Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Take it steady Calam. No rush to get back in that saddle, just snuggle up in that poncho for a few days and get yourself well. We’ve got your back ;o)

hey all

purpleprincess i am so glad you dedcided to come on here. as you can see already they are a great bunch of gals who look out for each other. youre one of the posse now, hope youre good in the saddle cos we gonna be spendin some time riding through the storm.

carol thanks again for the tips, i have a scratch on my little finger maybe i should put some cream on it to try and heal it cos its only 4 days to “C” day.

kittenkat ive been havin a word with that horse of yours and you got nothing to worry about. hes gonna look after you no matter how hard the storm.

went lookin for a cap today but the my pinhead is making it difficult. adult ones too big, childrens too small, think i may have to get out the knittin needles while we sit round the camp fire and do some knitting. any bad guys come along will get a needle in the eye haha.

hope everyone is doing ok.
take care

needles = good weapons and we can do something to occupy our minds - |I fancy a scarf to go with the poncho…mary x

Calamity, way to go kiddo. Up and at 'em already! Go lie up by the camp fire for a couple of days like you say. We’ll come out and get you and bring you in to town. Keep the fire in so we can see you and we’ll ride out in the morning.

PonchoCat, looks like we need to find a herbalist in town somewhere. Doc’s doing great, but a bit of extra help won’t hurt.

How’s the Doc doing with your cauterising Riviera?

And BlackJack, definitely put some salve on that cut. I can sense something brewing in town for next week. We don’t need you fighting one handed!

Steel has finally learned how to tie her bandanas properly. Good job too 'cos they are definitely a daily part of her outfit now. Never got round to that did I. Steel: Faded black pants looking more grey than black, black belt, black holsters, steel grey guns, light brown shirt, dark grey long coat. Faded black boots, silver spurs. Grey bandana tied round the head and black leather hat. Leather thong round the neck with a small medicine pouch tucked inside her shirt. No patterns, no decoration anywhere on her clothes, but has a lightning flash on the back of her left hand. Steel doesn’t say much, doesn’t laugh (at least nobody’s heard her yet), doesn’t use the usual expletives and won’t answer why. Casey thinks she sometimes makes a joke, but it’s hard to be sure. Steel is ruthless and does the jobs that need a cold heart, but won’t put up with cruelty to anyone or anything. Naps a lot. Takes off on her own, but is always there for the fight.

PonchoCat coming up! I love alter egos. Must get round to trying the sketch thing I was talking about.

This tattoo thing is starting to take root! I’m like you Gen, always wanted one. Thankfully I never got the celtic armband I wanted when I was younger. Aging upper arms and a greying tattoo. Yuck, not a good look. But, a nice little discreet lightning flash… I’m starting to think back of neck, silver, and I’m still thinking of having an S and R intertwined. Or maybe on the thigh. Lol! They don’t warn you about this kind of side effect from treatment do they! :smiley:

hey i always wanted a tattoo, but never did. i think a the flash would be a fab idea. BlackJack aint afraid of no needles.

so im the one that takes care of all the horses, i make sure that they stay in good shape to carry each of their riders safely on their journey. the horses must be kept in good condition cos they are helpin us ride the storm. does everyone have a name for their horses yet and come to that how many storm riders are there now. my horse is Jack, like i said hes got a question mark on his face. so come on people give me the names i like to be able to call them by name cos they trust you better when they know you have given them a name. they feel your moods, your fears or your confidence. you give them love and they will give you their loyalty. trust me on this.

one day we gonna be riding off into the sunset with determination nothing but a blur in the distance and on that day we will not only be grateful to each other but to our horses who carried us.

take care

Well girls I hope those who are sheltering from the storm are safe and reasonably well.My horse is called Kiwi he is all black and belonged to my daughter many years ago.I have taken him out of retirement to be with me here.I will knit you each a cap with a lightning flash decoration to keep you warm in the occasional icy blasts that you will feel as you ride on.When I had chemo I found fresh pineapple so good for my mouth and when I could drink very little I found that chilled sparkling water with lemon would usually go down nicely.Soon you will have NED waiting for you at post treatment appts.He is a real ‘good guy’ and if he can he will be there for you.xxxxx
ps.for newbies-NED=no evidence of disease

I’d heard that about the pineapple. Haven’t tried it yet, but I’ll buy one for the next blast next week.

