Storm Riders/A Town Called Determination

I found the codeine had a bad effect on my “digestive transit” as the Actimel adverts euphemistically call it. too. I stopped using it after about 4 days and I reckon it took almost another week for everything to get back to normal. Shocking stuff!

I took Syndol instead, which is paracetamol with a slight muscle relaxant. I use it for migraines, but I found it worked very well when combined with ibuprofen for post op pain relief.

hi sal, sorry to hear you had such a rough time but you look like the kinda gal that will take it all in her stride. hope you are feelin a bit better today.

Sal aka Mule - Cariad. got that

bubblemagic - breeze, when you think of a name for your self let me know.

so far i got 9 riders and horses, keep em comin. im really enjoyin this. this posse is gettin so big aint no one gonna take us on.


Yeehaaa! Mule’s back in the saddle again! I know just which deputy gave you the moonshine too. His name’s Tod and he lives just outside town with his Pa. They’ve been cooking up moonshine in the woods at the foot of the mountains for years. Comes in handy when the Rancher blocks supplies coming in across the border. Everybody’s had a swig or too and it usually turns up at Determination shindigs, but if you’re not used to it… Whammo! Reckon he just had a laugh at your expense. Hah, deputies. Can’t live with 'em, can’t kill 'em (film quote if anybody wants to guess).

Don’t let that feeling good fool you into doing too much too soon Sal. I got cocky 3 days after and added an extra ouch factor for a week. Keep doing the stretches, but don’t go lifting anything for a while yet.

Calam. Rest up, take it easy, let yourself heal. You got mighty close to that lightning in the storm there. There’s no rush to get back in the saddle.

Hey Nikki! How about Red (do I detect a touch of auburn in your photo?). Wears a pink bandana and can’t resist buying a pink shirt whenever she sees it. Sees red real easy. The other Storm Riders just need to tell her the bad guy said unkind things about her mother, then sit back and watch as she turns into the Tasmanian Devil! :smiley:

That constipation thing. Kicked in during chemo week. It moseyed on out of town by the end of chemo week, but I’m going to get meds for it tomorrow as I can do without that cr@p! Or rather I could do with one… :slight_smile:

Gen, we’ll be getting bloods done at the same time then. I’m in at 10, then 10 on Tuesday for chemo. We can grrrrrr at the needle together.

So, while we’re waiting for that time when we can actively elect to be stuck with a needle, where does one apply a tattoo so that’s it’s tasteful as one ages? I mean, I could plan to be lean, taut, firm and incredible till I’m 90, I do all the time, but there’s a huge chunk of hope over experience built in there. I guess it has to be somewhere that doesn’t eventually stretch to one’s knees, back or front. How saggy does the back of your neck get?

And on the soppy stuff. I can’t believe I’ve met such an incredible bunch of women. You have courage and fortitude way past the ordinary. You do this, getting on with your lives, looking after families, and still riding the storm. I am honoured to be travelling this road with you.

Here’s who I think we’ve got so far. Sorry if I’ve missed anybody, just shout up.

Horace: The Old One on Kiwi
Martina: BlackJack on Jack
Carole: Steel on Runs with Lightning/Runner
Mary: PonchoCat on Folly
Gennie: Riviera Kid aka Riviera on Flashheart/Flash
Sal: Mule on Cariad
Rosie: Calamity aka Calam on Valentine
Purple Princess: Vegas Kid aka Vegas on ?
Jane: Casey on ?
Nikki: Red (to be confirmed) on Breeze
Sandra: Scotia on Spirit
Theresa: Silver Streak on ?
Wendie: Still to be named

Wey hey Sal!!! Sorry you had a tough time with them deputy’s. Dont think they’ll be showing up again though. Take it easy, I slept for a week after my fight with them, so rest up by the fire and dont run before you can walk.

Martina, I’m on Jet, she’s pure black with a silver main to represent our lightning strike. She’s strong yet gentle and underneath her tough appearance she’s as soft as anything and all too often wears her heart on her sleeve.

Good luck for tomorrow Carole and Gen

Just to back up the sentiments of the storm riders, I could not fight this fight without all you wonderful women by my side. This thread has been my sanctuary. Its the only place I know, where everyone understands exactly what each other needs. I just hope were having a huge party on the other side of town. maybe we could take over a holliday camp later in the year. Light a fire on the beach and share our stories into the night, over…Grits an coffee… joking more like wine and potato chips.


Lol, we have got to find out what grits are. :smiley:

Ah, here we are, courtesy of wikipedia:

A Native American corn-based food common in the Southern United States, consisting of coarsely ground corn. Similar to other thick maize-based porridges from around the world such as polenta. It also has a resemblance to farina, a thinner porridge. Grits can be served hot or cold and as a base for a multitude of dishes from breakfast to dessert, depending on the additives. Additives can range from salt and butter, meats, vegetables, and sugar.

So, we were right to be afraid, be very afraid! :smiley:

Now that sounds like a plan Jane!! Man what a party that would be, I’m up for that :smiley: :smiley:

I’m doing my lousy bleeder act at 10 tomorrow too Carole. I’m a bit nervous of using the port as it’s still got a dressing and steristrips over it so I’m not sure if it’s good to go yet and I won’t be seeing anybody to check it until afterwards.

I’ll just have to go the traditional way, screw up my face and look out of the window while she jabs about. Luckily my hospital has a separate blood testing department so the people who do their do there are pretty skilled at getting blood out of a stone. We’ll wince together eh? ;o)

Re the tattoo - one of the main reasons I never got one was the thought of what it would look like on saggy skin. How much sagging can the back of a neck do? And it would be hidden by our grey poodle perms by then anyway so who’s to know? :smiley:

Well I never, I always thought they were a sort of sausage patty type thing.

