Fingers crossed.

I think I might start stockpiling water. Our tap water tastes vile and 2 - 3 litres is more than the chiller can cope with! Good tip to drink loads before the chemo, I’ll remember that.

Mule and Calamity - I hope you’re both home by now and resting up. Or if not home yet, asap tomorrow. Let us know how it went and how you are when you can, been thinking of you both lots today.

Gen x

P.S. James is a “them”. They were big in the 90’s, had a few hits. You’d probably recognise some of them if you heard them.

If only you were here with a spare hard drive Martina!

Thought you might be a bit achey Gen, but up and getting on with in true Storm Rider style! I reckon your bp was stress. Not exactly a lazy day on the beach recently. You sound a lot more relaxed these days, if relaxed is the word for any of us. Bet you don’t need anymore meds. Hey, if we have to buy anymore equipment (I’ve got bp monitor too) we can set up our own clinic after this. :smiley:

Have you tried a water filter jug? Our water is from a spring, and although it tests as drinkable it has a sediment load that clogs the kettle up. I got a filter jug which is brilliant, and makes it taste better. Cheaper than loads of bought water and filters bacteria, wierd metals and all sorts.

Ah, the 90s, my “I’m dropping out of society” period. That’s why I’m not clued up on the music. Still not actually. I think I’m getting old.

Another couple of chemo tips for you both. Be careful in the few days before chemo and afterwards with nicks and scratches, even cracked lips. They won’t start healing properly, even gum things, till the drug’s out of your system, which is mildly annoying. Also, be rigourous in your skin care. One, you’ll be dry as a bone, so loads of moisturiser, in particular hands, face, neck, decolletage, but all over helps too. The water helps with that. Two, keep up a gentle exfoliation, including decolletage and back. I got spotty and they wouldn’t go. I wondered if cell renewal slows up, so I’m going to try very gentle exfoliation every day this time and see what happens. I say gentle because your skin will be dry and maybe a bit more sensitive.

Last update on the chemo front. Day 17, still got hair but it’s coming out steadily and I wouldn’t now go out without a hat. I think the upper lip hair is moving, but eyebrows, lashes, and general body hair is firmly in place, apart from the bikini. Also feeling totally normal the last few days, just a tiny bit more tired by late afternoon that I would usually be.

Howdy Ladies, can I join you on your road to Determination? I promise to do my fair share of the chores! I enjoy cooking perhaps I can help with the catering by the camp fire!

My treatment is 4 FEC 4 TAX, mastectomy then rads. I have had the 4 FEC and start on the dreaded TAX next Friday.

Vegas kid

Howdy Vegas Kid and welcome. The more storm riders the better, especially those promising to do chores. We need a good cook because all we have eaten for weeks is those bloody grit things.

Carole, just want to wish you well for your next chemo. I know its not till next week but you mentioned something about your hard drive and I wanted you to know I’ll be standing by you, gun loaded, ready to help fight the baddies.

Been thinking about you too Sal and Rosie. Hopefully you will be home today, resting up and feeling one step closer to the other side of town.

How are you Gen? hope the portacath is starting to settle down now. I must have lost track somewhere. What are you in on Monday for? Is it your chemo?

Cassey x

Thanks Casey! Hard drive’s holding up so far, so hopefully I’ll be posting till I take it to the computer hospital on Monday. I won’t get it back till Wednesday, so if I do suddenly disappear, best of luck with the rad planning appointment that day. How’s your arm for holding above your head for half an hour? Keep doing the stretches.
While they’re doing your tattoos get them to turn one of them into a lightning flash. Mule started the thought about lightning and I thought it could be our Storm Rider insignia that we all wear somewhere about us. Oooh, just had a real life thought. When the infection wariness bit is over I might consider actually getting one - lightning flash through an SR or something. Then again, maybe not. Hmmmm, will ponder that for the duration.

Hey there Vegas Kid. Excellent that you’re half way through the chemo, bummer that you have Tax next week, fantastic that you only do 4 rounds! Every step is a step towards that Border crossing and the all clear. Ride on in and grab a drink at the saloon with us. Lots of fun to be had soon taking care of the bad guys. :0)

Feeling a bit less sore today, in fact it’s itching if anything which is probably a good sign. I was fit enough to drive to see the wiggy people in town this afternoon anyway. Have selected 3 possibles to try, but they have to be ordered so won’t be here for a week or two. Didn’t really like any of them much. Hey ho, I don’t think I’m going to be a wig person but if one’s being offered free I’m not turning it down.

Appointment on Monday is for bloods and to see the Onc to decide when chemo will start. Probably the week after. Boo. Hiss. And yet, strangely, also hurrah.

Welcome to our merry band Vegas Kid. There’s strength in numbers so all comers are welcome!

I’m liking your tatt idea Steel. Really liking it. I keep thinking I fancy a tattoo, just a tiny one, but never had the nerve and it seemed a bit frivolous. A tiny lightning flash as a badge of honour and survival seems a bit more meaningful. I too shall ponder that…

Hope the hard drive holds up til Monday.

Sal and Calamity - hope you are ok ladies, we’re all waiting to hear how you are. :slight_smile:

well, I think I’m gonna take a quiet ride for a while yet - at least I’ve got used to my horse (thanks Blackjack for the help) - as It looks like I have a bit more infection come back but at least not in either scar area but at the bottom of my axilla/armpit area, noticed a red area this morning after getting dried from the shower so off I went to collect more sweeties from the doc - nice. Hey ho, I’m being positive though otherwise it’d drive me do-lally, sorry I’m forgetting myself I’m do-lally already…:wink:
mary x

Hi y’all!

Just to let you know that pesky sherriff finally let me out of the town jail at 10.45 this morning - feel pretty good so far and in no pain (except for the expected sore throat from the anaesthetic - memo for those not yet at op stage - good idea to take some boiled sweets in to hosp with you to ease this.)

Envying Kittenkat her poncho, wouldn’t want to try getting my buckskin jacket on just yet (but physio exercises will sort that out).

Will probably stay holed up in this cave i’ve found for a couple of days yet, but will be back in the saddle as soon as I can.

Yee Haa!
Calamity Jane

Calamity J - I have a spare poncho with your name on kid so that’ll be a bit easier - glad I’ve got mine too at the moment! Mary x