Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

Good idea Carole. Check out the saloon first, after all, they do serve a good night cap in there for anyone that wants one. Altough hot chocolate is my limit these days but always nice to know theres a tipple close by. Or maybe The Ole One has a couple of rooms for those really needing rest, she is turning out to be quite a florence nightingale.

Kitten, p.l.e is polymorphic light eruption. A posh name for being allergic to sun light. Quite similar to prickley heat only ten times worse. It effects whole body head to toes. So going abroad in summer is well out of the question for me. boo hoo

Jane, p.l.e. sounds like a total bummer. Turn it into a bad guy in Determination and we’ll deal with him along with the rest.

How about the underside of the forearm for a tattoo, up nearer the elbow? It isn’t obviously on show, but kind of flashes out there every so often, is hidden when it wants to be, and I don’t think your forearm gets that bat wing look.

hey girls you are all welcome to bunk down with me.These days I sleep on my couch by the stove so the first to arrive can have one of the two downstairs bedrooms,there are a couple of bunks in the attic with the apples and I have a cosy bunkhouse with a wood burning stove a shower and bunks for 12 for when folks visit from back home and when the cowboys come in to help with the round up.I will make blueberry pancakes as a change from those grits or I make a good muesli with oats, grated apple and raisins.There is plenty of hay for the horses and a trough of fresh water.
I’ll keep a look out,
The Old Onexx

sounds mighty comfy - I’m getting a numb behind with all this sitting on the ground *makes a dash for The Old One’s place* :smiley:

Jane - the ple sounds horrible. Lucky you’re not doing chemo because I believe that makes skin sensitive to the sun too, that would have been a double whammy. Eek

Good tip on the drinking water - I’ll try that tomorrow and see if it helps matters. I’ll also stock up on ice pops for when the chemo starts. That’s if they stay in the fridge long enough once my kids see them!!

I meant to add I’ve noticed a lot of people saying fresh pineapple is good for a sore mouth. Do you think pineapple juice is just as effective? I don’t like it much (too sweet) but I reckon I could stand sipping and swilling. I really can’t stand the actual fruit itself. Something about the texture sets my teeth on edge. Work of the devil, is pineapple. bleurgh.

Sounds like we have bunks then, and blueberry pancakes! And sounds like a quick chapter update is needed to get us down to The Old One’s place, although I see Riviera speeding on down main street already, no doubt attempting to bagsy the room with the best mirror. A girl’s gotta be able to maintain the look! Chapter update coming up this week, although it could get a bit surreal once I’m all drugged up again. :smiley: If I remember rightly I said to Calamity that we’d ride out and bring her in. Better get onto that too before she runs out of fire wood.

I asked somebody on another thread about pineapple juice and she said it works, just not as well. I know what you mean about the texture. I tend to nibble round the soft bits at the edges and put the rest out for the birds.

looks like The Old One’s den is gonna be home from home and what with all that good wholesome home cooking we’ll soon be fighting fit!! I’ll kip down anywhere and would just love the company and chat by the woodburner stove…I might even have some of my homemade sloe gin left for a tipple…mary x
yes the p.l.e sounds nasty and something you could do without Jane!

For the mouth chilled fresh pineapple is amazing.Buy it ready chunked in little tubs in the supermarket then there are no hard bits.The juice I find harder to take but if you get it dont get the 'made from concentrate’one and swill it round your mouth before swallowing.
The fires lit,theres pie in the oven,coffee in the pot and a pancake mix waiting.Come on my dears its a long hard ride but you are doing well.If anyone falters over the last few miles I’ll come out and pick you up with the trap.
The Old Onexx

Val - this thurs I go to see DR Agra for oncology appt - mixed feelings I suppose but want to get on with things…mary x

Just been to see the Onc. Had bloods taken first, was expecting to inaugurate my portacath for it but the flea-bottom-ists in the blood testing department at the hospital aren’t allowed to use them because they aren’t trained. Doh! So I had to bare the arm and go the traditional way - luckily it’s what they do all day so the nice lady got a vein first go and it was fine.

Onc says my wound is good enough to start chemo now, bloods were fine, heart scan results very good so we’re going for early next week. I’ll get a call later this week to say exactly when, but it’s all looking favourable for having it done at home privately next Mon/Tues - fingers crossed nothing goes wrong on that score!. I checked that the home nurses are trained to use the portacath for chemo and apparently they are which is just as well.

