Strattice reconstruction

I am due to have reconstrcution surgery in jan using a strattice. I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003, have had various surgerys,lumpectomy, bilateral mastectomies, back flap and now this to try and get symmetry I am so unhappy with the way i look, and have suffered with anxiety and depression every since. I also lost my mum after reconstruction surgery. I am really scare that this surgery will not work and I will still not be happy with my body image. has anyone had this surgery using the strattice?

I posted the original comment. I had a very down time a couple of weeks ago both emotionally and physically, but probably they are linked. I felt I was never going to feel right again, but I’m at 10 weeks now and I have real signs of progress. In fact I have just said to my husband that I feel really happy today! The reconstrucion using strattice looks good and affects no other part of your body. Yes, my breasts are lob sided, but I wear a normal bra and once my own is supported, it is very difficult to tell the difference. I find that fitted tight tops show it off far less than loose tops, suprisingly. Obviously it feels very different, which takes time to adjust to, but that is something I will just have to learn to live with. Good days and bad on that front, but as time goes by I’m sure there’ll be more and more good.
Two medically trained people have told me that the discomfort is partly to do with the brain. A bit like wearing a bra for the first time, when you’re aware of nothing else. I have been into work this morning on a visit and although still aware, my mind had other things to focus on other than my left breast and enjoyed the distraction. I am going skiing this weekend, taking it very easy.

I am having some very good days now as far as discomfort but it is still early days after a mastectomy and reconstruction in the same op, but the fact I can see signs of progress is so encouraging. Might even try a very low fronted dress at staff Christmas do! See how it looks!

Another little note to suefryer. Would you mind saying where you’re having the reconstruction ‘strattice and prosthesis’ done.

I have had strattice and prosthesis reconstruction at the beginning of Sept, in Sheffield. The shape when clothed is great and I even have a cleavage. The implant was put under the muscle and this can be a little uncomfortable at times but well worth it.

I posted a comment perhaps November time about strattice and prosthesis reconstruction. I had it done at Wigan at the beginning of October. I think cosmetically it looks great, but was down at one time about how it felt, not too touch, which will obviously be different but how it felt generally. I have just returned from one of our winter ski trips and have managed to ski quite a bit. Using my poles was a very uncomfortable and unnatural feeling at first but I can now tell real signs of improvement as I build up the musicle again.
I am also feeling real signs of improvement on the actual implant, the tightness and discomfort etc. Some days it is beginning to feel much better, some days not as good, but real signs of progress.
I had a hysterectomy in April 2000 and I was organising a big event Christmas that year and remember wondering what on earth I was doing it for as my stomach was pulling so much, 9 months on! I think similar patience is needed here. I am very grateful for the reconstruction I have and now feel that it is just a question of time before I can forget about it and get on with my life again. Here’s hoping!

A further comment on strattice and prosthesis reconstruction. It is now 6 months since I had the mastectomy and reconstruction and I am very happy to say it has really settled down and looks good. I am beginning to live my daily life without being constantly aware of it. I did 2 weeks skiing in February, one of the weeks with 64 teenagers. I’ve worn a very low fronted dress and no one would have known one wasn’t real. I have gone through quite a bit of pain during the recovery and wondered if it would ever feel right but it is definitley getting there and I can see great improvement. I’m back working full time and enjoying life again.

Hello Girls
I’m really intersted to know how you’re getting on with the implant and strattice reconstruction as this has been offered to me by in Sheffield. AC1, would you mind saying who you consultant was? I had mx followed by chemo and rads in 1998. Did any of you ladies also have radiotherapy? How has this affected you with this reconstruction? I’m a bit aprehensive about how the muscle will react to being stretched and wondering whether LD would be a better option but don’t really want to sacrifice my muscle.

Any advice/comments would be most welcome.


Just bumping this up to see if anyone else can add their experience of this procedure.

I have been offered stattice reconstruction and I am very interested in having it as the reovery I think would be quicker and the effects the same as the dorsi flap. I am having a reconstruction and mastectomy at the same time. Can anyone add anything to the comments posted?

im having this done but not for a while yet… im having a bilateral Mx and recon done at the end of the year/beginning of next year after the breast lymphoedema has hopefully settled down following rads.

was a bit usure about it at first but my PS has really put my mind at rest and says for women with smaller breast or who are having bilateral recon it has very good effects although he does admit they do not look as natural as the LD flap.

however the operation time and the recovery is much quicker than with the LD which was the other option i was given.

i may also chose to have an LD done in the future which he would happy to to do.

sorry thats maybe not very helpful but just my experience so far.


