Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Morning girls. Rally busy day yesterday, two hospital appointments, Tuesday club and visit to step mothers in evening.

Gen, lots of positive vibes for your chemo today, hope all goes well.

Di, I had two nodes out of fourteen and after lots of reading up on the Internet, found this not to be a bad thing at all. No chemo for me either, just rads. Although surgeon and bc nurse gave me the impression I was having chemo. So try not to look to far ahead. My motto has become, worry about it when it happens, time is to precious to waste on negative thoughts.

Carole, loved the last chapter, keep them coming and good to see you up and out of black canyon. It’s probably the steroids that are giving you the munchies. I always never stop munching when I’m taking them for my skin probs.

On that note, last rads yesterday and I’m positively pink, swollen, sore and itching like mad, apparently it will get worse before it gets better because the rads keep working inside you for another two weeks but hey oh two weeks will soon pass. First booster today and that’s a lot quicker.

Angel, can I ask, did you develop a lump like feeling in your throat making it difficult to swallow? I have been told this is normal because everything becomes a little swollen inside but I forgot to ask what to use to ease to ease the symptoms.

take care xx

hey all… What a busy day Jane, good luck with your hospital appointments. Wow nearly finished your rads…great news!

Sandra… your brave…going it alone with all those wonky shopping carts…and surrounded by busy, chattering ‘hombres’ and ‘hombre-ettes’! Make it home safe now!! Rest up later!!

Hey Di, that wound sounds pretty persistent…but it’s probably like Sandra said…plays up more in the morning…monitor its behaviour!!

Well I’m for a very, very short walk…on to the end of the road to sit on a bench and look over the valley!! Then poddle back in time to meet friends who are coming this a.m.!!
Lovely lovely weather!!!yeh
Helen x

Weather check for this neck of the woods: Started out grey, now it is gorgeously sunny through a light mist. Smells of spring, the crocuses are up, and a pair of blue tits are eyeing up the hedge for nesting.

Hope all the leaking gets better for everybody afflicted. Whip off the bra and get them out there in the sunshine - bound to be good for them. :smiley:

Firstly, before I forget, good luck for today Gen.

Great chapter Carole - a will she, won’t she lurve interest thing - very Hollywood!

Di, I’m with the others, 2 nodes is pretty good. I know the treatment is daunting, but I think in all of this, it’s the unknown that is the most scarey. Once you get going, you’ll feel better (well, mentally anyway, if you know what I mean). Shame about Niagara - any thoughts on making it a tourist attraction? lol

Val, I’m thinking of you and hope that everything sorts itself out soon. As Carole said, if we can do anything at all, just holler.

I went to yoga for the first time last night and consequently am feeling a bit achey in the chest/shoulder region today, but it felt good to be doing something normal. And I’m managing to drive now too, so that’s progress:)

For all those of you suffering (or possibly suffering in the future) night sweats/hot flushes from Tamoxifen, I have some interesting information… I was talking to someone yesterday who went to a bc conference last year. The onc suggested evening primrose to relieve the side effects. But, here’s the interesting bit, in LARGE doses. Here’s how it goes. You take 8,000mg a day (yes that is 8,000mg! 8 x 1,000mg or 16 x 500mg capsules) for two weeks. If that doesn’t relieve the symptoms, give up, as it’s never going to work (it doesn’t work for everyone). But if it does relieve them, reduce the dose by 2,000mg for two weeks. If you still don’t have symptoms, reduce the dose by another 2,000mg for two weeks. Basically, you keep reducing the dose until the symptoms come back and then you up the dosage a bit again, until you reach the level that is necessary for you. The lady I spoke to says she just takes 2,000mg a day now.

Well, the sun’s out and the garden is calling. See you guys later.

hi all - thinking of you all today - esp gen with 2nd chemo…but struggling in a funny sort of way, feel weepy and daft today and worrying - think because I didn’t sleep well over the weekend when hubby was in agony and out of it with toothache/abscess so has been I suppose tiring even though I felt fine, then had crap nights sleep on mon so was tired yesterday, took half sleeper last night then drove for blood test this am - day 15 - sad songs on radio started me off blah blah blah. I know I’m still mithering about having this bloody (scuse french) hickman thing in hopefully before next wed when 2nd one is due, and I want to go camping in my trailer tent with friends but feel bad leaving hubs and kids - who don’t want to go - wimps - for fri/sat night - mothers day sun but I’d be back by lunch…oh I don’t know - I think I need a desert island and some sun, minus handsome hunk as I have neither the energy or the inclination…going to go and see my friend who’s in for bowels tests tomorrow and have a coffee…see y’all later…mary x
ps carole - luv it!!

