Study trail

Has anyone been offered the study trail called SOFT? Only applies to those who have not gone through meno. yet.

No babyboo, what is it?


It is called Suppression of Ovarian Function Trail. It is being carried out worldwide and does just like it says on the packet. You are allotted (sp?) some drugs…

  1. Tamaxifen
  2. Tamoxifen plus an ovarian suppressing injection; or
  3. Exmestane (not sure of the English spelling but prob. the same) plus the injection.

You take you drugs for five years, you are monitored and then ten years from the start of the trail they see how you are, and publish the data…

Ok, that was a really basic overview of what they do. You can drop out of the study at any time etc etc etc…

I was curious if any of you who have still to go through the meno. have been offered it.

Sorry about the spelloing…still having a bad day! LOL

I found this…

RATIONALE: Estrogen can stimulate the growth of breast tumor cells. Ovarian function suppression combined with hormone therapy using tamoxifen or exemestane may fight breast cancer by reducing the production of estrogen. It is not yet known whether suppression of ovarian function plus either tamoxifen or exemestane is more effective than tamoxifen alone in preventing the recurrence of hormone-responsive breast cancer.

PURPOSE: This randomized phase III trial is studying ovarian suppression with either tamoxifen or exemestane to see how well they work compared to tamoxifen alone in treating premenopausal women who have undergone surgery for hormone-responsive breast cancer.

Hi Babyboo

I have been offered this too and am thinking about it. Trouble is I dont fancy 4 weekly injections as well as 3 weekly herceptins. However, I wouldnt mind have the ovaries whipped out! Cant believe Im saying this but this is what Im reduced to!

Like you Id really like to hear from anybody who is already on the trial to see how they’re getting on and also whether anybody has been given the opportunity to have ovaries out!

Take care, and dont worry about the spelling!

Pauline x

I have given this study a LOT of thought and I think I have decided against taking part… the reason…well the injections every month was a big minus. I don’t want to visit the hospital every month for the next so many years…I want to get back to as normal a life as possible. Is that selfish? Probably but this year has had so much disruption to it that I think we, as a family, deserve to stay away from the hospital.

2008 is going to be our year and I don’t want to be reminded of what has gone on in 2007.

Decision made. xxx