Strange glugging sound!

I have posted this on behalf of new user Karon

Kind regards Lucy
Moderator, Breast Cancer Care.

Dear all,
I had a lumpectomy with sentinal node biopsy (4 nodes removed) on Tuesday. I seem to have been very lucky in that I had very little pain (no painkillers at all needed) and the scars seem to healing allready. However, I have noticed a strange glugging sound coming from my breast -like when you have drunk a glass of water too quickly.
I was told that seroma was unlikely as they have only taken 4 nodes and assume that this is just fluid filling the hole where the lump was taken. Has anyone else had this problem and does it eventually stop.
I won’t get my results for another fortnight which seems a long time to wait at the moment so don’t know what other treatment I will need.

Hi Karon,

I had a WLE and Sentinal Node Biopsy on the 8th of November. I have not experienced the “glugging” but mine has drained itself twice through the SNB wound.
Both times it has happened during the night. The first time it really gave me a scare as it was dark and I just felt a “pop” and then realised I was soaked. I called the
hospital and they told me to go to my GP the next day (hmm- great when you are really scared)! Anyway I called my BC nurse the next morning and she advised me to attend the morning clinic where I seen my consultant. He reassured me that all was fine and advised that it may happen again. It happened again last night and I was fine with it.
Do you have a BC nurse that you can call to discuss this with? Mine is great for giving you advice and just putting your mind at rest.

I know just how you are feeling waiting for your results, it is the worst part don’t you think. I go at 3 o’clock tomorrow (19th) for mine. Fingers crossed.

I am sure some of the other ladies will give you lots more advice, this is a great site and we will all give you lots of love and support.

In the meantime, here is a big HUG.

Dyzee. x

I was just asking the surgeon who will be doing my WLE next week about seromas and fluid build up and he told me that the area of the breast from which they remove the tumour will fill with fluid, and that this is a good thing (only needs draining if very bad). Perhaps that is what your are hearing Karon, and as Dyzee says I am sure your breast care nurse will be able to reassure you. Good luck with results. Thinking of you. Sarahx

i had lumpectomy and sentinel node on 11th Oct. i had that wired sound it was like my tummy rumbling and i wasn’t eating much and not hungry so got confused. when i really put my mind to it i realised it was in my breast and always at night when i turned over. i posted a q on here and many people said it was normal and they had had it. no one told me so i was scared. i had no drains either. i don’t know how many lymoh nodes removed. i was operated on Thurs and got the results the next Fri. unfortunately they found more spots in my safety margin but lymph was clear. so now waiting for a mastectomy and reconstruction straight away. i go in on 6th. there has been a little delay as in between i had an MRI on the other one as i wanted a peace of mind and had to wait for those results. still i go for my measure up wed then op on 6th. the advantage of this or s i am to believe is by having mastectomy i wont need to have rads. well anyway take care.

Hi Karon
I had a WLE & SNB in Sept, all margins & nodes clear. I too noticed a glug sound and I mentioned it to my after care nurse, she said it was normal and my body would absorb the liquid naturally. I can’t say when but one day the sound just disappeared.

Good luck to you all
Caz x

Hi Karon,
I’m new to this site but your message was very familiar. I had WLE and sentinal node biopsy 2 weeks ago following diagnosis in Oct. I noticed lots of fluid and the strange noise( a bit like a hot water bottle being shaken), I contacted the ward where my surgery was carried out and they advised me to leave it but at my dressing change with the nurse she drained 30mls of fluid off. Go with what feels comfortable for you, if you find it unpleasant go and see your breast care nurse.
Good luck with everything.

Louise x

Thank-you for all your comments -they are very reassuring.
I’ll check when I go for my post-op appointment next Thursday.
Good luck to everyone waiting for results or undergoing treatment.
Best wishes