strange feeling under the arm

strange feeling under the arm

strange feeling under the arm I had WLE and axillary clearance in 2005, then in 2006 recurrence and mastectomy. I had EC Taxol and radio for the first tumor and Taxol+Carboplatinum and Xeloda for the second tumor (I am currently on Xeloda). Every time I had a chemo session the scar under the arm got a bit sore, and the scar on the breast as well, but less. Since a couple of weeks my scar under the arm feels strange, like harder, not if I touch it, but it is just the feeling I have under my arm that is strange, like if I had something, a ball, there. Of course I checked and I cannot feel any lump, and my oncologist cannot feel anything either. He is not concerned, he thinks it could be a bit of edema. I have done yoga in this period and this involved a lot of stretching, but I don’t think I have caused any damage there. Has anybody have anything similar? I am trying not to panic but I am getting a bit anxious…

The same feeling!! Hi
I know exactly what you are talking about mine feels like a tennis ball.Its not there all the time ,mostly when I have used the arm a lot it is there in the morning after,and if I have worn deodrant this also seems to make it bad,so I am assuming it is a lymphatic drainage issue.
Hope this helps

experienced similar-mine is connected to mild lymphodema.However after experience of diagnosis its no wonder we worry!!I was terrified but breast care nurse was fab and arranged ultra sound under arm which ruled out anything nasty so ask for one!!!hope this helps a bit
love sharonx

thanks! thank you so much for your replies! I feel a bit less nervous now, I got stressed because I had the same feeling when I had the recurrence, due to edema in the breast…
thank you so much again! I will ask for a ultrasound scan next time I see my onc.

quattroformaggi had t the lump under arm feeling for a while -it went. Hope yours does too, dilly

I too have this feeling. Just below my underarm, where my scar curves around my side. Some days I can feel what seems like a ‘ball’ there, especially after lying on that side during the night or wearing my bra on the tightest fastener. It can be painful at times too.

Funnily enough, I was going to post about this but you beat me to it! Yes, it does get worrying when we’ve had a recurrence as we always fear the worse but like yours, mine comes and goes and today it’s normal, no ‘ball feeling’ there at all. Last night it was there, today it’s gone!


really thanks everybody! I went to my yoga class and it got worse, I think it is somehow linked to overstretching the arm, I will try to avoid it!
