Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

I’m the odd one out here as I hate driving, and do it because I have to and that’s it so my little Peugeot 206 does me fine! I really admire you driving a train Jane, and all you Penelope Pittstop’s going topless;-) I hope you have the Dark glasses and the silk scarf to complete the picture! Talking of speed though, I’m known in the family as Miss Marple when it comes to driving so imagine everyone’s shock when it was me who managed to get caught speeding last year :-)My only excuse being that I was on my way into Bath for a shopping trip and we were discussing which shop to start in first - unfortunately still got the points :-(.
Off to check out Theresa’s scrapping now!
Di x

Afternoon all…been at a friends for lunch, just got back. We thought we were just getting sandwiches, but she’d put on a spread! bless! Was nice to catch up! Good start to the weekend.

I think that perhaps I’m the odd one out Di, I don’t actually drive a car…never learnt. Either bussed it or got chauffered to places, still do!! So when someone tells me about their car, the only question I can ask intelligently is ‘what colour is it?’
Sandra couldn’t the London weekend thing be changed…seems a pity you have to miss it!

Got my green wellies, husbands big thick rain coat…with hood, hat, scarf and gloves…yep think thats all I need for a lovely walk on the beach!!!

Gonna have a peek at Theresas scrap booking blog.

Ok gals…grab a drink, there all lined up on the bar, prepare yourselves for the weekend!
Sandra, hope your appointment on Tuesday goes well. Hope yours on Wednesday does too Di. Lizzy nearly there now…not long to go!
Anybody else having stuff done on Monday and Tuesday heres some {{{{hugs}}}}. Have a lovely weekend everybody…I intend to…yippee!

With my unbrella and bottomless bag, I feel like Mary Poppins! Just as well…considering the weather…I’ll just breeze in on the wind, just hope I’m not blown off course …lol :wink:

Take care all
catch ya soon
Helen xxx

gosh it’s quiet in here today…where you all gone? Hope that nasty black dog hasn’t got you,my foot will be up it’s bahooky if I see it lurking about.

Don’t think they would change the London weekend just cos little old me couldn’t make it,am sure they got plenty others on the books to choose from unfortunately,was well pee-ed off with that but hey ho,onwards and upwards.

Helen I hope you have a fantastic weekend,enjoy and catch up when you are back.

Hope I’m not sitting drinking in the bar on my own…do I smell…? Lol

Scotia looked towards the saloon doors. The wind was getting up again, and the doors swung back and forth. It was quiet in here tonight. Off to the right a single table was occupied by two old men. You could almost hear their joints creaking. The bartender stood, bored, behind the bar shining the unused glasses. He winked over at Scotia and slid the whisky bottle along the bar.

Might as well have one on the house, he said. In fact, I’ll join you. He poured himself a glass and they clinked glasses. Where’re the rest of you? He asked.

Scotia breathed in the smell of the saloon, dry dust on the floorboards, fresh polish on the bar top, the hazy mix of beer barrels and open whisky bottles, and the faint smell of a stew pot from the back kitchen and fresh bread being baked for the next morning.

They’re bunking down tonight, Joe, she said. Snoring under their blankets. Me, I couldn’t sleep. This spring air’s got into my nose and I’m just plain fidgety. Couldn’t keep myself still so I moseyed on up here to have a think and try and tire myself out.

Well, said Joe, the season turning has a way with you right enough. Y’know Determination has an easter festival don’t you? It’d be right nice if y’all could come along and join in. We all appreciate what you’ve been doing around here, and all of you would be real welcome. The herds are getting driven through next week, and the cowpokes sure like to relax and kick up the dust when they’re here. It adds a bit of fun to the town for a couple of weeks. I can tell you, from what I hear the youngsters will be over the moon if you all took part as well as the cowpokes. You’ve got a bit of a following in the school yard y’know. He smiled at poured them both another drink.

Scotia nodded. I thought we’d had a couple of small shadows lately, she said. Tell you what. I’ll let everyone know in the morning and maybe we’ll come up with something to bring to the festival. I’d quite look forward to that myself.

They tossed back their shots then Scotia excused herself and headed down to the bunkhouse. She tipped her hat to the elderly gents in the corner and they said goodnight. The saloon doors swung gently as her coat tails pulled against them, and she wandered down the boardwalk looking up at the stars, holding her coat shut against the stiff breeze. She could smell the weather coming in, but tonight the moon was high above Determination, silvering the buildings against the moon shadows, and over on the outskirts of town she heard the faint call of an owl. She breathed in deep and as she came to the bottom of Main Street the night air brought the warm smell of the blacksmith’s fire to her nose. Not long ago she’d been on another path and it was a strange turn of events that had landed her here. But here she was, a nice little buzz of Joe’s whisky settling on her, a warm bunk to head to, a friendly kitchen in the morning. Yep, there were worse places to be, she thought, as she pushed the bunkhouse door open and tip toed to her blankets.

Night all.

