Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

I know a “mystery shopper”, having lunch with her tomorrow. Sounds like great fun!

Oooo, Edinburgh for spring shopping! I was nearly a warden for the park round St Arthurs Seat once. Could’ve had a uniform and everything and “arrested” people for shillyshallying or whatever, Oh the power, the power! Should’ve taken the offer and I could’ve been Sheriff by now!

Good heads up on your op for next week Lizzie. The Storm Riders will make sure they’re all nearby for that one. :slight_smile:

Oh yes, the lightning strike. I’d forgotten about that too. :smiley:
If I remember rightly the Desert is the bleakness we go through when we’re diagnosed. We walk out of it with scars but stronger than ever and heading for Determination. I think the blizzard was a device to get me and Gen into Determination once we knew we were heading for chemo. And just to make all new Storm Riders go, Erk! we’ve were toying with getting a tattoo in this universe once we finish treatment. Heh, heh, that got you all didn’t it. :smiley:

Never fear, tattoos are not a requisite of being a Storm Rider - but I’ve decided I’m doing it, back of one shoulder, just have to design it now. :slight_smile:

What else was there? Ah, the mountain pass. That turned up kind of like another desert didn’t it, another challenge on the way to treatment.

Lots of weekends being booked here. Excellent! Wonder where Storm Rider’s go on their holidays?

I am attempting a mental picture of you in the cozzie. I’m getting huge spots before my eyes, and yes, pink wellies.

Losing track a bit here, so to all who are finding heads, stomachs, or other anatomical bits proving a touch sensitive at the moment, here are soothing vibes of Swiss mountainsides freshly budding in the new spring sunshine, silvery streams trickling over smooth, coloured pebbles, air filled with the scent of meadow grass and sweet alpine flowers, the town clock striking 1, goat bells tinkling, cow bells dinging, and the aroma of…of…OF! who left their stinky socks on the cheese making table!!! Aaaaaargh, where’s that lazy, good for nothing goat herd! I’ll ring his neck with his own rancid footwear… AAAAAARGH!

I like the imagery, I did wonder why some stormriders used the term sheriff…now it all makes sense!! Apparently you also get tattoos, when you go for radiotherapy…not real ones hopefully, just so they can home in on the right area…
I’ve never heard of a mystery shopper…do they shop in disguise…dark glasses, scarf, raincoat etc???

Well sleep well all
catch ya in the morning
Helen xx

yup Helen,I am a master of disguise,got to keep my identity a secret…why do you think i’ve not got a pic up… lol

I work for a load of companies on a self employed basis,pick the jobs that Im interested in, get given a spec to follow,may be a given scenario or questions to ask and report back on the place and customer service etc etc. The jobs can be for banks,post offices,petrol stations any sort of retail shop,supermarket,pubs restaurants hotels,pretty much anywhere that offers a service to the public. Best one I had was for a car sales showroom…you know how smarmy some of these car salesmen can be…ooooh I had a ball,especially as I knew I had no intention of buying a car…it’s a bit like acting a part,all good fun.My job before that,pre kids, was as an environmental health officer,that was fun too,ooh the stories I could tell…
Sleep tight all,soon be the weekend…wahey !

Helen - the tattoos are real ones…:smiley: I ended up with 6… They are just small blue dots

Morning All :slight_smile:
I’m not sure where yesterday went? I felt okay first thing but it was downhill from there and slept most of the day - I feel like I need to ‘pull myself together’ and get on with things but my get up and go has definitely got up and gone! Hoping for better things today, I’m sure I can’t need any more sleep!
Helen, I hope you have a fab long weekend away, it sounds just the tonic. Will you have a paddle? :wink: Theresa what is scrapbooking? I’ve missed something here I think, I don’t get out much!
I’ve still got the munchies too Sandra, it seems to be catching around here, why can’t I crave the stuff that’s good for you though?!
Hope you’re still doing okay Rosie now you’re a few days in.
Sal, how are the headaches and tiredness, I can empathise there so big hugs, it’s such a rollercoaster this isn’t it?
Have you decided on a tattoo design Carole. I have a shoulder one but I don’t suppose a little daisy would pass as a Stormrider one :slight_smile:
Lizzie, your op day will soon be here, the waiting’s the worst I know but if this week’s anything to go by…where did it go?
Hope all is well with you Mary, Gen, Ros and Horace and everyone else, apologies if I’ve missed anyone’s news, there’s a lot to catch up on.
Looking forward to the next installment Sal and Carole,

Big hugs to all Di x

Morning Di…:smiley:

Don’t worry about the needing sleep… I used to have a nap everyday… I got more tired as the 8 chemo cycles went on, and the staff at my hospital just said to listen to your body.

The naps stopped once i had finished chemo, i still occasionally have an early night (about 8.30pm lol) though…

Scrapbooking - :slight_smile: if you google ukscrappers that is the other site i live on… i know a couple of other girls off there also come on here… I got into it about 3 and a half years ago - although i have hardly done anything since i was diagnosed… I know some of the girls on the secondaries part of this site have done things like memory books for their children.

