- Since Friday I’ve had a horrid time on exemestane. Yesterday and last night was awful. Palpatations, nausea just on and off day and night. I’m wiped out this morning. Day 44 now and I am not taking the tiny white pill. I’m so upset, my life is miserable. Anastrozole has its big faults and I suffered and slugged on for 5yrs. I have lasted on this 45 days and deeply upset. I thought I could deal with it but it sure is affecting my mental health. I’m in bed staring into space wondering why, what have I done to deserve this. I’m so sorry for these miserable posts.
I’ve left a message for the breast care team I just cannot cope anymore.
I saw oncologist 2wks ago she did my stats and it came back as zero 0% benefit after all the treatments I’ve had including anastrozole for 5yrs. I said I would give exemestane a try and here I am floored with it and thinking the worst. I live on my own, no family. My two friends I haven’t bothered as one, her mum has just been diagnosed with cancer and the other she is caring for her aunt who is on palliative care. I’m a mess.