Hello everyone…:smiley:

Hope it is going well Gen
{{{hugs}}} Val - hope things seem better today
Mary - sounds like you could do with that break…

I must be mad lol have been to the Metrocentre to go to toys r us… which means 3 buses there and back… left at 8.25am got back 1.15pm… and i only went into 2 shops…:o lol
It is a gorgeous day here today…:smiley:

Ello ello

Val - I hope you’re ok, if there’s anything we can do or lend an ear just say. xx

Mary - go camping. Go on, life’s too bloody short to sit at home not doing things just because other people don’t want to. Can you tell having BC has brought out my inner selfishness? lol

Sal - very interesting about the EPO. When I was on antidepressants a few years ago I had terrible night sweats, so I fully expect to get them on tamoxifen. I’ll make a note of that for future need. Isn’t Starflower Oil meant to be the same/similar stuff but more concentrated? I wonder if you could take that instead and maybe not have to take as much. It’s an expensive do taking it at those doses for 5 years, but then if it helps…

Glorious sunny day here in Suffolk today. Kate (my nurse) arrived half an hour early at 12.30 while I was still eating my lunch. So chemo was delivered sitting on the sofa eating cheese on toast whilst watching Loose Women. Very civilised. I have a big bag of medication for the next 3 weeks for this & that. And, bless her, she gave me a tube of Emla cream for the next time I have to use the port. It’s meant for children, but hey I’m a big baby! Although to be fair it didn’t hurt so much going in today.

My neutrophils are apparently still on the low side at 1.8 so I need to watch my temperature. Wcc is at 4.3 whereas just before I started the first time they were 8.5. Well I guess that means the pink stuff is doing it’s job!

Right, I’m off for a little sit in my steamer chair in the sunshine. Have a nice afternoon all. :slight_smile:

Hi everyone - hope all is well.
All the best horace and hope things are better soon.
Went into work today to see everyone and couldn’t believe how nice everyone was ( needless to say the big boss had something more important to do though )
Haven’t been too bad this week but not looking forward to tomorrow as I’ve got to go for an ultrasound scan and possible hysteroscopy to find if there’s anything amiss down there - that would not go down too well.
If it’s any consolation, we’ve had persistent cloud and mist in the Midlands, and the sun has only just appeared.
Best wishes to all - Ros.
P.s. - did I ever get out of the gully or did that wretched horse of mine fall asleep again ?

{{{{hugs}}}}} to you Mary…I’ve been a bit down today too, and really don’t know why. I feel tired and achey, which has surprised me after feeling so upbeat yesterday. My poor mates…were great…laughed me out of it!!! Laughings the way to go…whenever possible…and now I have washed my hair…I’m gonna get my hubby to straighten it…hahaha that should be a real laugh…bless him.
Right enough of that!

Hey Ros …good luck with your hospital appointment tomorrow, take care.
The sunshine has been great today…hope you enjoyed your share of it Gen and everyone else where it was sunny!
Good grief Angel that was a long trek!! Bet your tired…rest up!!

Oh just thought of something else to laugh at…getting all 15 staples out at the doctors tomorrow…its like looking down into the mouth of ‘jaws’…neeeah…won’t miss em though.

More hugs for you Mary {{{{{hugs}}}}}


ahhh ta chuck - I’m not too bad really - just tired I think…and worried about my frind who has been a star with me and all my worries - she has tests tomorrow for abdominal pain, camera jobbies both ends and all that fun, so hope shes ok bless her…thanks Helen - ((hugs)) to you too kid and anyone else who’d like to partake!! mary x

I’ve jusht had a couple of glasshesh of red shparkling wine - hic. Yes, red sparkling! Wierd, in nice sort of way. My son bought it back from Oz last week.

Gen, I was told that the onc did not recommend any alternatives to EPO. EPO has been trialled and they are therefore confident to recommend it. Any other form of GLA has not been trialled and therefore not proven. I wonder if you could get it on prescription? I seem to remember being told some years ago that some GPs would prescribe it, but I suppose in these budget aware/cash strapped times things might be different.

Ros, all the best for tomorrow. We’ll all be sending the vibes your way.

Helen and Mary, this whole bc thing seems to be constant ups and downs. Just when you think you’ve got it cracked, along comes a sleepless night or some such to knock you sideways. I’m sure you’re right though, laughter is the best cure. I’ve just got Zoolander out on DVD and hope that’s going to be chuckleworthy. And I’m with Gen, Mary, go camping and let the others go hang. Well, you know what I mean. Selfish is the new self-sacrificing, I think:D

What a great day! Sat in the garden having my lunch in just a vest. Well, not JUST a vest, but you know what I mean. I think I got a bit of a tan. I don’t suppose this weather is going to last, but it sure feels good to be off work enjoying it:D

A camping we shall go, a camping we shall gooooo, hey ho me daddyo, a camping PonchoCat goes!

Absolutely go camping Mary, and take a handsome hunk just in cases. You never know when he might come in handy. I got caught last time with the moody blues at the end of the second week. It’s a sneaky business this chemo thing, particularly if you’re tired otherwise. It’ll pass. Meanwhile try and imagine the awful fashions you used to wear in the 70s, the fact that you were in love with one of the Bay City Rollers, and the horrendous wallpaper everybody put up, then think how much more stylish your life is now. Bound to make you feel better! :smiley: (obviously assuming you are in vaguely that age bracket…)

Oh no, Sal is back behind the wheel. Erk, swerve city! Heh heh… Glad you enjoyed the yoga. I tried a Salute to the Sun once. Did it all the way through then back again, then lay in a sunny spot for a week unable to move. Contemplated my inner spirit, then read the bit about breathing a rag through your nose. Me, I’m a dance type of girl…

I was wondering about evening primrose, and starflower. I think they are similar. I’ll definitely give that dose regime a go when I get to that bit. I’ve had friends doing mega doses just for general woman stuff and they swear by it. Good heads up! :slight_smile:

What’s a neutrophil? So glad it was easier on the port Gen. Hang loose, don’t over stress, watch some great DVD’s. Just watched Under the Tuscan Sun for about the gazillionth time. Love it! Follow the flower!

You definitely did get out of the Gully Ros, I just never wrote it up 'cos I went to Black Canyon and kind of thought the time had passed. But in summary, Riviera, Mule, Blackjack, and Tumbleweed made it up the path Steel found. They got to the gully edge in time to see Casey, PonchoCat, Calam et al give the Boss’s boys their come uppance (is that one word?) in the distance ahead. No need to rush in, so they made their way down the slope and headed over towards town again following the rest in. The Boss’s boys were deposited with the sheriff then everybody headed to the saloon for a few beers, then back to the Old One’s for a whoop it up merry making.

But, you are highlighting a lack of continuity. This shall be addressed shortly. :smiley:

15 staples! Wow, they sealed you up well Helen. :smiley: That will definitely be a relief to get out. Need anything to bite down on? We could put a bullet between your teeth and hold your shoulders, then flush the wound over with whisky, hand you the bottle…

Sparkling Red. You’re a better man than I! I had that twice, as if once wasn’t enough. Let me know if Zoolander’s worth it. Try Don’t Mess with the Zohan (Adam Sandler). Off the wall, but really funny. Also loved the 40 Year Old Virgin, and Pineapple Express was really good once you get the hang of the characters. Watched Tigerland last night as still having a Colin Farrell moment. Excellent film. If anybody happens to have his number…

Well …I’m feeling upbeat again…sounds like you’re enjoying your wine Sal…I’ve just had one glass…rose…will help with the sleeping. That made me laugh Sal…you in your vest…glad you wore the rest as well!!!{{{{{shiver}}}}}}}
Hope the weather continues tomorrow…wey hey for the sun!!
Right I’m gonna crawl into my bunk now and start zedding zzzzzzzz
mmmmmm although funny thing is, I feel more awake now than I’ve done all day!
The body is a wonderful and contrary thing aint it?

sleep well all
helen xxx

Morning All, fell off the saddle a bit yesterday so didn’t get back online…I’m getting pee’d off now with these post op problems which have got me down and that’s not like me at all. So, today got up with the Stormrider attitude of not letting the b*****d get me down:-) Guns loaded and I’m ready for the duel today!

Helen hope you get on okay today - ouch! 15 staples, at least they have worked better than dissolving stitches.
Thanks for the film tips Carole, I’ve just about had enough of Bargain Hunt etc so will check those out.
Sal, I’m being thick here but what is EPO and GLA? Is this to do with chemo? So much to learn…
Gennie you’re so lucky having a nurse come to your home, there is no such service here so have to keep going to the hospital for dressing changes, Bath is only 6 miles away but as I still can’t drive it would be so much better to have home visits.
Good luck today with your hospital visit Ros and to everyone else having anything done. Hugs to all and enjoy the suunshine:-)

Di xxx

Hi all
Was awake at 5 and up at 6. Can’t flipping sleep!! Once I wake up, then my 2 brain cells go into over drive. Your up early too Di. One of the things I was thinking about was having the staples out. It doesn’t bother me…but my brain makes a ‘story’ of the whole process. I imagined the nurse taking them out…pinging all over the place, then one flies into my eye…and like that little boy in a story, who gets ice in his eye and his heart turns to ice…(stay with me)…I imagined the staple travelling to where the ‘bad guys’ are, freezing them, then we make a cut, take out the ‘frozen bad guys’ and evaporate them by zapping them in the micro wave!!!
And thats just one of the scenarios that keeps my braincells busy!!
Phew!! crackers!! what a load of waffle!!!
Hey Di…I know what you mean by the rivetting tv stuff! I have it on sometimes in the background…but don’t watch it!!Not surprising.