Morning early bird, we should change our names!

Thanks for the scrapbooking info, I’m a nosey so and so aren’t I, sorry :wink:

Morning all…Theresa and Di you two are real early birds, regularly…Jack and Larry… Lots of hugs to you Di…hope today is better for you. It’s a pity about the weather because that really helped last week!Psychological or what! Seriously though…it’s like Theresa says, listen to you’re body and rest when you need to…says she who doesn’t always follow that advice herself…
Does your arm still bother you on a night…I found it hard to sleep well with it at first?
Scrapbooking site…now that sounds real interesting, might have a look see. The bcn nurse talked last time about radiation and tattoos, but didn’t know they were real…thank for the info. I think if I had a real one it would be a poppy…like poppies!

What an interesting job you have Sandra…I’ve heard of personal shoppers but not a mystery shopper…mmmmm. but I like the idea of you going in disguise…an obvious one…although I guess that would defeat the object! lol :slight_smile:
Even though the weather is grim…still looking forward to tomorrow.
Morning to everyone else…the weekend is nearly here, and for people having stuff done next week…that means thats nearly here too!
catch ya later

'morning all,just seen the weather for the weekend…hope that caravan is tied down Helen… Ah you will have a great time,you cant beat a stormy day and a walk on the beach,all that sea air will help you sleep too,a change is as good as a rest. Just heard that hubs has snow in Riga,but dont think that will affect them too much in the pub!

No plans for me today,better get started on that list of questions for onc next week. Hope all the Storm Riders are doing fine and big hugs to all.

Twice posted!! - and lost it!

try again, 3rd time lucky.
Morning all,
Yes, can just see that caravan rocking about, Hele, lots of cosy clothes needed, but I’m sure you will have agreat time, definately well deserved.

Sandra, you should come and do the bartering for the car! Your right, should be buyers’ market right now. To be fair, he is quite sensible about what he wants, not boy racer type. Unlike his mum! - have to admit, I’m the petrol head in the family, love cars, do quite a lot of driving, and been lucky to have company cars for the last 18 years. (Well, say lucky, paid some heavy old tax bills!)
Turning 50 last year triggered a bit of a mad session, went for a Mini Cooper s Convertible. Love it!! Practical? No! Fast? Yes! Fun? Loads!! Very pretty, cream with black roof, which is down as often as possible.Total poser!!

Sal, is that bikini a Freya one? Think i’ve seen it, looks great, had my eye on that myself, if manage to get anywhere hotter than the back garden this year!

Thank you all for the support for the upcoming Lightning strike, love the imagery, amazing imagination you lot!
Edinburgh in place will be something to lok forwards to, will be spoilt rotten by big sis. We usually play the Harvey Nicks game, wander round as if we COULD afford anything we wanted, but just don’t really fancy anything! Silly silly prices, but good fun to look, especially the shoes!

If I dont catch up later, hope everyone has a good weekend,
Take Care
Lizzy XX

Will now press the button again…

Morning everyone.

A bit behind, busy night last night and no time to chat but hey ho…better late than never.

Sooooo … Great chapter Carole, loving it and can’t wait for the book to come out.

Nell, have a great weekend away. It’s just what the sheriff orders from time to time and no mater the weather, its an escape from home and a chance to relax, unwind and have fun with your family.

Lizzie, it’ll soon be Thursday and then we can all have another party to celebrate your bc going. Maybe we could ask the sheriff to put it in a rocket and send it to the moon.

Gen, hope your ok. Take it easy on the porch over at the Old Ones but save some coffee for me.

Sal, I’ve had light head aches since tamoxifen and am in bed most nights just recently by 21.30 but that could be because I’m still cooking from the rads. lol Supposed to be out Sat night with some of my work friends. Goodness knows how I will stay awake.

Right, time to get some house work done :frowning: Grocery shopping this afternoon :frowning: Oh what an exciting day. The joys of being female… hey girls

Morning all

I’m bright & bouncy today, the clouds have lifted and I’m back to myself. If things continue with this pattern I can totally do this - 10 days of ugh but then 10 days of fine is doable. I’m sitting in my peaceful house, listening to a bit of Jack Johnson on the cd player and I’m going to have myself a relaxing day. I’m seeing the Onc later, but it’s just a progress pitstop not having any interference so far as I know. I’m seeing her at the private hospital today so I’m not bothering to get my bloods done at the NHS hospital site since her secretary never phoned to tell me that I should.

I’ve pretty much decided to get the lightning tattoo done when I’m all finished - on my right shoulder (opposite side to the bad side). Just a small lightning flash a la Harry Potter I think, nothing dramatic.

A friend of mine does scrapbooking (well I think that’s what it is) with Creative Memories. I went to a party a few months ago where we all took photos with us and did a page for a scrapbook - I quite enjoyed it I must say, but it looked like quite a pricey business to get into seriously. I do cross stitch for relaxation, I find it very therapeutic. Funnily enough my last project which I did for my mum was a field of poppies Helen. I love poppies too, I just love driving by fields around here in the summer as the hedgerows get full of them.

Lizzy - I’m the petrol head in this house, I love fast cars and I’m told I drive far too fast. Well, I did until I was done for speeding last year and now I’m a bit more careful!! I’m currently driving a Honda FRV which isn’t my cup oftea at all, but fits hoards of children and the dog into it. When they’re older I’ll have something a bit more exciting!

I want to be a mystery shopper Sandra, what a top job! How do you get into doing that? That’s right up my street that is!!

Hi everyone - not a lot to contribute i’m afraid as it’s day 4 and I’m in minimum activity mode. The Onc put me on Ondensatron instead of Domperidone this time - don’t feel quite so sick but it doesn’t do the constipation any good does it ?
All the best to everyone and hope that those lucky enough to be escaping the house confines enjoy their breaks - also best of luck with the op Lizzie.
Cheers, Ros.

So glad you’re feeling better Gennie. I ditched the sensible car about 4 years ago and have an MX5 now. I love getting the top down too Lizzie. With the weather last week it was down a couple of times:)

So, the consensus is it’s got to be a shoulder for the tattoo then? We decided on a lightning strike design, as a badge of honour, Di. I’m still toying with the idea. Jane’s finished her treatment, maybe we should get her to be the guinea pig?

Freya is the one, Lizzie. I sent for the halter top and tankini top, so I could decide which I wanted. I’ve decided, after a bit of encouragement from daughter, to get both.

I’ve been taking the tamoxifen for just over two weeks, Di and I’m not feeling so tired today. Don’t know if it’s the drugs or the fact I’m not getting quite enough sleep. I seem to either wake in the night and not be able to get back to sleep for ages; wake early; or both! Anyway, no major side effects to report. I get hot in the night sometimes, but that’s not unusual. I think my hormones have been fluctuating for years, so I’m probably used to it.

Carole, you’d have been great as a warden. We went to Edinburgh for our silver wedding anniversary. We had planned to go somewhere more exotic, but it was in the wake of 9/11 and no one knew what was going on, so we decided not to go half way round the world. We had a great time there and walked over Arthurs Seat one frosty morning. We found a pub called the Sheep Heid on the other side, where we had a couple of beers. In retrospect, we seemed to spend quite a bit of our time in one pub or another - too many good ones, I see to remember!

You’ve just reminded me Gennie, I have a millenium cross stitch sampler that I started in 1999. I didn’t get very far as I tend not to have the time, but maybe I should dig it out again. In fact, I’m off to find it now.

Sal - i’ve been meaning to say can you pm me the link to your race for life page…? :slight_smile:

gen - creative memories are quite expensive really i tend to shop around… the forum i go on have loads of online scrapbook shops as sponsors…

i’ve just added my blog to my profile so you see what a scrapbook page looks like lol i’ve not blogged since last may though…:frowning: my last entry was just after my mum died / just before i realised i had cancer…

Wow,just checked out your blog,I thought “scrapbooking” was just sticking stuff into a book…oooh I’m impressed with what you have made,hey liked your playlist too.

Lol at you Sal with your top down in the sun last week,are we talking your car top tho… Oh and I know The Sheep’s Heid and a few other pubs in Edinburgh too, we used to have an annual event of trying to have a drink in every pub in the royal mile,never quite made it tho… not all on the same day anyway.

Mystery shopping not really a “proper” job,you just fit it in around everything else,but handy to have a bit of money coming in,jobs pay between £10 and £80,plus you get travelling expenses,just depends what comes up. I’ve worked for a few companies in the past that used mystery shoppers and just looked into it once I had to find a something to do as had to give up my eho work as there are were no childcare facilities where I live once my childminder decicded to go back to work herself. Have just had to turn down a weekend in London,all expenses paid to be part of a focus group discussing some european agenda because have got all this going on,jeez the timing of breast cancer !

Well that’s the house work done. Phew

Sorry Sal, I can’t be a guinea pig for the tattoo. I am a total whimp when it comes to needles and pain. Just a broach for me. Diamonds of course, shaped like a lightning bolt.

On the car front. I am deffo a speed freak. That’s probably what drew me to train driving. 100mph every day and no speed cameras, you can’t beat it. However, I drive a typical family car, Toyota Corolla. No choice with two dogs and eighty year old mother in law who practically lives here but since dx I have been contemplating a change. After all I pay for it, so I should be able to have what I want and that’s a Celica or Rav4. Hmm

Right grocery shopping. See you all later

Just a thought…i like to drive fast too…omg, have we hit upon another risk factor for getting breast cancer… !

thanks sandra…:smiley:

jane a new car sounds a great idea…:smiley: