Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

I wear a perfume called “green tea”…smells lovely…maybe I should be drinking it…joking ! Am sitting of a cup of green tea now,that’s as in tea and not in perfume,honest.

Think I will see you in the saloon later,can I bring my friend Gordon,or Mr Gin as he is sometimes known.

Gardening tip,sorry if this bores some of you,Carole, re your sweet peas I grow mine in tubes I make from newspaper,about 6" high fill with compost3 or 4 seeds per tube,they like to have long roots and don’t like them disturbed,after they have a couple of sets of leaves I nip out the tip ,this makes them grow bushy and not straggly and then when frost past I plant the whole thing out paper and all,make sure in sunny spot with plenty support,I have those willow obelisk things,once in flower the more you pick the more flowers you get as once they set in pods they die off. Here endeth the gardening sermon today. Scone making tips tomorrow…lol

Di hope your leakage behaves itself,I’m still dripping,not at night just during the day and down to one thin dressing a day,oohh maybe its all this green tea Im drinking coming out !
Hope you have got my bar seat warmed up Helen be there in a bit. Big hugs and sunny thoughts to all.

With the green tea and turmeric… one of my neighbours is from Mumbai - and she was the one who told me about them… apparantly they have really low rates of breast cancer in india… (she is a doctor and so are her dad and brothers…)

Welcome back, Blackjack. I’m really glad you’re feeling a bit better. You too Di, look after yourselves now. Hope your chemo went ok today Rosie. We’re all thinking of you.

Ros, I’ll definitely give Planet Rock a try. We’ve got Sky, so I think that’s my only option. We haven’t got a digital radio, cos we only get BBC, a dodgy local radio and a gay channel here. I’m not spending all that money for nothing. Hey, you could write a song about that “Money for nothing and the chicks are free”. Do you think it would be a hit? lol

If we’re talking about teenage clothes, anyone remember loons? Bell-bottomed cotton trousers in a range of strange colours that cost about £2 and looked good until you washed them. Then they looked like rags, but you’d spent your precious pocket money so you wore them anyway.

A weekend off Gen, you won’t know what to do with yourself. Your family sound fantastic. I bet you’ll make it to the Mother’s Day do - you’ll feel so rested after a weekend sans enfants:D

Jane, it’s a real shame you didn’t get your Pink tickets. You wonder where they dream up the prices for some of these gigs don’t you.

I rang the radiology dept this morning as we fancied going away next month, so I wanted to know roughly when my rads would start. I was told I’m booked in to start on 20 May and I’ll have a planning appointment some time in the two weeks before that. 10 weeks after my onc appointment and 14 weeks after surgery. Am I being difficult here, or does that seem an awful long time? Anyway, the upshot of it is we’ve booked a week in Sharm el sheik towards the end of April. Can’t wait.

I went for a swim this morning and then did a bit of digging in the garden. Big mistake - regretted that this afternoon. So I sat and watched Zoolander. Very OTT parody and very funny if you like that sort of thing. In the same vein, have you all seen Best in Show? I know you’re a doggy lot and I’m sure you’d find it funny. A parody of the dog show circuit - hilarious. And what about O Brother Where Art Thou? George Clooney at his hammiest - a bit wierd, but really funny. I think I might just buy that one some day.

Well, I’m whacked and about to flop for the evening. Can’t even manage a bar stool tonight - too high for my little legs!

Sal - from the brief poll of people i know on another forum i think the gap between surgery and rads varies from place to place…
One of my friends lives in Middlesbrough and there the gap is three months… I live in Northumberland and the gap is just under 2 months… and that seems common from the other people you speak to in the waiting room with you…
I think you really need a bit of a gap - just for your arm to get back full movement - especially as it seems to get more tricky as the rads mount up…

maybe we should have car stickers? I quite fancy a nifty sticker for my silver grey warhorse called picasso !!!

Hi there Fio…well thats a novel idea…stickers eh… Hey Sal I’ve got little legs too, think thats the reason I keep falling off my stool!!! Bring Gordon along too Sandra…the more the merrier!!
Well I guess everyone is plumb tuckered out…think all that sun has worked its magic!! Gonna down a few slugs with Jack and Gordon, then its me for my bunk…after I’ve caught that ornery horse of mine…again!!..he slipped his leash and went walkabout…so I’ll say night all…catch ya in the morning…have a great weekend all!!!
(please keep shining sun!!!)ps sorry for the waffle!!
catch ya later
Helen xx

