Hi ladies/gents
I need some positive stories, I’m rally struggling today and I’ve been crying most of the day and I can’t shake it. I’ve been stuck inside due to self isolation and I’ve had to much time to think about my diagnoses and it’s really really got me down, I’ve tried to do things to take my mind off it but i just can’t this is horrendously unfair on all of us and I’m not sure I will ever be ok with my new normal as for me and I’m sure all of you this is far from normal. Sorry to bring you all down I’m just really in a bad way today xx
Sending you a big hug .Its so difficult at the moment having additional health needs amidst all the chaos -there are lots of ladies on this forum living full lives ,working and having some sort of normality for many years after diagnosis .
Hi Lollypop
I can only echo J’s comments.
For me getting outside is what gives me strength although I realise that’s not always as easy said as done if you’re self-isolating with symptoms or you don’t have a garden.
My kids are older than yours so no longer (so) demanding (my eldest is 22 still living (now working) at home and the other is 19 and going to be picked up from Uni on Saturday to come home for the foreseeable future) We’ve decided to make the most of this “bonus time” we’ve got together on baking, cooking and Monopoly - not sure how long that will last !!! I’ve told them I’m packing the years I’m not going to have into these next few months.
I’m sorry I can’t offer you a magic remedy but please realise that there’s lots of us out here that care.
Sending you love and strength.