Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Yay, Blackjack’s back in the saddle! What is it about men and snoring? Is it built into their DNA or something. lol.

Oh yes, headbands, leg warmers, and what about those stretchy satin jeans they brought out. Palms or something. Like I could ever wear them! Blue eyeshadow and huge fringe flicks. I think I’m eaking into the 80s here 'cos I definitely remember ra ra skirts, not that I wore those either, and the New Romantics.

Saloon’s open Di, and we’ll even hold the glass to your lips for you! :slight_smile:

I totally agree on the music. I couldn’t live without it and I’m addicted to my ipod, one of the best things I’ve ever bought. Music can raise me up, reduce me to tears and all things in between. A lot of my memories seem to be tagged to music and hearing certain songs can instantly transport me back even to particular events in childhood. I was into the whole New Romantic thing. I was 13 in 1980 so it was exactly my era. I never wore a rara skirt, but I did have some of those stretchy satin trousers. I was very skinny in those days. Quite what happened I don’t know because I’m anything but now.

I did think of staples for the costume Helen, if pins hadn’t worked that would have been my next option although I’ve had to attach it to Maddies’ Brownie uniform as the “trunk” so I don’t want to ruin it as she has to wear it every Wednesday!

Good to see you back Martina! Stick around kid, you’re not getting away again!! :smiley: So far as showing appreciation to your BC nurses I don’t really know what to suggest other than the usual flowers/chocs. I shall probably be looking for ideas for my lovely nurse Kate when I finish my treatment as she is so nice and kind. Makes it all bearable when you receive a bit of empathy from someone doesn’t it?

Jane - I hope you get tickets for Pink, I’d love to see her but I know the tickets for London at least were pretty wildly priced. Her current album is great and getting a lot of play in my car right now. My kids love “So What” - we have to turn it up very loud and shout the lyrics lol.

Hope the arm recovers soon Piper. You have my sympathy, my left arm gave me gip for a good while, way more than the boob ever did.

I had a couple of hours sleep earlier and woke up feeling a bit shivery and rubbish. Took my temp, but it was 36 degrees and I’ve since eaten something and feel ok again. I’m off to bed now though, my legs are really very achey so I’m going to get myself a hot water bottle, some paracetamol and a dvd to drift off to and hopefully I’ll get a decent night tonight.

My family, bless them, are taking the children off my hands from after school tomorrow for the weekend because hubby is working all weekend and is out gallivanting on Saturday night. Oh to have the energy to gallivant! My bro and sil are having Maddie for the weekend and my mum is having the boys. They are having a family do for bro’s birthday and Mother’s day on Sunday but it’s up to me if I feel like going (I would like to actually, so hopefully I’ll be up for it) and if I’m too woozy to drive my bro will come and get me. He’s clipping his hair this weekend too in solidarity with his wispy headed big sis. I love my family! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Ohhhh hope am not to late for a nightcap at the saloon. We have got a yappy dog near us,well, I use the term loosely , it is more of a rat on a lead…
Good luck Rosie with your first chemo tomorrow,hoping they find a big juicy vein no problem.
Had a fine old day in my greenhouse but just realised havent got any sweet pea seeds,disaster ! Visit to the garden centre tomorrow methinks,I love the smell of them,reminds me of an old great aunt who always grew them and her house used to be filled with small vases of them and always got a posy to take home with me,they smell divine. Heres hoping for more sunshine tomorrow.

The perfect listener hears you even when you say nothing

Anthony De Mello

I like that Martina, very profound ;o)

Oh good luck Rosie for your first chemo. I knew I’d missed something out!

Good luck Rosie for tomorrow…
Great to see you back Martina!
Goodnight sleep tight everyone!!! :slight_smile:

Morning All. Happy Shiny Springtime! Looks like we’re getting another lovely day here, perfect for the first day.