Im leg length challenged too,only 5’3" , did read somewhere on the stupid at risk register that if you were short ish you were less likely to get cancer…PPPFFFFTTTTT ! Who makes up these lists ? Im sure they decide something mad one day then the following week they do a u turn on it, not worth the paper they are written on but I suppose it keeps someone in a job along with the people that work out how many times you can dunk a biscuit in your tea before it disintegrates…aha …but are they referring to green tea ! lol. Am not that bothered actually, one for the road with gordon before I make that leap into my bunk.

after a series of odd coincidences i met a woman today who is also triple negative with exactly the same results as me. she is 8 years cancer free and has a 3 year girl. i cant tell you how wonderful is was to meet her. it has given me so much hope and determination.

you have all been great but to meet in person someone who has beat TN has made a big difference to me. i know there may still be dark days ahead but i now have an extra weapon to fight the baddies.

i hope you are doing ok and by the way i have been hairless for about a week now and i am doing fine. you learn to accept the things you cannot change. well somethings anyway.

take care

Hi All

Thank you for all the good vibes, they worked a treat this afternoon!

Apart from a 2 hour delay in starting, everything went extremely smoothly. Brilliant staff, kept me laughing most of the time, lovely heat packs to keep the vein behaving, no reactions during treatment, and since getting home merely a slight headache.

So far so peachy… and have got the dark plum nail polish on to try and help the nails along (thanks to recommendation on another thread). Fingers crossed for a decent night’s sleep now.

Night night, hugs to everyone.
Rosie x

Ok, mega catch up tomorrow, just had a quick scan through. Let’s just say, in the round, on the whole, Who’se the Riders!, Where they at! Yippeekayayyyy!

Ok guys, I know we are all at different places, but in the overall, 'cos Steel just decided to drink the saloon dry tonight, Hic!!, and is behaving just a tad on the hic front… We are riding the storm, and we are riding it well. Hic, double, trple hic, I am going to be so embarrassed in the mornin g hic!

Hic, zzzzzzz…

Oh, hic! welcome Fio, hic, love picasso, hic! love the avatar, hic! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzihiczzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Morning everyone…:smiley:

Looks like another gorgeous day here :smiley:
Hi Fio and welcome :smiley:

Hi Martina

Meeting an 8 year survivor of triple negative must have been inspirational. Do you mind telling me what her diagnosis was? I could do with some inspiration at the moment.

Anne x

Hi Anne - welcome to the storm raiders… total shot in the dark here - do i know you from UKS…? (i know someone called Anne there who is triple neg…)


Morning All, hope those who partook last night aren’t suffering too much this morning;-)

Hello Fio and Anne, more Stormriders to fight the fight. I see you’re up and about early as usual Theresa!

I’m a bit of a bear with a sore head myself this morning as right on cue Niagara Falls started just as I was going to bed last night so have had to fir myself out with a new drain bag…(swears very loudly and throws toys out of the pram!)

Anyway there’s nowt I can do about it so may as well enjoy the sunshine today, OH went off early to get the weekly shop so I’m hoping for some treats when he gets back, it helps!! :slight_smile:

Hope everyone is doing okay today, have a good one

Di x

Way to go Steel…she finally falls off the stool!!! The other stormriders, throw a horse blanket over her and tip toe out…noisily!! Steel gives a little snore and turns over, quite at home and comfy on the wooden floor!!! Has she been there before???

Oh blooming heck Di, has your wound got a radar signal that tells it when your gonna have a rest? Poor you…hope it got sorted ok! Perhaps your OH will bring you some choccys!!

Martina…its great you’ve met someone in person that can relate to your own history. This site is great, but like you say…meeting someone in person who can say how they feel must be a relief to you!
So pleased!
Rosie…yeh to go…you seem to have come through your first chemo…just fine…plum nail varnish…thats interesting!!What does it do??

Morning Fio…welcome Anne…its a lovely morning again…hope its the same for everybody else too!

I’m gonna practise walking up and down the driveway…gives me some ‘safe’ if boring excercise!
I’ll be back soon!


Di - my son gets up everyday at 6am lol must admit though just recently i have been having a mammoth lie in until 6.30 when my husband goes to work lol
Sorry to hear that you need yet another drain…:frowning:

Groan. Don’t anybody talk too loudly round Steel today. She thought she could solve a minor down moment by staying in the saloon all night. BIG mistake……Think she’ll go spend the day fencing at the furthest away part of the Old One’s property till the bear in her head stops roaring. Thanks for the blankie guys. :smiley:

How are the newly hairless today? It takes a bit of getting used to I must admit, but remember in the grand scheme of things it’s not for long. Got the wig yesterday. That’s it over there. Don’t see me wearing it very often at all. I can feel it on my head all the time and it just isn’t me. I’d rather be me with a scarf and wait for my own hair to come back. It’s there for emergencies though I suppose. Know what you mean about it moving on the stubble Ros. Mine isn’t thick enough to make it loose, but it sure makes it itchy!