I also asked about taking various vitamins and remedies etc. The only thing she didn’t want me to have was Actimel drinks, other things were ok so long as avoided in the 2 days before and after chemo just to be safe. I also reminded her that I’m quite prone to sickness so she’s written up some extra meds to have ready just in case and also a mild laxative.

So it looks like we’re good to go. I’m going to just rest up here with you lovely ladies for a few days, get myself some good food and some good rest ready to venture out for a fight next week.

Mmmm Sloe Gin and a woodburner, now that’s living! Relax and take it as it comes for Thursday PonchoCat. It’s the next step forward on the way through Determination.

Got my pineapple, got my bloods done, no phone call to tell me I’ve got a delay, so that’s me all set for Round Two. Ding! And she’s out from the corner ready to sock it to her opponent. Look at that footwork. Wham, pow, and he’s down. A one, a two, a three, yup he’s out. The winner!!! Yeeeeeeeeaaaaah!

Oops slipped out of Steel character there and reverted to Rocky…

And we have another winner! Gen moves on to chemo at last. Whew, that was a long treck there. How are you feeling now that you’re there? Relieved and trepidatious at the same time? At least you can lie back and relax on your own couch. What a difference that’ll make. Is the wound nearly healed up then?

Geez, you girls were talkative yesterday. It’s taken me an age to catch up! Feeling a lot better today. I even managed some lunges and sit ups! Well, there’s no need to let the whole body go to pot it there? Boob and armpit are still numb, but I’m starting to have a few strange sensations there, so I guess it’s starting to come back to life. BC nurse says that’s when the pain starts. Can’t wait…

Jane, that’s great news re: the ultrasound. That guy sounds a sweetheart. Isn’t it nice to know people know what you’re going through. I spoke to my surgeon three times before surgery - he’s really caring, considerate and (here’s the wierd thing for a surgeon) informative! There was also another doctor, who didn’t stop talking, explaining why they’d done all the extra tests, saying how stressful it must have been to have all that time waiting etc etc. I’ve no idea who he was, but it’s nice to know they all care. Just like you lot really. I’m with everyone else, this forum has been a lifesaver. I really feel as though I’ve made friends, not just contacts. And I’m up for the party too!

Old One, that accommodation sounds perfect! Blueberry pancakes and pie - I think I’ve just got my appetite back. I can also see you with a small clay pipe and a funny black hat. Am I right?

Good news Gen. I bet you’ll be glad to be on your way with the chemo. Funny, isn’t it, all this horrible stuff that’s being done to us and all we want is to just hurry up and get on with it. I don’t usually have trouble with needles, but the anaesthetist had trouble putting the cannula in on Thursday - the first time I’ve ever had a problem, as I’ve got quite prominent veins. But it was cold that day and I have Reynaud’s so the veins in my hand were pretty shrunken. She had to have two stabs at it, but miraculously there’s no bruise. Now my boob, that’s another story - quite a spectacular bruise.

Carole, good luck for tomorrow. With the number of storm riders we have on board now, the baddies won’t stand a chance.

Funny black hat yes,little clay pipe only for blowing bubbles when little whippersnappers come round for my homemade toffee!
Kitten I will pm you.
Hope all the chemo went well and you are all ready for the next stretch,ride on my loves.
The Old Onex

Baddies Alert I repeat Baddies Alert.

went to see bc nurse, didnt like look of boob, sent me to other hosp for consultatnt to view. he didnt much like the look of it either. them there varmins are havin a party in my boob. wants to send in the army to kill em. was to start the chemo tomorrow at 11.15, have to see consultant first then oncologist for them to decide if i can have the chemo. never thought i would be disappointed NOT to be getting chemo. it sucks big time. came home got into bed and cried myself to sleep.
i think some of the posse should mount up and jus check around, cos them baddies are hidin, they know where here and they gonna do theie darndest to make our stay as hornery as pos.

im over it now. que sera.

Yup, relief and trepidation pretty much covers it. I just want to get on with it so it can be over sooner. Shame to be wishing the next few months of the year away really! I’m sure there will be plenty of good days in there - it’s just like standing on the edge of a cliff right now not knowing what’s there when I jump. But jump I will, with a big “yee haaa” and my spurs flashing in the sunshine! I liked the fact that the consent form I signed today clearly stated that I was receiving chemo with intent to cure. :slight_smile:

Sal - lunges and situps?!! Blimey I was languishing on a sofa at that point I’m sure, gingerly trying to reach my opposite shoulder with my hand. Did you have node clearance or SNB? I found my clearance gave me a lot of jip - way more than the boob initially, my arm was very sore. I must say when the nerves wake up again it can be a bit ouchy, but hey you’re not going to let a bit of ouch stop you I can tell!!! Mule by name… ;oD

Aww Martina that seriously sucks just when you thought you were all geared up. Those pesky varmints who put my chemo back have obviously moved down the trail to you. I’m sorry, I thought I’d dealt them a killer blow - I must be losing my touch!!