The porridgey business sounds a bit grim. I vote we get in a stock of something a bit more appetising. *shudder*

right so jane aka Casey your horese is Jet

PurpleP aka Vegas Kid let me know your horses name

Theresa aka Silver Streak your horses name.

Wendy you just let me know when you decide.

thats 13 now and counting.

keep em comin, theres plenty more room in the paddock.:slight_smile:

martina aka BlackJack

gennie the specialists in blood taking are called phlebotomists, pronounced flee-bottom-missed. funny but true, who ever came up with that one didnt have much of a life. gonna start makin up words so i can confuddle everyone. haha.


I would reckon it was quite easy to miss a flea bottom. Tad on the tiny side. :smiley:

Ditto on the big beach party or something! Wow, what a night. :smiley: Not a bowl of grits to be seen.

Y’never know Riviera, it might work out. If not, it’s just one last tiny stab in the dark, then Easy Street in Determination. At least you don’t have to keep thinking about those words “collapsed vein”. C’mon vein, be strong, stay the course.


now talking of veins - does anyone know if you get the treatment into a cannula/vein as an injection type of thing or as a drip type or does it depend on what you’re having - what way have you girls had it?? mary x

ps I too have crappy veins…oh la la

I’m getting it into a cannula/vein in the back of my left hand. The saline is dripped in, but the steroids, anti-sickness and Epi are all injected slowly by the chemo nurse, so you have a chat and laugh with her while it’s happening. What are you getting again? There were two women when I was in last who were having it dripped in by machine. One into her hand, and I couldn’t see the other but I think it might have been a port.

My horse is called Rocky he’s a black stallion with a white lightening shaped flash above his left eye. He stands proud ready to face anything that comes his way.

Vegas Kid

Heres the Old One back with some homespun advice that worked for me.
1]while actually having chemo suck ice lollies which you take in a wide necked flask,failing that take ice cubes and add to water-drink as much as poss.The ice really reduces mouth side effects.
2]During rads treat soreness with a hairdryer on COLD setting-nothing better if skin splits.Also on rads use 'silk’panty liners between band of bra and skin.You fold them round bottom of bra.
What am I wearing?Well my days in the saddle are done now though old Kiwi will pull a trap if need be.I am wearing a long black skirt[over my plaster cast,a white high necked blouse and a thick warm shawl in a deep red colour.The old horse spends his days in the paddock now with a rug for cold nights.My faithful sidekick sees to him while I am laid up.[btw Kiwi is a real horse who belonged to my family from 1981 to 1992!].He was a wonderful competition horse first for my son then my daughter and loved nothing better than galloping fast across country.He deserves this little bit of fame.
God Speed chickabiddies
The Old Onexxxx

I have always had a problem giving blood samples, they find a vein, then as the needle goes in, it just dissappears. Last year I took part in some studies because of my p.l.e and I had to give a blood sample every month. They told me to drink lots of water before I went because dehydration can cause veins to collapse. It worked for me so maybe you could give that a try.

Forgot to mention earlier. Had the ultra sound on my womb and overies yesturday. The guy that did it said everything looked fine. My gp had sent me because my periods have not been right for about six months. So I must be having early menopause. No wonder the tamoxifen are giving me night sweats.

Anyway the guy doing the ultra sound was really nice, he knew I had just been dx bc, he said just to give me peace of mind if I wanted he would run the scan over my liver. I was a bit nervous but agreed and he did a full m.o.t liver, spleen, pancreas, bladder and kidneys said they all looked healthy and even though not as good as a mri or what ever it is they do, anything bad would show up. So last night was my best nights sleep for ages and I,m ready to take possition on the outskirts of camp fighting the good fight, while some of you rest up round the fire. What about throwing some rib eye steak and baked spuds on th griddle over the fire. Thats got to be better than grits.


Thanx for the tips on rads Old One. I go for planning on Wed, am a bit worried because of all my skin problems p.l.e being one of them. So I will remember the cold hair dryer as think skin may split. Kiwi sounds like a fine specimine of a horse and a competition winner is just what we need to lead the others to water. Your outfit sounds just as I imagined you would be. A woman of determination. Cant wait to meet you on the other side of town. Keep looking out for us Old One, we need your tips to fight the fight.


jjane - thats great news re scan etc…whats p.l.e?
not sure what treatment I’m getting - seeing onc for first time thursday so will check then, good tips Horace re lollies/ice…and Kiwi sounds a darling!! Mary x

Like the outfit Old One! I was wondering about Kiwi. A trap for a gentle wander round Determination sounds perfect, and fame he shall most certainly have. I can see an adventure ahead. Good tip on the ice cubes. I didn’t drink during the chemo last time. I’m definitely doing that this time in combo with loads of water before and for the next week or so. I’m still finding my skin really dry in general, so I’ve kept up the water anyway. Also squirrelling away the info for the rad. I won’t start that till August, but I’ve been thinking about it.

Excellent news on the scans Casey. Clearly you ate up all your grits before we ran out (at last!)and have the constitution of an ox. Glad you got a good night’s sleep too. I wonder sometimes how much the med team actually know about the effect on us all. Just that little extra knowledge can go a long way to blasting the inner demons.

I was thinking about the camp fire. Seeing as we’re in Determination for a lot of months, maybe we should find ourselves some room and board. We can meet up outside town round the camp fire for strategy discussions before any hoohaaing with bad guys. I’ll go take a look at what there is, but don’t put out that fire yet and keep the coffee going Casey. I doubt we’ll get in anywhere at this time, and I want to make sure we don’t have any bad guys sharing the accommodation.
