Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Good luck for number 3 Ross and any one else having treatment tomorrow. Bad news about the Hickman line Mary, that boss sure is giving you a hard time. Think we all need to ride out and give him a good a@@ whooping. I’ll send lots of positive vibes that the vein comes through easily.

Well am all done and dusted. Been wearing a cheshire cat grin all day. lol Just hope I didn’t offend any of the nurses when I said ‘hope I don’t see you again’. Back on the Tamoxifen tonight. Now where did I put that damn fan.

Welcome all newbies. I’ll be lining the bar with champers tonight. Anyone up for it? I know am not out of the wood but the treatments done and you know me, any excuse for a beer. :slight_smile:

What a result Ros…6.5hrs eh!!!And a great garden to boot! thinking of you tomorrow with your 3rd chemo. Potato peeling sounds good Rhoda Bee, always need tatties for the Old ones stews!
Mary good luck with your appointment on Wednesday.
Remind me again what appointment you have this Wednesday Di, I thought it was next week…hard to keep track sometimes! Rosie you seem to be doing really well…great! Hope you managed some rest Gen!

The bar will be open soon…and yes your’e right Di…drinks are on the new stormriders!! I’ll just get Jack and Gordon ready!
Do you still have that cowbell Di…it might come in useful!!
catch ya later

quite right too jane - we’ll be there!! And yes the a** whooping might be a good idea…mary x

Great news Jane!!! We could have strawberry with the champagne!!mmmmmmm!! Then we’ll go and whup those bad guys for Mary!!!

That’s great news Jane…:smiley:


Excellent news Jane!! I’m off the hard stuff for another few days, but I’ll join you in a pineapple juice. Lucky you, the first of the original Storm Riders to make it through Determination. Woo hoo!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

More than happy to stand my corner - bring out that champagne! Thanks for the welcome, that’s me in the corner with the shovel and wheelbarrow, proud to be part of the gang!


Fantastic Jane - you’re done!!! Well done, no doubt after that there roasting with rads:D As Carole said, you must have ice cream in Italy - it’s obligatory. Mmmmmmmmmm.

Di, I’m sorry you keep erupting, but as Gennie said, it will heal. And yes, even though we don’t like doing it, a good blub is sometimes absolutely necessary.

Gennie, I’m glad you had a good day yesterday, even though you were tired. I’ve put Old One’s rocking chair on the porch, with a large jug of pineapple juice - just sit there and watch the sunset.

I went shopping and was sorely tempted by the Barbie-pink velour tracksuit in M&S, but you’ll all be pleased to know, I didn’t buy it. lol. I bought a couple of tops, some shorts and a pair of trousers (which I am now going to have to butcher, as they’re about 4" too long as usual). What a joy it would be to be able to go into a shop and try on clothes that actually fit! What I didn’t manage to find (unsurprisingly) was any swimwear and that was what I wanted most. Damn. So I’ve been trawling the internet and put in a ridiculously large order at Figleaves, on the basis that I can send it all back free of charge if it doesn’t fit/turns out to be hideous etc.

Good luck tomorrow Ros and Martina and by the way Ros, I hope you looked suitably dishevelled when you went outside to wave your gardener goodbye - gotta give those neighbours some ammo;) lol.

Mary, the only thing I can suggest about veins is to get really hot. That seems to do the trick with my veins, which shrink to nothing in the cold (courtesy of Reynaud’s syndrome).

I’ve managed to get up on the bar stool tonight, so serve me up a large one Yorkie! Oh, and as Lizzy’s buying, make it the good champagne! lol

Only the best!!

(Might even have a sly bottle of Sloe Gin in the rucksack to add a bit of extra to the old champers!)


Isn’t Gin supposed to make you cry?

Sloe gin and champers? That sounds like a strange mixture, but hey, I’m up for it. Line 'em up, Yorkie.

Might have guessed you’d be up for it Sal, after the strange concoctions you’ve dished up at the dinner table.

The trouble I go to to make gourmet meals out of nothing - and all I get is abuse! Come back Old One, 'cos I can’t find your blueberry pancake recipe anywhere and the Riders are getting jittery.

Trust me - it’s mighty fine! Goes a pretty colour, and I’ll even pay waaaay over the odds for some flown in strawberries (sod the carbon footprint!)to make it even posher!

Only make you cry if you have too much…

Just a small one for me then please Lizzie. Tears are at the bottom of my to do list for today.

Right girls, all the drinks are on Lizzie, sloe gin, gin, Jack dee, champagne and of course the obligatory beer!! I’ve lined em up, so get them down you…and no falling off the stools, the floors just had new sawdust thrown down!!! Nothing but the best!
Gen your in charge…but only cos your on pineapple juice! So you can borrow the Old ones rocker tonight…sure she won’t mind!

I might regret this - but hey, what the hell!

I’ll leave the tab open - give it a bit of a battering, tomorrow’s another day, here’s to Jane (I think - just getting used to who’s who!)finishing treatment,

Whoooeeeee! Yip, yip, Yeeehaaa! Casey comes charging into the Old One’s at supper time with some great news! She’s had one ding dang of an idea about the Boss and getting across that Border. But first, the Storm Riders head for the saloon. Yorkie vaults the bar and starts pouring. There are some new faces in the bar, all instantly recognisable as Storm Riders. They stand up and move forward, pushing through the rest to the bar. Yorkie looks up, her hand pausing mid air with a bottle. These new Storm Riders reach into their jackets, slowly pull their hands back, and whack down coins.

“Pour 'em Bartend, the drinks are on us” And the Storm Riders grin and laugh, and slap their new pardners on the back and raise their glasses.

Casey, hits the bar a couple of times to get attention. “To us” she says, “and to one excellent idea I just had”.

Out with it then, says Blackjack.

Ah, but that’d spoil the surprise, chuckles Casey. Y’all will have to wait till tomorrow. But I will take you up on another game of cards, Blackjack. I’m feeling mighty lucky tonight.

The saloon is filled with the clink of glasses, laughter, and a sense of camaraderie that Determination hasn’t felt in a long time. The night is young and the Storm Riders know how to make it a long and good one.

Jane, excellent beyond imagining! You did it kiddo. You kicked @ss! I’m hearing our theme tunes running in the background, with an overlay of Gooood Gooood Gooood, Good Vibrations, and a touch of “this is the dawning of the aaage of aquarius, the aaaage of aquariuuuuu uuuuuus, aquaaaarrriiuuuusss”…:smiley:

So there we have it Storm Riders. That’s how it’s done! Who’s next? :smiley:

Stay cool and groovy for tomorrow Ros and Martina. Well, not too cool obviously or your veins will shrink as Sal says. On which front, yes, keep warm Mary, and drink loads the day before and on the day. The better hydrated you are the better the veins will be, but I also put the heat up in the car on the way over to keep my hands and arms warm.

Oooh, that velour tracksuit was so you Sal, you should’ve, really… :smiley:
I fell foul of Figleaves before. Too much stuff, too much choice, too much “I must have it, NOW”. Thankfully, as you say, you can return it.

You’re up with me next Tuesday for chemo Rhodabee. I’ve got no 4 Epi. Wow, can’t believe I’m already heading for No 4!

Oh, all new Storm Riders. What names for your alter egos and horses? I’ve got Picasso for Fio.

Cassey climbs on to a bar stool and raises her glass. She thanks all of the storm riders that have guarded her through the canyon. Without your help I would not have reached the other side, with so few scars. There would have been a lot more tears and not so much laughter. I’m gonna watch over each and everyone of you now,along side the Old One and Angel, until we’re all on the other side.