I’m here…but might go to mum’s caravan tomorrow, if I feel ok,in Tywyn, Sandra - will wave over to you!! Hope you have a good weekend all…my brother called in this evening on his way back from mums van and its rough and breezy there so I just fancy a break - kids aren’t bothered so will stay with dad and me and mum can have a girlie evening - just hope I don’t get dragged to bingo! mary x
ps thanks helen - will have a virtual tipple or 3 before I head for my bunk…xx

night night all xx

Whoooooooooooo loved that Carole,thank you, sweet dreams.

Love the chapter Carole…, they’re getting better and better, is the rodeo in town for Easter I wonder? :slight_smile:

Sorry I was still in my bunk last night, I feel like a duracell bunny at the moment fully wound at 5 am and slowing down as the day goes on!

Still, am up watching the Grand Prix qualifying, sad I know but have always loved it and at last it’s on BBC so no silly adverts at crucial moments.

Have a great time those of you who are managing to get away for the weekend, and have fun everyone else too, hope you’re all okay.

Di x

Morning everyone…:smiley:

Typical us - David is away at respite - and we are still up at 6am lol

Theresa x

Morning Theresa!! I think we’ll have to open a breakfast bar to get this lot moving on the morning :wink:

I blame the dogs who I get up for, they’re now crashed out asleep again…it really is a dogs life!

good morni’n, I’m up and ready to go on the train to Tywyn and surprise my mum and then we’ll head home here tomorrow after being windswept no doubt for sunday lunch…well, thats the plan! Then I’m chillin for mon n tues in case its a repeat of last time…have a good time all and rest up…mary x

Have a great time Mary, and you Nell you lucky things!

I came across this poem which I thought you Stormriders might like as we regularly have to kick a*s with the bad guy :wink:

Down in Texas was an old ghost town.
The only thing that stood was a shack, fallin’ down.
‘Till this one fine mornin’ a young cowboy came to town.
Rode on his tall horse and kicked up dust till dusk.
A bad guy came in wantin’ to fight,
and the cowboy laughed and said ‘tonight’.
He nodded his head and rode away, needed to pass the time today.
Night came and the two met.
“I’m gonna win and you know it,” he bet.
Quick as lightnin’ the cowboy had to draw
and win this battle once and for all.
Pulled out his gun, and won that duel.
That silly bad guy was such a fool!

Have a good day y’all Di xxx

Morning all…right I’m up and ready to goooooooooooooooooooo!!!
take care everyone…will do lots a catch up when I get back!!
Good luck for Tuesday Sandra!!Enjoy your weekend Mary!!
Great poem Di…and so ‘fitting’
Helen xxx

You’re right, Sandra it is quiet. I was out last night - the village garden association meeting. They are quite informative, but sometimes hilarious in an accidental, Vicar of Dibley kind of way:D

I’ve just been for a run and it’s starting ot feel a bit easier now, although I’m only up to 15 minutes. I’m restarting my gym membership from 1 April, so hopefully I’ll be reasonably fit again by the time I go for rads. Don’t know what effect that will have.

Jane, my son has a Celica - nice car.

I’ve got a day on my own - bliss. OH has gone off to some far flung footie ground and so I may just chill out and catch up on some programmes that I’ve recorded and never got round to watching.

The postman has just been and delivered a letter from the hospital where I am going for radiotherapy. It’s to invite me to a radiotherapy welcome evening. You have a tour of the department, a demonstration of the planning and treatment machines and a chance to chat to staff. What a great idea.

I am so jealous of your son, Sal. I always promised myself I would have a Celica at 40 but ended up going to Florida instead. Something to do with the extended family I gained with my OH. So I had to trade in my Paseo coupe for Carola. Bummer hey? Still, I haven’t said anything yet but I’m getting up early, cleaning the car and going to the local dealers, to see what deals are on offer. Hehehe

Hope your all having a good weekend, I’m off to get ready for a night out with work friends. A belated celebration.

Another great chapter Carole. Could there be a romance blossoming with Scotia and the bar tender???

Wish I had a social lfe - I haven’t even had a phone call since Thursday - what’s it like to have friends and family ?

I have pmd you storewoman
Love to all of you

What is it with my children? Last chemo cycle Sam had a tummy bug in my low immune week which I now think I also had as my antibiotics aren’t upsetting my stomach at all this time and last time my tummy was awful all week. This time my immune system goes into my boots again just as Sammy comes home from school with a streaming cold yesterday! Pretty sure I’m getting it too as I’ve got that scratchy feeling in my throat etc. Hoping it’s just psychosomatic - bloomin kids. Grrrr.

Ooh Gen,sorry you are feeling a bit yuk, maybe me or my friendly bar tender friend could make you a hot toddy,with or without alcohol…that worked for me when I had a cold earlier this week.

Hey storewoman,we are all your friends and remember you can choose your friends not your family,some of my m8s have got horrific family members and I wouldnt wish them on anyone ! I don’t hold with the blood is thicker than water theory,if some is not very nice being related doesnt excuse their behaviour,I’ve got my immediate family and that is good enough for me,my friends are far more important to me than far flung blood relatives.

Hope all the rest of us stay at homes this weekend are having a chilled and relaxing time,it’s saturday night tv for me ,yawn,have spent hours poolside shouting my girls and their team on in a gala,must have paid off as they won and I’m hoarse ! Wonder if that hod toddy will work on a sore throat too…BARTENDER !