Struggling to hold it togeyher

I posted last week about finding a lump and worrying about docs appt…iv had my appt and she found the lump right away…described it as brazil nut shape and size and immobile…she also pointed out an indentation that i hadnt noticed…tbh i thought it would be brushed off and told maybe a cyst…well i hoped :frowning: i am now quietly terrified and its all becoming very real…tears are coming from nowhere and im having moments of not being able to breathe to just staring silently into space.its my sons 19th birthday today and im really struggling to hold it together :frowning: i feel helpless
.just had call…appt is tues 8th 2.15 x

Oh Vanessa, I so feel for you. Please remember that 80% of breast lumps are totally harmless, so you’re more likely to be in that camp than ours. Did your GP actually say she thought it was something sinister, or did she just say that she was referring you to the breast clinic?


I can so remember being in that dark place (was back in November 20013) I can also remember thinking I would be lucky to see Christmas!! But when my diagnosis came, my results were explained to me and I became more knowledgable, I realised I could face what was ahead of me.


Whatever you future holds, the ladies on this site will be there to give you all the support you need. Also, the helpline is invaluable for advice and understanding, so please give them a phone. 


Got my fingers and toes crossed that you don’t have to become a fully paid up member of our club.


Sending big hugs, Ann x x 










Hi Vanessa, it’s such an awful time in the early days waiting for tests and results, you are going to feel In an anxious place love, I was there 6 months ago and I know how you are feeling right now, I started the year so looking forward to my sons wedding when a bomb was dropped on us out of nowhere with my diagnosis in March, I didn’t even think I would be here now let alone be well and getting on with life but I got through it and am smiling again, there is nothing I can say to ease your anxiety but please know that even if you are diagnosed it’s so treatable and not how you may imagine right now ,  please keep In Touch and we are all here to talk when ever you need to , lots of love Jo Xxx

Thankyou both so much for your replies…im feeling a lot better…trying to put things into perspective…if it is bad news then im ready to give it my all…im getting married sep 2016 and nothing is going to get in the way of that…yes she said she didnt like the feel of it and her face looked worried which didnt help…but hey ho its out of my hands now…i hope both of you ladies are coping well with your treatments and you should feel extremly proud knowing how much your kind words have made me so much more positive x