Strattice -please help

Hi I am really worried, I posted in reconstructive surgery but have had no replies so i thought I would come back here where I have had so much friendly advice. I had a prophylactic double mx 5 weeks ago with strattice reconstruction and an implant. All went well and everything was healing nicely for the first 3 weeks. However I started to developable small rash and so was prescribed antibiotics. After 7 days the rash was redder and larger so I went back. They were concerned whether it was cellulitis? So did a blood test to build up a pic of symptoms. The bloods were all normal and I am fully well (no temp, flu symptoms etc) so decided they still felt sure it is a reaction to the strattice. They recommended that I complete the antibiotics and take also ibuprofen for anti-inflammatory purpose. My rash is still no better at all it is larger and very angry looking. Does anyone have experience of this? I am scared that I am rejecting the strattice and they will have to remove everything. My surgeon says rashes are common. I just wondered how long it takes before I see any improvement? has any one had a similar rash? Also it is only on one side which seems strange to me. I am imagining the worst.

Hi SS,

I don’t think there are many people who’ve had strattice recon on here - so don’t think we’re ignoring you! But hopefully someone will be able to help.


Thanks Sandytoes, I started posting here e few months ago after finding out I had BRCA1 and was finding out about my risk and choices. I tried posting on the reconstructive surgery page a few days ago but no replies at all!

Also thanks for the bump Lorna

Hi, Strawberry Shortcake,
Not sure if I can help at all- I havent had strattice but know that if I summon up enough courage for bilateral matectomies next year, this is what I would have. I wanted to say that I thought any allergy developed soon after the surgery? Also, there was an old thread where a few ladies had had strattice- if you found it, maybe you could post them? I think it was in reconstruction, I know, because I read it avidly.
I can understand why you are worried and its awful to be facing this after surgery. Thinking of you. Rattles, x

Hi rattles, thanks for your reply. I did search some old threads but I felt nervous about contacting people. Maybe I will summon some courage to get in touch. I can’t seem to find any information on when strattice is liking to react or feject? Wednesday seems so far away. Xx

Hi strawberry shortcake, i cant remember the technical term as i was offered “pig” or “cow” and ended up going on the trial for “cow” for my reconstruction. I do know my surgeon said with the strattice there is often a rash which meant the skin could be red for some time, but didnt sound like it would be permanent, sorry thats not much help, but i really hope it improves soon.

hi allbalacks126
How long ago was your reconstruction? Mine s pig. Itvis actually very helpful to hear rashes are in some ways to be expected. If it is here for several weeks that is fine as long as that is normal! So thanks for posting, it has helped I am trying very hard to be calm and not worry x

Hi again, it was on 19 oct, im glad i was able to help and that it clears up soon. The cow has been brilliant so far, a few pains in the week after and fine since. You cant tell at all when im dressed. Good luck!

Glad to hear you are doing so well allblacks126. You are only a couple ofnweeks further along than me then, mine was done on the 31st October. I look fine in clothes and feel fine too. Just got to find out what’s going on with this rash. Did you have expanded implants? I did and they are not full yet but look fine. Nice to hear about similar experiences. X

Hi Strawberry Shortcake,

I found this link which I saved from one of the old threads. Maybe it will help give you additional information. I cant seem to paste it as a short-cut, will try one last time.



Sorry have only just seen your thread.

I had strattice on both sides in Aug 2010. I had a lot of pain when it was done, but no rash. I wish I could help, but it was not a problem for me. I am so pleased with my recon, and I am sure that you will be when it settles down.

good luck


Hi CrystalT,
Thanks for your reply too.
I saw my surgeon today. He is happy with things. He says he is only concerned if I start to get ill or have pain. He has asked me to take my temp twice daily to monitor this and then just give it time. My next appointment is for jan in the hope that my body will get used to the strattice. He has users it on 9 ladies and one other has had this rash and is now fine which is very reassuring.

Rattles I am going to PM you later this evening when the littles are in bed.
Thanks everyone xxx