I tell you what though my love, if the chemo interferes with the body’s cells ability to reproduce properly and knocks out the immune system then it’s got to make sense to ensure all is ticketty boo with wounds such as our lightning bolts before moving on with it. If there’s a delay it won’t be a big one. My Oncologist said the risks of proceeding with chemo with a dodgy wound were greater than the risks of delaying by a couple of weeks to make sure all is fine.

I can understand what a blow that was to hear though. Been there and all that. You might still get clearance tomorrow, but if you don’t then you’ll be posting here again in a couple of weeks max ready to roll I’m sure. :slight_smile:

Blackjack, you got a bum deal there, but the posse are saddled up and riding out as I write. We’ve got our guns loaded and have the ambush planned, so I don’t think you’ll be delayed long. Gen’s right though, no use risking chemo if you’re not absolutely well. You’ve got to be strong to deal with it, so rest up and get better.

Gen, I had sentinal node and three others removed, so I don’t know how that compares with you. I have trouble reaching my other shoulder anyway, due to that darned shoulder injury and I don’t have full range of movement. It’s a bit worse now, but not too bad. I’ve been so used to doing shoulder exercises for the past two and a half years that it’s no novelty, just part of my life. But I know I don’t want a frozen shoulder - one MUA is enough thanks very much!

Chemo with intent to cure; a curious phrase. What on earth other than cure would you be wanting it for?

Well the other tick-box option was palliative/disease control i.e. not to cure but to control symptoms and keep you well for as long as possible. Brings it all home doesn’t it?!!

I had 12 nodes removed in total, but it was a clearance that he did so I guess I only had 12. I dunno - it was literally and figuratively a pain anyway. It’s fine now, though, aside from a bit of pain left from elbow to thumb in my forearm, which I think is cording, but I’ve been gently stretching it out and it seems to be improving lots.

If you’re not having too much in the way of post op pain then good for you and long may it continue!! You’re fit as a flea and I’m a couch potato so thereby lies the difference between us! :smiley:

Might have known Mule wouldn’t take this lying down stuff well. :smiley:
Lunge away pardner, but no press ups or pull downs just yet. Good job you’re keeping in top form though. From the sounds of it we have bad guys in town to deal with this week. Blackjack’s spotted them, so let’s gear up for the first @ss whupping of the season!

Oh yes, the boob coming to life again pains. Remember them well. You’ll ride through them fine. The most annoying thing is that they’re inside so you can’t get at them to give them a good rub. Just keep shaking and stretching your arm out, and swear through gritted teeth a lot. They’ll ease off in a couple of weeks, and they only come and go, most of the time you’ll be fine.

Blackjack, we will most suredly deal with those bad guys. Stay positive kiddo. It’ll work out. Watch this space for Blackjack striding out to deal with the issue this week. Ho boy, does she have her sights set on that bad guy on roof. He won’t know what hit him!

Of course, with all the yummies the Old One’s cooking up, we might never make it out of her kitchen! Reckon Steel might need to loosen the belt a notch there.

That cliff scenario is pretty accurate. I felt like a prisoner waiting to be sentenced on the morning of the first dose. You’re right though, there will be plenty of sunshine moments over the next few months, and what’s better than jumping into the unknown and knowing afterwards that you had the guts to do it. Good feeling! :slight_smile:

I had 4 nodes out too, the first ones the dye hit, so I didn’t need to go past the boob for surgery, which helped.

I am really glad I don’t look at those forms. You’re so right about it hitting home! I phoned an insurance lot recently and we went through some of the stuff they cover. She asked what my current condition was, I said Cancer, she ticked the box, then without pause or blink said in that automaton voice they do, Is it terminal? “I hope not” was my laughing reply. What kind of a question is that for people who might just be feeling a tad fragile? I wasn’t, so we had a little chuckle about the awfulness of the question, but still. Bah phooey, automatons are now on my bad guy list. :slight_smile: