Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

hi rhodabee - well you’ve got some darn fancy ideas there…or we could have the likes of whats his name cooling us with those big fan leaf things…colin farrell, tom hanks…eamonn holmes’ll do me!!

Hello Clare - welcome to the storm raiders…:smiley: definatly sounds like we need an extention…:smiley:


anne i have sent you a PM.


just to let anyone wondering about janraw know that she sent me a message the other day. the tumour in her brain was a secondary, she has to have radiation on it which will leave her with no hair permanatly. then she will have chemo for breast. she is very down as i am sure you can imagine.

im sorry for posting such a negative post, but i know some of you had talked to jan when she was on and were concerned for her. we all have a different journey to travel but for some it is worse than others. i just hope that although she doesnt post maybe she reads this site and will know that we are all wishing her well.


martina - thanks for letting us know.

Jan sending you loads of love and positive vibes for the treatment ahead…


The building site crumper advert was for Diet Coke, although I think most of us weren’t really bothered about the drink !
Welcome to our new visitors.

Martina, I’m very sorry to hear about JanRaw. Strangely, I was thinking about her this morning and was going to ask you about her when I posted. When you’re in touch, tell her we are all thinking about her and sending her love and good vibes. On a happier note, I’m pleased you found someone to talk to, who could put a positive note on things for you. You definitely sound chirpier:D

HEY STEEL! I’M JUST GONNA BANG SOME FENCE POSTS IN HERE NEXT TO WHERE YOU’RE SLEEPING AGAINST THAT ROCK. WHAT’S THAT YOU SAY? YOU HAVE A HEADACHE? Sorry, I’ll stop shouting now. That’ll learn you. Or probably not - it always seems a good idea at the time doesn’t it? It was worth a try though and you probably enjoyed the trying.

Cheesecloth shirts - I’d forgotton about them. I loved them too. Strange how they shrank to about a third of their original size when you washed them. I’m liking the wig by the way. You look tres chic:)

Now as you know, we welcome all new Storm Riders with open arms, but I think a lightweight Hollywood type snuck in here when we left the door open… RhodaBee is obviously used to the good life. lol. Sounds like she could be giving Riviera a run for her money in the glamour stakes!! There could be fight for the mirror before too long. lol No doubt she’s here after hearing of the imminent arrival of the cowpokes and the tantalising glimpse of love interest on the horizon… Still, I’m sure we can toughen her up with a bit of fence post hole digging.

Rosie, I’m glad your first chemo went well. I hope you’re resting up in the sunshine today. Di, I hope you sold tickets for ole Niagara… and that OH has brought you some goodies from the supermarket. Mary, you sound really good about your hair loss. Yo is a girl with attitude and we like that!!

I’m actually ok about the 14 week wait Theresa. I think it’ll take time for the shoulder to get back to what passes for normality. I was thinking I’d go back to work if I had a long wait, but I couldn’t lift buckets of flowers etc and do hand tieds at the moment, so I’m going back to my GP this week to ask her to sign me off until mid-June. She offered to sign me off for the duration and I think I’m going to treat myself to a bit of r and r:) Incidentally, I was told yesterday that my treatment would finish on 10 June. Two days short of 6 months from my diagnosis. I never thought just surgery and rads would take so long!

Hope you’re enjoying your weekend off Gennie.

The sentry saw what looked like a bundle of rags moving slowly through the tumbleweed.She alerted the others and after a moment they realised it was…The Old One who had gone missing from the porch some time ago.Two of the riders rushed out and gave her water[laced with brandy]from their canteens and helped her to the fire.'Where were you?You have missed such a lot.'Someone gave her a plate of chilli and after a few bites she said,‘Weeeeell it was like this…’

AFTERNOON STEEL - HOW’S THE HEAD?!! :smiley: :smiley: No harm in taking a little tincture every now and then. I’m not swearing off a drop of something braceing altogether - once the chemo fog lifts each time I’m going to allow myself the odd drink for sure. Like the wig by the way, looks very natural I must say. I don’t think I’m going to bother now it’s come to it - I’ve got some scarves, a couple of buffs and a good friend came round last night with a nice cap that I can just put on my head for popping out so I’m just going to go with it. I get a shock when I look in the mirror at my Sinead O Connor crop, but it could be worse. Riviera is going to wear make-up, jaunty headwear and keep drumming those flamenco heels. :smiley:

My child free weekend is going lazily so far I’m SO tired. Jez woke me at 7 when he went out to work, I got up and had a coffee & some toast, took my anti-sick meds, went back to sleep, got up had a bath, some lunch, a sit in the garden and now I’m thinking I need another sleep. What a waste of a lovely day!! It’s nice to have some time to myself though I must say. I was in Black Canyon by now on the last chemo run, so just feeling weary today is fine by me.

Good for you Sal, being signed off for the duration. I’m not sure I’ll stay the course with working in between chemo bouts, it’s only guilt that’s making me do it really. Why, I ask myself. Why?!! Answers on a postcard please… :smiley:

Martina - I’m so glad you’ve met someone to give you that boost you needed. Do give my love to Jan if you are in touch with her. I’ve thought of her often and I hope and pray her treatment is successful.

Sorry to hear Niagara still gushing - it will get there in the end, but I know it feels like it’s going on forever while you’re dealing with it.

Good to see you back Old One, pull up a chair and tell us your story.

I’m sure I’ve missed someone - I can’t scroll back far enough to see. What a chatty bunch we are all of a sudden!

So good to see you back Old One, I’m fed up with Sals Dandelion stew.

Martina, let Jan know I am thinking of her and sending lots of positive vibes.

I did a daft thing this morning and watched the Wendy Richards documentary, that was on the other night. I found it to be positively inspiring, even though I cried buckets at the end.

Hi to all the new storm riders. There’s going to be one hell of a party when we’ve all beaten the baddies. I’d best start saving up its going to be one expensive round.

Rosie, glad your chemo went well and that the SE are holding of.

Gen, hows the peace and quiet going? Hope you make it to the Mothers day dinner tomorrow.

Sal, a holiday sounds like a great idea. Got room for a little one. Furthest we are going to get is the BILs in Plymouth, late April. Two dogs to consider and no one to mind them. However I am trying to sort a short break in Rome, for May. OH will be 50.

Got the oldest coming over later, with her boyfriend. They are staying overnight then cooking dinner for Mothers Day tomorrow. Dreading the kitchen when they have gone. lol

Take care everyone xx

Evenin’ everybody, hope you’ve all enjoyed the glorious weather today.

Carole, I’m loving the new look, you like like Felicity Kendall, have you just got the one style?
Sal, I agree you deserve and need a good break before starting rads, no doubt work will still be there when it’s all finished so enjoy all the holidays you can get away with I say!
Gen, hope you’ve enjoyed a lovely ‘me’ day today, I expect it has seemed very quiet. I too spent most of today sleeping on and off, I had visitors for a couple of hours and it sure whacked me out.
Jane we have the same problem as you with 2 dogs and no one to mind them - we’ll have to do each other a favour!!?? Having said that these tow are nicknamed ‘the terrorists’ so not a great idea!
Good to see everyone dropping back in, it’s great to know there’s always someone around isn’t it?
I’m surprised Helen’s not propping up the bar already, I think we should nominate you as Bartend as you’re normally first in and last out! :wink:
Kit - Eamon Holmes!!! Come on - we haven’t got a horse big enough for him in the stable unless we get the old 'uns cart horse out to try! Johny Depp would look stunning in spurs though!!
Back to 70’s gear, yes I had Loons, also flares which were two colours, mine were red to the knee and then white!! Stunning. Not to mention suede patchwork skirts with poppers up the front :slight_smile:

Anyway, Chinese is on the way so I’ll wish you all a good night and hi to everyone who’s back in the saddle.

Di xxx

Enjoy your chinese Di…Well I’m up for the bartends job, but only every other day mind…I’d miss falling off the stool if I did it every day!!!
I’ve been potting up yet more plants this afternoon…well 3 pots…only 12 more or so to go!!!
Love your new style Carole…
Although you say you haven’t done anything much today Gen…thats the beauty of pleasing yourself…its deffo not wasted time, its quality time!!
Hey Sal I felt a bit guilty about work…but as time has gone by, not so much now!! You need it…so you are fresh, fit and raring to go…well fresh and fit anyway.
Oh I lurve Johnny Depp…would have him served up on a horse any time. I sooooo remember the flares, and patchwork leather skirts, proper minis they were. But like Carole I loved the cheesecloth shirts, even wore some a few years ago!!! (fancy dress) :-)Oh by the way…how is the headache Carole?? has it dissolved yet…if so I’ll see you at the bar later…got to get some practise in for my part time job lol.-)

Hi Old one…I’m feeling lazy enough to settle by the fire eating some coffee and grits and listen to one of your stories…how about it?
Hi mary…you sound like you’ve got used to the new style you very quick …great!!
Hi there Martina… Ros…I think your right about the advert…who cares about an addictive drink when you have hunks advertising their wares!!!
Hi new storm riders and to everyone else on this lovely day!!

Sees you all later

That is bad news indeed on Jan Martina. Send her our best wishes and hopes for everything good when you talk to her next.

Hi RhodaBee. Yup definitely sounds like you’ll be taking the Old One’s other spare room. It’s got a nice quilt, would that do? lol.