Hi, I had a mastectomy with immediate reconstruction using the Strattice in Dec 2009. The result was probably one of the best I’ve ever seen after all my research. I had to have it fixed in April this year because my muscle came away from my chest wall as I have a very active muscle and am a sporty person. I am awaiting a nipple reconstruction but I think I am going to try and get a layer of fat injected in between the muscle and skin because the skin gets dragged along with the muscle when it moves. My muscle is extremely active where most women will not have this problem. They can’t find many women anywhere in the world with a muscle as strong as mine so if you get the choice to have this surgery done, then do it. It looks great and although you may find it tedious to have a drain in for 10 days or so, it’s better recovery wise because in 2 weeks you feel so good. I had it done at Ipswich Hospital.

Many thanks for your comment. I have decided to go for the strattice reconstrution and you have put my mind at rest. I too am an active person - I am hoping for the same positive result. I will certainly post a comment afterwards, as I have found very little information in my research. In fact the only information is really here!

Hi Everyone
I’ve just received my date to have the strattice recon in January and wondering how you are all getting on.

New to this thread but am so pleased with my op I wanted to post.
I had my strattice reconstruction mid December in Cornwall(original mx 2008). Also had augmentation of R breast. The shape is still settling but is dropping into position nicely. I have a port still there as it may need some final adjustment but this should be removed in a couple of months.
I have been surprised at how long it has taken me to feel beter but I started back at work this week with the proviso that I don’t have to drive too much. (I do mostly a desk based job).You do need to be really careful with it and make sure you don’t do too much but so far I would totally recommend it -think I will end up better than I was originally…nothing but praise for my surgeon so far but time will tell about final symmetry…all the best for your op

After much agonising over the decision between LD flap and submuscular implant using Strattice tissue matrix, I finally had my op. on 17 January.

In the end I decided to follow my consultant’s recommendation and opted for the implant and Strattice method. I had to stay hospital in for a whole week to ensure the strattice obtained a blood supply and I didn’t contract any infection - my consultant is a perfectionist, but I already knew that from my mastectomy. He made such a neat job of it I was scared that the recon might not look as good!

I am now waiting for everything to settle down, which it is doing, before we look at whether anything further will be needed to obtain good symetry. I have to say though, that it is looking better by the day and whilst I was initially concerned that the implant was sitting a little high, I can see that as the tissues settle down, it’s not a bad match at all. Very pleased with the outcome and no regrets (except maybe all the fretting I did beforehand):slight_smile:

I hope this is helpful to anyone else who may be in the position of making this decision which I personally found extremely difficult and daunting.

Best wishes


I had a bilateral mx with stratice mesh reconstruction and expander implants in June 2010, I was not able to have any other reconstruction except straight implants so I decided to go with the mesh as I was told it would give me a more natutral look. I was the first that my PS had done as a double, and the first at the hospital to have the meshso it was all a bit daunting. I am really pleased with the results and am due to have the ports taken out for the expanders in May. One of the implants has fallen slightly so will have that corrected at the same time. I was originally diagnosed in Sept 08 with DCIS and after WLE and 3 weeks of rads it came back after a routine MRI scan in May 2010 so only option was a mx. Due to my family history (sister died aged 43 from BC) I decided to have to have a double mx. I have been tested for the Braca gene but thankfully it was negative. I am now waiting for my operation to make me more symetrical then I will go ahead and have the nipple tattoeing. I have absolutly no regrets and the overall recovery and look are great, the only down side is that the mesh is very expensive.

I hope this is helpful to anyone having to make a decision about the mesh.

If anyone is reading this and has already had mesh reconstruction - How are you getting on? Would be great to hear from you as they are not many of us who have had this done who can share our feelings.

Louise x

Posted for new user Helen
Jo, Facilitator


I’m Helen, aged 49 and awaiting mx. As I am fairly active and enjoy the outdoors - fell walking, cycling and horse riding, I am considering strattice recon but am concerned about the overall look and feel. Also worried about infection. I am a B cup and am concerned about the symmetry. How natural does it feel. Don’t want to go down the tissue recon route. Any feedback would be very much appreciated. Many thanks


If not too late …
It sounds like the strattice shows good results and if not you still have options open ot you.
When I was “done” (in more ways than one) strattice was not available and I had LD flap and it has been a disaster. I was very activer but that op has put the lid on lots of activities and I mean just `doing everyday things.
LD might give SOME good results but you pay the price with losing a chunk of your back and the muscle strength/power.
I’ve met two ladies who had this op and both had problems, maybe I don’t meet the right people.


It is now approximately 8 weeks since my mx and strattice recon. Healing process has gone well although lymph clearance necessary which now means I am having chemo and rads. Has anyone had rads following this type of recon? Concerned about adverse effects but have been advised that there may be things that can be done to rectify problems later. Any feedback would be welcomed.

I did’t have the strattice reconstruction in the end as the surgeon said tat I was better suited to the DIEP flap which had the added benefits of a tummy tuck. I must say I am thrilled with the results and have gone down a dress size to boot. My sugeon was excellent and the result is fantastic. I had a little setback but 2 weeks after the op I was enjoying life at a spa and really have never looked back.