Get back on your saddle girl…shout and holler at your wound and the rest…and gallop into the sun…well if its sunny there that is!
It looks like another sunny day here in Yorkshire…wow 3 days on the trot…not usual. First day of spring tomorrow though!!
Will get back to you about the staples …cos I’m sure its more rivetting than the tv…not!..
Chin up Di…felt like you yesterday…todays another day!!!

Hyper Helen xxx

Dear Hyper Helen - I have the answer, its the second brain cell!! They must have removed mine during the wle op…or else I never had a second one…
Ros and Helen - good luck for today, and evrybody else, Di - sock it to them kid…mary x

Carole - yes the time bracket was right!! Saw Scooby Doo action figures on kids tele this am and thought of you!! Scroooby Dooooo x

day 16…had a shower, or rather tried to only to be covered in hair - thought it was hanging in there a bit more and just odd strands but once the water hit it…really need some clippers now I think…feel like a real chemo player now and join the ranks of you baldies out there!! Panicking a bit as the wig hasn’t been trimmed and I feel a bit like him out of wayne’s world - garth - although not blonde…I’m rabbitting now…didn’t expect to feel that emotional but it must just bring everything to the fore I suppose and reassures you that you’re in it for the long haul now…too early for a glass of wine but maybe later…def later…bartender…one for the road and wake me when all my pardners come in later - just prop me up in the corner, I’ll be alright…mary x

Hey it’s never too early for a glass of wine…well…it’s after 11am,pubs are open ! oooh am I reverting to Scottish type ? Lol. Hope you are going to go camping Mary,esp in this weather,it will be lovely…leave the family at home and have some “you” time with your mates,am sure it would do you good.

Good luck to all being interfered with today,hope the staples coming out are not too bad Helen.I had them for one of my sections,was up for first time after op and having shower all I heard was kerching…kerching… looked down in horror and saw 2 staples that were holding my belly together on floor of shower…AAAAAAARRRRGGGHHHHH ! I honestly thought my insides were goingto fall out , pulled the alarm cord and nurses came running ,me naked in shower hands round my middle ready to catch whatever came out…was ok once was told that there were very many internal stitches holding my insides in…whew ! Was just one of those not thinking pure panic situations,hey can laugh about it now though ! Anyway,when they did get round to taking rest of staples out,never felt a thing,they just pinged out.

Bay city rollers,ooh they were a bunch of rougues,oh dear,memories of white trousers with a tartan stripe down the side and a tartan scarf tied to my wrist…cool…not ! Ah but I was more of a David Cassidy girl…swoon,can still picture the poster on my bedroon wall,collar even bigger than Harry Hill’s ! Am offski to sort out some seeds in my greenhouse,hope you all have the sun to enjoy today.


You’ll do fine Mary. Channel PonchoCat today. She’d gather the hair up and sew it into her poncho as another insignia in her life’s story. Ah, hadn’t thought of that - PonchoCat’s poncho is really precious to her because she has her life sewn into the pattern of it. Hah, we could have a bad guy damage it sometime and just see what kind of a@s kicking he gets!

But it is emotional, no point in trying to be really strong about this bit. Just weep and wail till you feel like getting on with it again. It’s a strange transition but, as we’ve been saying for weeks about the whole dangnabbit storm, you find your feet again and just get on with it.

Good for you Bilbo! Up and at 'em. It must be a total pain in the bahookey, but you’re riding through it so well. I am in awe of everyone who’s having or had these post op problems and how amazingly well you all just get on with it.

Hope the staple removal is going well, or has done, or is about to Helen. Grab a bottle of beer and go sit in the sun afterwards. Make the most of it!

Oooo, David Cassidy was one of my swoonsville hearthrobs too. Had a brief flirtation with Donny Osmond in my pre-10 years, then I think it was David C, then I moved on to David Essex and Starsky. Never saw the attraction in Hutch.

Think I might start digging the potato patch over this afternoon. Hungry tum. Early lunch methinks.