Study shows men's mental health affected by partner's BC

Thought some of you might be interested in this news story from the BBC

"Men whose partners have breast cancer should be checked for signs that their mental health has been affected, say researchers.

"A Danish study found that men watching their partner fight cancer were 39% more likely to need hospital care for mood problems.

These, reported the journal Cancer, included severe depression."

Read full story here:


Links to some of Breast Cancer Care’s support for partners:
Information: My partner’s got breast cancer

Someone to Talk To

In it together (booklet)*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/15/

Thanks for posting that Leah i think sometimes partners get overlooked by everyone but most of all by themselves, when they are trying to look after us.


My husband attended all my appointments with me and the oncologists and other staff always made a very big point of asking him how he was doing. This made him feel less alone.

my husband was by myside all the way through,he had a face full of eczma,and people used to say i looked ok,but he looked poorly,i used to look at him and know i had to get better xxxx