Best of luck today Rosie. Thinking of you. One small step for the day, a giant leap for ultimate success! Feel free to moonwalk in there and back out again. :smiley:

Hope you had a good night’s sleep Gen. The thermometer gets a lot of use these days doesn’t it. lol. I so much as scratch my finger and I’m off for another measurement. Your family are being so great! It’ll make a huge difference this weekend. And I am so envious of your youthful figure! I wanted a pair of those trousers but I didn’t have the shape to fill them. Slim yes, but legs skinnier than my bum so they just hung there, which kind of defeated the sexy stretch look. :smiley:

Ah, Sweet Peas, love that smell. I’ve tried them the last two years and they won’t grow past a shoot. Not sure what’s going on there, but never give up, trying them again this weekend.

Off to pick up the wig today. Have a lovely first of spring everyone, enjoy the sunshine, smell the flowers, and Carpe Diem!
Catch you later when I get back.

Morning gals…:smiley:

Something like a yankee candle might make a change from all the chocs and flowers as a gift for the nurses.

Good luck with the chemo today Rosie.

Nothing much planned here today - my legs are still aching from my trip to the metro centre the other day.


well, my daughter says I look like a plumber with my hair shaved!! Oh and uncle Tony, (he’s a plumber) esp when I scowl!! Not good…and I wore the wig and went out for a curry. Monica said head didn’t look as bad as she thought but then cried and couldn’t look at me bless her…
Camping - ponchocat will have to wait - friend that I was staying with has cough, cold & sore throat so I need to be sensible - oh I hate being sensible…mary x
ps sun is out, I can see blue sky!

Morning campers!!! Wey to go mary…thats a big step, shaving your hair…bless Monica…you can get used to the new look together!!
Hope the chemo is going ok Gen…and that you had a better night!
Good luck with your chemo Rosie…thinking of you!

What style is your wig Carole …same as your own hair style?
Hi Angel my legs are still aching too from the op last week! So painkillers and elevation is the order of the day…or not…this weather is just too nice to miss out on…so might just potter in the garden again today!!
Di…I hope your arm starts feeling a little or more better today!
Sunny Yorkshire beckons again…can’t resist!!! well will at least sit outside for a while, catch a few rays!!
catch ya later


Morning all

Well today was the day. My hair was ridiculous, wispy with bald patches so we went for it and Jez has shaved it off to a no.4 this morning. Then I went into the shower and loads more came out so it’s a very short crop with bald patches. Jez said I look like a Greenham Common protester, but also said he quite liked it which was kind of him. I think if I maybe paint some purple patches on my head I could go for the Victorian Workhouse/Asylum look. Either way, scarf is now firmly on my head and only nearest and dearest will be seeing me without it! Suddenly I look like a cancer patient…

I had a better night last night, didn’t get to sleep til 1am because of achey legs but I got a decent 6 1/2 hours uninterrupted and today my legs aren’t so bad so I’m feeling better than I did yesterday although already flagging a bit at 11am. What’s that about?! I might go and sit in the garden with my book in a while and enjoy the nice day.

Hope everyone has a good one.

Well I tried. And I tried. And I tried but could I get any decent tickets NO!!! and I’m not paying all that money to sit on top tier.

Good luck with chemo Rosie, hope it all goes well.

Must be hard for Monica, Mary. It could be that the hair thing reminds her of the bc and she can’t just ignore it and pretend its not happened. Does that make sense? Maybe you could get her to help with wig styling or scarf tying. May make it not seem so scary.

Throat is slightly better today. Thanks for hugs Angel. Needed them. Was feeling a bit sorry for myself yesterday. Think that’s a great idea about Yankee Candle. I love them and have bought some french lavender just recently. Put it in the bedroom and I’m convinced it’s helping me sleep.

Martina, so good to hear from you. We’re all thinking of you. Just hollow when the baddies come by and one of us will try to sort them out.

Helen, forget the garden. Get the lounger out and just relax in the sunshine. I’ll join you. Anyone else for The Old Ones home made lemonade?

Don’t be so hard on yourself Gen, I’m sure you look lovely with or without your scarf. Easy for me to say, I know but you have great bone structure and can probably carry most things off. Glad you had a good nights sleep and there’s fresh lemonade going in the garden if you want to join me and Nell.