What’s a Yankee Candle?

Dangnabbit, that darn wound is a pest Di. Feeling for you here. The scar will calm down in time. Palmer’s Cocoa Butter is supposed to be very good for scars. I use it generally as a body cream and it is definitely one of the best I’ve come across. And nice and cheap too.

Thanks for the sweet pea tips! I’m liking the idea of keeping them low and bushy, and wondering if that might help get them going. And I read somewhere that you’re more likely to get it if you’re tall! And maybe red headed, with yellow eyes, and a hamster called Gerald. Where do they get these ideas from! Can’t win eh. :smiley:

Don’t remember the loons. Sounds like exactly the kind of thing I’d have bought too, then got told off by my mum for wasting my pocket money. My favourite was cheesecloth shirts. I had a tunic type that I wore till it fell apart. I loved that shirt. In fact, I think I might make one for the summer. Time for a bit of nostalgia.

14 weeks does seem a long time, but I guess it’s to make certain you’re healed before they start cooking you. At least you’ve got the date to head for, and a week in Sharm el Sheik. Now that sounds like a good way to pass the time. Love “O Brother”, one of my favourites.

Sounds like a good meeting there Martina. Really glad it’s given you a lift. And you’re right about the hair. Once it’s out you adjust, then accept it and get on with waiting out the sentence as it were.:slight_smile:

Good news the chemo was easy Rosie. Remember to keep drinking loads of water. I managed 3 litres a day on that last round and it helped I think. But take it easy this week. The chemo makes your system really sluggish so everything you do will make you more tired than you think. No cardio sessions! :smiley:

Hi again Fio. Steel does actually remember saying hi last night before she fell off her stool. :smiley: And hi Anne and welcome!

Right I’m off to do some fencing. Ooops, Steel is off to do some fencing, ‘cos I wouldn’t be so daft as to drink far too much. Nope, not me, I’m sensible, I swore off the drink for chemo, so it couldn’t be me. Definitely Steel, who has learned her lesson, but nobody bring it up. She gets ornery when the bear’s on her. :smiley:

Morning all
Crumbs, you lot have been mega-chatty for last couple of days! Taken me ages catching up, but lovely to see so many of us able to enjoy the Spring weather – and a belated happy Equinox for yesterday!

Hi to the new Riders – tee hee, the Old One’s going to need to build a bunkhouse extension for us soon! Hmm, maybe that could be something the cowpokes could be persuaded to help her with…?! (Shades of that advert with some women looking out of office window at blokes on a building site – can’t remember the product, tho).

Following first FEC yesterday, I don’t wish to tempt Providence or anything, but pleased to report normal night’s sleep punctuated by nothing more sinister than the usual 3 hot flushes. Only SE so far is a slight, but persistent, headache (just like the caffeine-withdrawal headaches I had when giving it up) so have zapped that with Brufen.

Purple nail varnish – recommended elsewhere on this site - both to disguise nail discolouration and to help protect from splitting during chemo, which can affect nails as well as hair follicles. So Calamity Jane just became a temporary Goth! (And my virtual steed Valentine gave me a very funny look when I went into the stable this morning… had to reassure her I’m not going to paint her hooves the same shade).

Hugs to everyone, whatever stage of the Storm you’re riding through at present.
PS- another Planet Rock fan here!

Hi to all you Storm Riders - yes, a bunkhouse extension is definately needed. Preferably one with comfy duvets, room-service and a movie channel!!

Trying out the wig for the second time to-day. Close friends have seen me in it and think it’s great. Just not sure what I’ll do if we get the heat wave this summer. - perhaps we need air -conditioning in the bunk house too.

Love Cxx

hi Fio, hi Anne…good to see you! Rosie - glad its gone well, you have the first one over you well done and take it easy! Carole - I’m talking softly as I’m very kind like that and thinking of the poor head - which I must say looks lovely in that hair!! It looks very natural! I must admit to feeling “free” in an odd sort of way since hair departed - onced it was shaved off - shorter than no. 1 cut as there was no guard - it was too late to mope, it had gone (on holiday to heal and repair itself and will be back fully refreshed and growing strong at the end of the chemo run!)
Martina - so glad you found your friend and I’m sure it’ll really help kid!
Di - better out than in as they say… mary x