Blackjack, I think there’s about 12 of us now. I’ll back track and do a quick “cast list” later to keep us up to speed.

My horse is a black and white dappled stallion. He’s called Runs With Lightning, Runner for short. Steel found him on the other edge of the desert causing trouble for his owner who was glad to be rid of him. He was raised on the plains and has no fear of storms. Steel and Runner bonded fast, probably because they’re quite alike. He can be stand offish and is prone to biting people he takes a dislike to. He has an eye for the ladies and often bites through his reins or tether to go chase one that’s taken his eye. Steel finds this quite funny and let’s him do it, as long as he comes back when she whistles, which he usually does. Steel has had to walk for two days before now when he went after a wild mare. Now that was annoying!

hi pardners

so we have Horace on Kiwi, BlackJack on Jack and Steel on Runs with Lightning aka Runner, keep them coming girls.

its 3.45 and im still in my PJs suppose i should get dressed before its tie to get undressed again.:-).

dont want to sound soppy, but i love all my amigoes on here, i am a positive person but its like i have this other family who is going through this with me and it makes me feel strong. i enjoy coming on here and reading the posts even when i dont feel like saying anything its lovely to read how people offer reassurance to others. i started talking to Purple Princess a while ago and the other day i give her the details of how to get on this forum cos i knew that you would all welcome her and give her support and when i seen her post on here i was delighted and not at all surprised that you welcomed her with open arms. i am so glad that maybe i have given her some more friends to help along

3 day to “C” day. taking all the tips on board, thankyou gals.

take care

I’ll be on Folly (as in Follyfoot - used to love that when I was little) and hope he’s not folly-footed as that’s more likely to be me…mary x

I’ll be on Flashheart aka Flash. He’s pure white, gallops like the wind and has a mean kick. Can be stubborn. For me, he’s a gentle giant, he knows when to take it steady when I need a gentle journey and when to fly if we need to get out of trouble. Loves apples. If he senses anyone is up to no good he has a nasty bite.

Hi y’all
When i’m rested up enough to get out of this here cave look out for me coming up on a palomino mare, name of Valentine. She’s a beauty, and she knows it, but if any of your stallions try to get familiar with this little lady, they better watch out ‘cos she has a mean streak…!
Be seein’ you soon
(still tired but feeling pretty good, all things considered!)

howdy all

ok so far i have 6 names

Horace - Kiwi
BlackJack - Jack
Carole-Runs with Lightning/Runner
Mary - Folly
Gennie - Flashheart/Flash
Rosie - Valentine

keep em comin gals, lovin all the names, and each horse reflects its owners personality, thats good.

take care

When I first started this journey and found this place I could feel the friendship and solidarity jumping off my screen and now I’m part of it too and I’m so glad I’ve got you all , it’s a huge help,I just don’t know how people coped so well before the internet.

Any way, Im a.k.a Scotia and my trusty steed is a bay stallion called Spirit, he’s big and strong but a softy at heart. He’s champing at the bit to get started on the long road,roll on the 23rd !
Catch up soon xxxx

got that sandra - scotia/spirit

gennie what is your storm rider name also mary your name,rosie your name. anyone telling me the name of their horse also tell me your storm rider name.

sorry if im being a pain but i wanna keep up to speed on all the storm riders names and their horses names. keeping a note of all this so you wont have to tell me again.

i hope everyone is enjoying this story as much as me, it really helps take your mind off the other stuff.

take care

Hi guys!
Would it be ok to join the posse please? I was zapped with AC on 5th feb and only just come thru the fog, dont know how you guys manage to be online, i couldnt even push the button to turn pooter on!
next round is on 26th feb, and i need some determination or i wont walk thru that door. at least the boys are making the most of being able to climb all over me, and they now have 2 full days a week at nursey, so their learning lots and i have a fridge covered in paintings.

