
Hi Ladies

Just needed to share my worries. 

For the last 3 months, I’ve been experiencing pain in my rib. After a bone scan and a ct scan, something has shown up, but they don’t know what it is yet. Its only one isolated hot spot, with no other spread. I’m not optimistic. The pain isn’t improving, especially at night. I’ve got a phone consultation tomorrow with the oncologist. What happens from here? How do you cope with the pain? Don’t need this on top of the state of the country atm. It’s all so stressful and the anxiety at times can be overwhelming. 

Thanks in advance

Sue xx 

Hi Sue

when it spread to my bones they put me on Oxycodone short tec 5mg. This is used every 4 hours or thereabouts and I’m also on one called long tec which is the higher long release one which is supposed to last 12 hours. This keeps pain under control for quite a long time.

Tell your oncologist about it x

Hi Sue. I think we both went through diagnosis at the same time in 2016. I’ve been to see my GP today with rib pain and trying not to panic. Have you had any answers? X