Hi All
I’m really finding the days hard at the moment. I was diagnosed with lobular cancer on the 12th of June. Although the consultant said I should have a mastectomy they discovered ‘another area’ that needed to be checked out. He said I should have an MRI but I couldn’t be given a date that day. A few phone calls later I was given the date and the MRI took place last Thursday. I was then told it would take 10 days for the results to be given to my consultant. I spoke to a care nurse last friday and she said I may possibly be able to be seen this Thursday but more likely to be friday of next week.
Apart from a long weekend after the diagnosis to try and get my head round things I have gone back to work. I work in a school and found it easier to tell a few people who passed it on. The support has been amazing. My family and friends have been fantastic - my husband has astounded me.
I know there is no right or wrong way to feel but in the early days, apart from the fact I don’t think I was accepting it was happening to me, I thought I’d just gt to stay positive. But over the past 4 or 5 days I can feel myself getting lower and lower. I seem to be miles away most of the time, and when I’m not I’m either cross or fighting back the tears.
Because I’m still waiting for these b****y results I have started to imagine all sorts of things are happening in my body. I have awful black scary thoughts in my head and I can’t tell anyone. I tried to say to my husband but I could tell I was worrying him so I put the lid back on. Is this normal…
Lyn x
Hello Lyn, so sorry to hear your news. You have definitely come to the right place to voice your feelings and concerns. You will get great moral support and advice here. I was devastated at my diagnosis but put my trust in the medical team, then I found this site and have been so grateful for the warmth and friendship from new friends here. Take care Sheila xxxx
Lyn - sorry to hear your news…
What you are going through is totally normal - and i think we have all been in that place… Your mind does go into overdrive and you imagine every twinge is a cancer symptom…
Don’t feel bad if you need to see your gp for sleeping tablets to cope over the next week… I had to have various scans done when i was first diagnosed and found that Bach’s Rescue Remedy really helped to calm my churning tummy etc…
Keep posting there seems to be quite a few ladies diagnosed over the last week or so…
Take care
hi lyn - I so know what you mean - I was awful, couldn’t concentrate, eat or think clearly and it really knocks you, like Theresa says I had to get some sleeping tablets to help me rest…like you say the waitng is the worst but once you know whats happening you start to get your head round it - keep talking on any of the threads, take care, mary x
HI Paz
just seen your post and how it took me back. I am 4yrs in Oct since Dx of lobular cancer.
I think its very good they are doing the MRI scan as i had a lumpectomy after just a ultra sound scan and they didnt see how large the lump was then I had to have a mastectomy as no clear margins on the lumpectomy tissue.
The waiting is ridiculous and unbearable I remember it well.
My GP gave me a perscription for sleeping tabs which i only took after 2-3 nights of no sleep.
Its strange when everyone elses life is still ‘normal’ and they are going on as usual, I felt like screaming 'I have CANCER’at them.
Do not expect too much of yourself though, if you are worn out from lack of sleep take days off sick, your entitled to them.
Once you know what treatment you will have you get pre-occupied with that.
Life does get better for most of us, there is no magic cure for how you are feeling just now its just finding the best ways for YOU to cope and get through this time and you will.
Please let us know how you get on