I cant think of a name for myself, but i love all things pink, and those adorable beige horses with dark brown mane, he’ll be called “Breeze” good strong boy but short like me, and a bottom like a thelwell! hope thats ok?

hope your all doing a-ok, Nikki xxx

good to see you nikki - join the possee…i haven’t started the chemo yet so give me time and I’ll see how lively |I feel!! The kids def keep you busy, mine are a bit bigger, 10 and nearly 16…
martina - I’m Poncho-Cat…dear me what are we like??

Howdy pardners. I think one of them there deputies slipped me some dodgy moonshine. Got discharged at 7pm on Thursday, having only thrown up once in recovery. Slept all afternoon. Thought I was ok, until I started getting dressed and moving around, so I took my sick bowl with me in the car. Just managed to get home. My husband said he’d help me out of the car. I said “just open the door!” Downhill from then really. Couldn’t stop throwing up and had the mother and father of all headaches on Friday. Bc nurse told me to get something from the GP, which I did. Thankfully, that stopped me being sick, but the head felt like it was going to explode until this morning, when I feel much better. Haven’t managed to each much, but that’ll come I’m sure! Boob feels numb and I’m stiff from not doing anything, but generally feeling quite good today.

I’m glad to see we’ve got some new storm riders on board. Welcome one and all. I think my horse has got to be a big softie called Cariad (which means dear/darling in Welsh). I think he’s dark brown, loyal and dependable. He’s usually calm, but can turn on the power when needed and run like the wind.

And I’m liking the tattoo idea. Bizarre really, as I’ve never even considered a tattoo, but as you say Gen, a badge of honour. I’m liking that.

Hi and welcome Nikki

Carole’s very good at suggesting Storm Rider names. It depends on what you want your alter ego to be. Either way, it’s good to see you here! I haven’t started chemo either yet (I see my Onc tomorrow to find out when) so I may disappear for a while when it hits me. Mind you, I’m using a laptop so I’m sure I can plonk it on my knee and chat a little even if I’m prostrate on the sofa!!

How are you managing combining chemo with young children? I’ve got 3 of my own and my biggest concern is being able to keep going and still be able to get them to and from school, feed them, keep on top of the laundry etc. I’ll have help, but hubby works long hours including weekends and won’t be here much - it’s always all been down to me and will pretty much continue to be while I do the chemo. Daunting thought!

Martina - my Storm Rider name is The Riviera Kid (or Riviera for short). So that’s The Riviera Kid on Flashheart/Flash. :slight_smile:

I’ll also echo previous sentiments on how great this site is. I came here terrified out of my wits and I’ve met such a lovely and supportive bunch of friends here, just logging on and posting makes me feel better. Being able to have a moan, say the things you sometimes can’t even say to nearest and dearest and yet still have a damn good giggle and poke fun at the whole thing at times is just fantastic. Yay Storm Riders. :smiley:

Woo hoo she’s back!! Good to see you Mule, I was beginning to worry about you! Sorry you had such a rough ride with the anaesthetic, that’s really not fair. I wonder why some people do and some people don’t. Anyway, settle back and take it easy now, get your strength back (surely we can find something better to eat than grits for a ticklish tummy?!) and you’ll be back in the saddle soon. I think most of us are just sitting by the fire gathering the strength for the next skirmish right now so you’ve got plenty of company if you want it. :slight_smile:

hi mule and me too - sorry you’ve had a rough ride - mind you that was my 3rd anaesthetic and the worst - wonder if it was deeper or something?? Don’t be too brave as my doc said to keep on top of it and don’t be a martyr - only thing was the constipating effect of the co-dydramol or co-codamol…found dried apricots & prunes and 2 chopped up (cause I don’t particularly like them) figs with it and fruit juice helped…what fun…! So take it easy and let yourseslf be looked after…mary x