Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination


Now someone give me hand down from this here stool. I forgot am scared of heights!!

Steel kicks the bar stool legs and in a somewhat abrupt manner helps her pal down.


Hi there Carole
Well, horse just has to be Frank! - that’s the name of my real live horse, and if he found out I’d substituted a virtual one - well, he just wouldn’t speak to me again!
Think I’ll be Nancy,

So Frank and Nancy Sinatra, pleased to meet y’all!


Hey hey guys and belated welcome to newbies…Am puting myself in self imposed quarantine as I’ve got the most stinky cold ever… aww poor me… my nose has come out in sympathy with my drippy boob ! Di, it does get better…honest ! Im down to dripping during the day only now,maybe I should just stay in bed all day…that might be the answer.

I will just sit in the corner but you could send over Gordon to accompany me,he won’t make me cry,well maybe tears of laughter,I’ve never been one to get maudlin on drink.

Gosh nowt on Tv, how sad am I…no interest in fishing but mmmmmmm Robson Green on channel 5…lol

Great news Jane,soooo pleased for you. Good luck for the chemo tomorrow Martina and Ros and Mary will be sending you positive vein enlarging vibes for Wed,you are def right going for that methinks and not puting it off,another step down the path.

Think will start off with a hot toddy tonight,purely medicinal of course…

Sandra x

Now don’t you go falling Casey…don’t want any broken bones…but get yourself comfy on one of the wooden chairs and I’ll send over a bottle of champagne…you deserve it!!
Everyone lift their glasses…To Jane,whose come through the rough ride, and ‘sorted’ those bad guys. Glad you are gonna be watching over us Jane, with Theresa and Val

Does that mean we will be getting some entertainment Lizzie…I mean Frank and Nancy, how could we not!!!
Sandra I got Gordon ready earlier…a few tots should see you zedding pretty quick!!
Ros, Martina and Mary…heres to you.

Lol. Loving the Sinatra duo!

Ah, poor Scotia, confined to the edge of the saloon. Good job she’s an ace catcher. We can just toss the bottles over in that direction and she can pour her own. :smiley:

Wow, Yorkie’s sure got the hang of this bartending thing! Like a home from home. :wink:

Gen, meant to say, I know what you mean about the scarf on the forehead. It takes a bit to get used to and I’m still annoyed by it. No headache, but I just want the darn thing off sometimes. Hopefully I’ll resist the urge to yank it off in the middle of Tesco… Have you tried not tying it so tight? :wink:

Well, call me a light weight girls but the whiskeys gone to my head now and I can hear my bunk calling Its been a long day.

Just wont to say thank you for joining in the celebrations. Night god bless everyone.

Positive vibes to those having treatments tomorrow.


Sleep easy Jane. Casey and the Riders will mosey on down to the bunkhouse, doing that all in a line walk thing - Hey Hey with the Monkees…

Night all. Steel needs to get her boots off too.

You lot so haven’t heard me sing!

Anyways up, had a lovely evening, thanks for the company and making me feel so welcome,

Off to the bunk, got to get up early, I’ll see to everyones horses in the morning,

Lizzy XX

I sure do seem to have grasped the basics…which is surprising cos in ‘real’ life I probably see the inside of a bar every 3mths or so, depending on birthdays!!! Good imagination is the key!! Wey hey!!!
Goodnight Casey, sleep peaceful like…
Think I’m gonna be closing the bar too, got an early visitor in the morning…so don’t let those bugs bite, and sleep tight all…


oooohhh all alone in the bar… just as well got gordon here to keep me company…don’t know why I’m not tired tonight,will probably pay for it tomorrow,cold seems a bit better tho,that hot toddy must be doing the trick…

Morning everyone…:smiley:

That was one hell of an evening in the bar last to celebrate Jane finishing treatment and the arrival of all the new storm riders :smiley:

I’ve got my brother coming to visit this morning - i havn’t seen him since just after christmas so that will be good…:smiley: (He is just popping up for the morning with his oh…)

Theresa x

Morning all, I hope your head’s are okay after last night’s celebrations…very annoyed to have fallen asleep on my bunk and woken up to find I missed the party, hopefully there will be many more celebrations to come!!

Fab news Jane, I’m so pleased for you, as Carole said the first of the Stormriders to reach that milestone, brilliant!!!

Thanks for the posiive thoughts on Niagara falls Sandra, it is getting less, my appointments Weds and Fri are to have it drained Helen - I wouldn’t mind but I have to pay taxi’s this week as no-one around to take me, hey ho. As long as they can sort it out asap - my appt with Oncologist is next Wednesday so I’m hoping treatment won’t be held up.

Carole and Gennie, do you wear buffs? I was looking at a brochure and wondered if they looked more comfortable not having to be tied, I can imagine a tied scarf would give you a headache after a while Gennie - I don’t know anything about all this but my nurse gave me some literature and the buffs looked a good idea??

I know soneone’s having something done today but can’t scroll down far enough to read - I’ll read back after this and send lots of hugs, hope all the rest of you dirty stop outs aren’t suffering too much … if you think I’m going to clear up all the mess in the saloon after having none of the fun…

Have a great day everyone and good luck to everyone having stuff done.

Di xxx

Morning all…blimey that was some night!! Although, feeling remarkably perky this a.m. Don’t worry Di…I saved a bottle under the ‘counter’ for you…mind you Sandra was the last in, so if its not there now…
You obviously needed the rest love, and it sounds like things are on the mend now. I thought you had a results appointment next week, because I think Sandra has one on the Thursday and I have one on the Friday! So a ‘sorting’ out week again. Good luck with the draining tomorrow and Friday…I’m sure it won’t interfere with the rest of your treatment.
Morning Theresa, it’s always nice to see family isn’t it…have a nice morning!
I have a friend coming later this morning and a different one later this afternoon, so the day should fly by!
Ros, Martina and Mary thinking of you today!!
Take care anyone else having stuff done, or continuing chemo.
Again…fantastic Jane, never mind if you have a hangover, you have earned it! Bless!


Morning all, and good luck and hugs to all having “stuff” - could do with calender to keep track!


what a humdinger of a night eh girls…gonna tank up on the h20 today then - will help wash away last nights’ pop!! Sandra - hope you and gorgon didn’t stay toooooo late…
Ros & Martina - go get em girls…mary x
gen - how ya doin’ kid??
jane - way hey and well done to getting over the other side…you’re on sentry duty now with val & angel…

Sorry girls the Old One is still wallowing in her personal bog if I may share with you then you will understand why I have been missing so much.My 34 yr old daughter gave birth a month ago.First the baby was ill,born with a Hib infection.That was sorted with antibx then he got a persistent eye infection.Meanwhile J devp mastitis 2 yr old got flu as did her OH.Then last week J had a prolapsed bladder[cystocele]and is in a state of such misery and worry.I know its nothing to what others are going through but I am finding it very hard as I am still banned from stairs so cant go to her house for long.Next week I go back to hosp so hope my leg will be discharged.J just cries all the time her doc is worried about pn depression.The cystocele can be sorted but not now.
So sorry my loves and I am happy for those who are doing well and have a place in my heart for all of you despite my long absences.

Horace - so sorry to hear that your daughter is having such a tough time… sending her loads of love…

Theresa x

Thoughts are with you and your daughter Val…bless.