Thanks for all the peace and quiet - not! Mule you are so getting a dunking in the creek after that fencing malarkey, and Riviera, you’re lucky the headache had gone by the time you yelled in Steel’s ear, or you’d have been in the water barrel. Friends, can’t live with 'em, can’t gag 'em… :smiley:

Great idea signing off Sal. When you’ve worked all your life anyway I reckon it’s time for a bit of personal space. Hey and 10 June - excellent time to finish and have a fabby summer to celebrate. My chemo finishes (if I don’t get delayed) 21 July. Mid summer, not bad I thought. Let the sun shine on!

With you on the no wig thing Gen. Looked at it again today and though, naaaaaah. It’s amazing how fast you get used to the scarf bit, and 'cos my scarves are black, grey and dark brown at the moment, I’m basically a brunette so I get to colour my eyebrows as dark as I like and don’t look like Joan Crawford. Result! Sounds like you’re having a great weekend too. Keep it up. Lazy days are what we need now. And if you sign off for the duration, which you should totally do, you can have lazy days when you’re feeling pretty good. Even better. Oh, and apart from the chemo thing (pesky interrupter of good times) how’s the spending spree going? Bought anything fabulous you care to share a description of?

Me too on the two dogs, no minder thing. I have put them in kennels before, but they hate it so much, stop eating etc, I can’t do it. I’d rather take a break in a self catering cottage in the UK and take them with me than do that to them again. We’re Pack after all, and Pack sticks together. :smiley:

Hmmm, Felicity Kendall? Well I was out digging over the vegetable plot today, so maybe it’s not such a long shot after all. As she was once voted the “nicest bum” or something similar, I should grab the comparison with both hands. Then again, as I peer round in the mirror…

And the Old One’s back. Thank goodness. I’m with Casey on that Dandelion stew concoction - in one end, straight out the other. What next Mule, crocus bud flambe?! :smiley:

And I did also pause and blink at the mention of Eamon Holmes. At least you know you won’t have any competition for him if he turns up Poncho. lol.

Set 'em up new bartend. Steel is now headache free and ready to sink a small beer or two. In this universe however, I am back on the alcohol free stuff. Too much alcohol early in the second week is not a good idea. However, Johnny Depp is a good idea. I think I shall shove Colin Farell over a bit and let Mr Depp draw up a stool for a while.

Bad spellers of the world untie

here is some thoughts that may make you smile

Boycott shampoo! Demand the REAL poo!

Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and you have their shoes.

A closed mouth gathers no foot

A day without sunshine is like, night.

Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines.

the devil finds work for idle hands, no… really… the devil has made me post this.


They made me chuckle Martina… were did you get them from?
I particularly liked the eagle one…good imagery!!
Ok folks…bar is closing early…big day tomorrow for some, if not for all…Steel I’ve put a couple of cool beers in your saddle bag…for later!Sip slowly.
Y’all take care now
sleep tight, don’t let bugs of any kind bite!!
Helen x

I’m up with the larks on this sunny sunny day!! Whatever your having to cope with, this day and the ones after…make sure you all have a lovely day today…a ‘me’ day!!!
Helen xxx

Morning everyone…:smiley:

Happy Mother’s day… Today is my first mother’s day without my mum - so feels abit strange…

Just heard that Jade Goody passed away overnight - so sad :frowning:

Enjoy today Theresa…mums are the best. So sad about Jade:-(

Gen, the answer to your question about work is “you’re a woman and we’re really into the guilt thing”. That and the Protestant work ethic. Well, I’ve thought long and hard and I’m done with those and so should you be. Get yourself signed off. I know it’s nice to think you are doing things that are normal, but work - and for Scrooge and Co? They don’t deserve you. I’m sure you could think of some normal things that are more fun! Go on, we can do it:D

The good thing about all this is that I haven’t had to work ridiculously long hours this past week, preparing 100s of pink bouquets etc. Why does everyone assume that because you’re a Mum you want pink flowers?? Mmm, I appear to be in a devilish mood today, but I didn’t realise it. Hey ho.

Great lines Martina - you’re back on form:D

Eamon Holmes? Curious. Although, I was watching the rugby yesterday (sadly) and thought … Lawrence Dellaglio… mmmmmm. I like them big and rugged:) But then again, he’d need a big horse too! Johnny Depp, nice, but I bet he’s high maintenance:D

Well, I’m being treated to a lunch at a nice restaurant for Mothers Day, so I better be off and put on my gladrags. Have a great day all. Thinking of you Theresa, the first one without your Mum is the worst and you’ve got lots of years’ worth of memories of her I’m sure.

Hope you’re all being spoiled rotten.