Struggling with weight?

I have just read an article in today’s paper headed “13hr fast a day 'cuts return of breast cancer”. I don’t know if that can be proved but for the past few days I have been following a regime of eating my last meal of the day no later than half past five in the evening, skipping breakfast the next morning and then not having anything at all to eat before lunch at 12. (The real reason I started eating like this is that I suddenly started suffering from really bad indigestion and even though I tried to eat more slowly it didn’t improve much - it is now slightly less troublesome). I know that some of you may not agree with skipping breakfast, in fact I am not sure I approve of it myself!  What I do know however is that although my scales were ‘stuck’ for ages this regime seems to have kick-started things and I can honesly say that the weight is definitely coming off. I just thought that those of you who may be struggling with a weight issue may be interested.  

Sounds interesting x

I might give this a go. There was a TV programme on recently about diets and they suggested restricting your food in take to a limited period of time, like 10-12 hours so s similar thing - although this was purely for weight loss, no mention of cancer.

I seem to be reading this more & more now about skipping breakfast when it used to be a definite no no. So I find it confusing with what’s best. I’m not a great breakfast eater but if I don’t have something when I get up I’m a person who falls into the eating biscuits at about 11 category. I suppose you have to find what works for you. X

I think you are right Anita. Nothing is one size fits all. I am thinking of asking for a referral to a nutritionist to try and work out a diet that will work for me and help keep me healthy so the cancer doesn’t come back.
I know that if you have a toxic body it has more of a chance to so want to do all I can to stay healthy but enjoy life too. The occasional night out with a wine maybe.
It’s hard to know what is for the best after going through something like this as there is so much conflicting information out there. Hence me asking to see a nutritionist when I see the onc next.

Oh Anita I am so with you there. I felt so down about it especially over Easter. Wanted to either bin all the chocolate in the house or have one last lot. Didn’t do either in the end as thought for the second while all this going on I am going to eat what I want and once treatment is over then concentrate on changing my diet oif need be. Must admit I don’t eat chocolate as try to be good but you would be surprised at what sugar is in. Also difficult if you try to avoid aspartame as well which I am as it can also help cause cancers. Xx

I am so glad to finally see something that validates my dislike of eating anything before midday. After I finished my chemotherapy my husband kept making me breakfast and nagging me to eat it and I felt I ought to as it was “healthy” to do so. Unfortunately the added meal each day ( I found once my eating was kick started I tended to eat more for lunch too!) has resulted in me putting on 2 stone in weight. I have now gone back to my normal habits and have already started losing weight and I don’t find myself queasily working my way through a bowl of porridge each day! 


Love Amero xxx

Hi all,
My favorite topic! Currently I’m trying to give up sugar knowing/believing it is horrible for us especially us cancer survivors! I’m waiting for the right mindset to take over me. In this past year I’ve yoyo dieted giving it up for six weeks at a time successfully twice. But I can’t seem to recover from my sugar addiction.
I followed a stricted healthy diet and was losing mega weight only to fall off of it. :frowning: I have other issues bothering me so bad I self sabotaged my diet because that’s how I handle stress Sugar!
I have read many articles about cancer vs. diet and sugar and fasting and intermittent fasting is the way to go! Again though if I’m not dieting I’m eating whatever whenever and as much as…really unhealthy. The thing that gets to me is my brain knows what to do and what is best for me but somehow hand to mouth does something else!!! Maybe we can help each other to change? I feel like a kid, I want what I want and when I want it and as much of it as I can. And I beat myself up knowing what I should do and not doing it. Ugh!