Right Jane …the garden can see to itself…I’ll join you and Gen in the garden for a fresh lemonade! Clink! heres to you Gen…it must be a biggie when the hair goes…but like Jane said I bet you can carry off whatever you choose to go with…heres looking at ya kid! Just rest all you can Gen and I love the smell of lavender, maybe that might help you to sleep too Gen. It is supposed to be calming!
Right my mate has Friday afternoon off from work…so bless her she is coming to see me. The sun is really cracking the flags and its so warm in the sun…lap it up now folks cos I believe it isn’t gonna last!!!
Heres to lemonade, sun and nothing to do!!!
catch ya all later

Best of luck with the wig Carole , if you still have a good head of stubble - I daren’t wear mine, because when I put it on, it feels as if it’s a rug moving across the carpet and will ride up and ping off in public - how embarrassing would that be ?

Afternoon Everyone, is there a spare lounger there, and anything to go in the lemonade?! :wink:

Have just got back from the hospital to have the darned drain bag removed and am trying with just a dressing now but any explosions over the weekend and I have a drain bag to put on myself…I hope not as I am mega squeamish and am bound to cock it up! Arm is still useless but can type as long as I keep my elbow tight to my waist. Today was a bit of a shock as it’s the first time I’ve properly seen the mastectomy scar which was extended to do the nodes, it’s still swollen so I hope the sight improves, well as much as it can. I opted not to go for immediate recon but may consider it at a later date. My friend saw a woman in a magazine who had had a tatto all along her scar, a japanese orchid, she said it was really lovely. However as I had a tiny daisy tatto for my 40th birthday and cried with the pain I don’t think I’ll go there.

You are all handling your loss of hair so well, I just hope I manage the same when the time comes, it is such a comfort reading about you all going through it now, it doesn’t make the months ahead seem quite so scary - a big thank you from me to you all.

Helen you like me have had 2 operations in a short space of time so you are bound to feel achey, I know I still feel very battered and bruised. I’ve been wiping witchhazel all over my shin before I go to bed and after my shower in the mornings and it seems to help. I haven’t found anything to help with the nerve problems but am working on it!

I love the Yankee candle idea too, I have been seeing 3 BCN’s as I’ve been going in so regularly and had thought of flowers but that sounds much nicer.

Anyway have gone on long enough, hope you have all enjoyed the sun today, see y’llin the saloon later if I can stop myself nodding off!

Di xxx

Hey there Di …come into the garden…think we can add a little something more exciting to the lemonade…Jack Dee seems to think so!
Great you’ve got your drain out…not so great it everything’blows’ later…you’ll be fine…I bet your arm is hurting after this post. My arm hurts at the crook of the elbow…just where bloods were taken…2 weeks ago…‘vampires’ some of em.
It sounds like it is a long scar Di, and just out of interest how soon after would you consider having recon? Hey if you fancied a tattoo, what would you have. I think a poppy field would be nice…or maybe just one poppy. I love poppies, simple, bright and can grow anywhere…so very hardy.
Enjoyed the sun today and a chat with my mate…but Im going for a lie down in the stables…all that hay…sounds pretty welcoming right now! But I’ll see you in the saloon later on Di…bring our mate Jack Dee along with you…will save you a stool! I’ll save all the stools in case anyone else drops in!
Hope everyone has had a chilling day as much as poss…
catch ya all later

Hi everyone…:smiley:

Di - sorry to hear you are in pain - hope there is no more leakage…

Have you all heard about the supposed benefits of things like green tea and turmeric…? I drank loads of green tea when i was on chemo - have just started drinking it again… i had read earlier that there have been a lot of claims world wide about turmeric but didn’t started using before as people seemed unsure if you should whilst on chemo… Just google both and breast cancer…

Will have a read up on the green tea nd tumeric, sounds interesting, I drink far too much coffee and have thought I must replace this now I’m home all day.

Yes Helen, it’s a mega scar right up into my arm pit, at least it’s all in a straight line - my OH had a very bad motorcycle accident and had a scar all the way down his leg which looked horrendous at the time. 3 years on and it’s faded enormously so I’m hoping. Does anyone use bio oil or anything on their scars?

At least it’s Friday night…whey hey!! company all weekend and visits from my nieces to do my hair for me bless 'em, they come armed with all the latest shampoos, sprays, straighteners you name it!

My OH is putting my dinner out for me so must go, he’s never cooked so much in his life, now there’s a positive out of all this :wink:

See ya later - Di x