Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Love it, Love it, Love it … you clever thing. :slight_smile:

As promised first round’s on me, mine’s a Jack D please Bartend!

Di x

PS Thanks all for your positive feedback on today, feel a lot happier now, Sandra, yes they’ve attached a drain bag for me - nice. x

Clink! Glasses colliding! Have a huge glug Bilbo. Storm Riders are standing round the bar, patting each other on the back and generally whooping it up. :DDDDD

I survived the little boys. I still have hair. I think I deserve a glass of wine! Probably not wise with chemo tomorrow though.

Piper - your results are great. 2 out of 12 isn’t many, it could have been 12 out of 12. I had 12 nodes removed too - we’re node twins. :smiley:

Take the next bit one step at a time, don’t look too far ahead, just focus on the next immediate thing and when that’s over with focus on the one after that. Don’t look at the big picture, it’s a bit daunting.

Liking the next instalment Carole. Is there a bit of lurrve action on the horizon for Riviera? ;o)

Give me a few days to negotiate Black Canyon again (maybe) and I’m right there!! :smiley:

Yeeha! a brilliant chapter Steel!! Make mine a Jack Dee with a touch of coke bartender!!!
Love the smell of hyacynths, fresh mown grass, bonfires, damp moss and earth, a sunny spring day!!!
Another jack dee bartender…yep…going down mighty fine!!!
hey Scotia…Old one that stew slipped down a reee…aal treat!!Just need another J. dee and I’m set for the night! oops nearly fell off the stool!!
Pull up a stool gals!!

Yeeeha too !!!

Throws stetson in the air and catches with one hand and Nell in the other who has got over friendly with our Ole mate Jack Dee and is in a heap on the floor :smiley:

What’s this about Luuurve action hee hee, is a tall handsome cowboy coming over the horizon…?

Yorkie crawls up the side of the stool…‘whats that about a tall handsome cowboy?!’ Hey Jack …down here, bring a glass…teehee!

Luuuurrrrrvve Action! I can smell the sap a risin’! Heh heh. Jus’ git those Storm Riders smellin’ that spring air, and watch out Determination, there’s a whole new chapter a beginnin’ :DDD

Black Canyon holds no fear for Riviera. Storm Riders are born with a storm inside. With that comes a burden that they all bear and they all accept. Every Storm Rider at some point needs to take off to the mountains. There each one sits and deals with the fury that rages round and inside them. They touch the ground and the sky at the same time, embedded in the grinding, unstoppable movement of the earth, and whirled up into the black endlessness of the universe. And yet, each time they retreat to deal with their very nature, they know that when some time has passed they emerge reborn, stronger, surer, focussed, and moving forward to the light and the future. Nothing is harder, braver, or more certain than a Storm Rider. There is nothing more clear than that she will ride out from the Storm.


You’d best write a book!

You’ve hit the nail on the head…I feel quite moved…and its not cos of the Jack Dee…

Steel reaches down and grabs Yorkie’s jacket collar. She hauls her up and planks her back on the stool. Bilbo leans in close while Scotia holds her jacket tails to stop her from falling of her own stool.

Y’all dont go grabbing all them cowpokes now Yorkie, y’hear? HIC!

Steel rolls her eyes.

Yorkie looks up and grins. Hic! she says, and looks round as Mule, Casey and Ponchocat walk in.

What’s happening? asks Casey.

Nothing. grunts Steel. These two heard the cowpokes are coming to town and Bilbo had a big day, so I guess they just felt like letting off steam.

Cowpokes? queried Mule. Well, if that ain’t the darndest thing.

PonchoCat moseyed on up to the bar, reached over and grabbed a beer, winking to the bartender to check it, and flipped off the lid.

Now there’s something to be planning for, she said. Where’s Riviera and Blackjack?

Blackjack’s taken to the mountains, said Steel. The others acknowledged this, knowing what it meant. Riviera, said Steel, she’s busy shining her boots for the cowpokes coming in, but I think she’s heading out to Black Canyon for a few days.

Ok, said Casey, so Bartender, put up another few, and don’t skip on Blackjack and Riviera’s rounds. We’ll knock em back anyways and buy em more when they get back in!

You definitely deserve a glass of wine Gen, but not tonight, oh no! :slight_smile:

Best of luck tomorrow. Second one down! Relax and let it happen like the last time. There is a pattern, just go with the flow. Good luck with the constipation meds. Hah! I’m just going to go “au naturelle” next time. It’s not worth the bother. :smiley:

Will be thinking of you tomorrow Gen, and congo lining behind you all the way. xxx

Well I’m plumb tuckered out for some reason and my legs are aching again…probably cos I fell off the stool…so I’m for an early night! Gonna crawl into my bunk…
Hey Gen, you go steady now and hope this time round is a bit easier!Hear from you in a bit!
You should sleep a bit easier tonight Di…good!
Keep those installments coming Carole…its nice to disappear into unreality now and then!!! more now than then heehee!
Good luck to those having stuff done tomorrow.Sleep well everyone.

a very sleepy
Helen xx

Sleep well all. Check your bunk blankies for earywigs and remember to turn down the gaslight.

Sorry girls personal life a nightmare just now-you all take carexx

Thinking about you Val. Take it easy. Anything we can do to help just let us know.

Have a good booster day Jane!

Thinking soothing thoughts for you and your chest Gen.

You take care now Val…
Hope it all goes easier today Gen…
Hope all had a good sleep, and its a lovely day here in Yorkshire…

Helen x

Morning All,

Hope things are a bit brighter for you this morning Val.
The sun’s out here in sunny Somerset too, unfortunately Niagara Falls also started up from this darned wound again in the night so it’s another day of sitting and not doing much…it’s a hard life :slight_smile:
Good luck to everyone with hospital visits etc today,

Di x

Weather check in North Wales and the sun is shining brightly… Di, I always found I had worst leakage in the morning,maybe something to do with lying down all night then whoosh… mine got gradually better over the week but still dripping ! Im off to the co-op on my own…driving there and then getting a shop in…who would have thought I’d be so excited by that ! lol, that’s a bit sad really… catch up later big hugs to all.