Struggling - broken up with my boyfriend

I’m so sorry to hear how you’re feeling. I totally understand. I was diagnosed shortly after my 61st birthday with oestrogen/progesterone positive bc in October 2023. I have found it incredibly hard to come to terms with mentally! I am coming out the other side now. I had a strenuous job also as well as looking after my 96 yr old father along with my brother! I have had a hard decision to make and have decided to retire and try to look to the future! Cancer really makes you reassess your life! I really think you need to contact your gp as they are really helpful when you have so much on your plate! Maybe try some sort of exercise as that does take your head away from your troubles for a while! Acupuncture is good too! I feel incredibly lucky that they caught it so early so thank goodness for mammograms! Take care and big hugs. I hope you find some peace soon. X