Study on the impact of breast cancer on quality of life

What is the study?

People who experience breast cancer can be faced with several long term health-related consequences which can have an impact on their quality of life. Understanding the experiences of those who have had breast cancer can help us to identify ways to reduce the impact of any long term consequences of breast cancer on people’s everyday lives.

Who is organising it?

The study is run by Lewis Langford, a Clinical Psychologist in training at The University of Leeds.

What’s the criteria for taking part?

  1. Be female and over the age of 18.
  2. Have previously had a diagnosis of breast cancer.
  3. Have finished all active treatment for breast cancer.

What do I need to do?

We are contacting you to invite you to take part in a short online survey which will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete. The survey is completely confidential and does not require you to disclose any identifiable information:

If you have any further questions you can contact Lewis Langford via email

When is the deadline?

The deadline is 31 December 2020