strattice infection

Hi…I had mastectomy and immediate recon 6 weeks ago. Drains were taken out a month to the day last Thursday and by the Sunday I woke up uncomfortable with swollen boob which turned pink as morning went on followed by feeling like I had flu. I had the same thing after my lumpectomy. I’m on antibiotics this is day two and still pink. Strattice area feels harder and sore to touch in areas. Really worried this won’t go and I’ll lose my implant. …can’t bare it. Anyone else been through the same ?

Terrischnauzer…you won’t like this,so giving you a hug,same happened to me.Had silicone implant with strattice,became infected,had to have the implant removed ,however,strattice was left in.But,still did not heal,so opened up again and strattice was removed.Hated,hated being flat,as had huge problems other side,as had bi lateral mastectomy.Just had implant,and subsequent expander,removed,through rejection/infection.Recovered from that,and then other side became infected.

not the happiest of time for me,but it does pass…I am not saying you will have implant removed,but you may.

I ended up with a DIEP…HUGS…and I got through by eating chocolate and reading trashy mags.

? Oh no that’s not great news…I hope I don’t end up with this happening. Thankfully the redness has gone today and I’m feeling ok. I’m sure some people must get over infection…what exactly happened with you?

I’m just gonna prey I might be lucky…my scar is fine. Well healed ?