such a good day

i hope i dont tempt fate by writing this but i wanted to share my happiness with all you wonderful and totally inspirational ladies , went for my 7th rads today - slightly pink with sore nipple but nothing unbearable , saw my onc and we had discussion about tamoxifen , apart from the odd bit of nausea and sweats etc ( i was having those anyway )i have settled on them and really feel quite good , anyway she said my chances of recurrance is about 2% , that`ll do for me !!!

Hi Trish I too am smiling for you thats great news & feel happy that you feel happy :slight_smile: hang on tight to that good feeling it feeds the positivity & makes the harder days easier

lots of love
Mekala x

Excellent news! Enjoy!

Gosh, glad to hear this, I am due for rads and tamoxifen and any posative news I can get is realy encouraging.

hope it carries on this way

oal my first 2plus weeks on tamoxifen were horrendous but thankfully it changed and i find myself smiling and laughing again, 10 more rads to go then thats it for 12 months - i know we cant take any of this for granted but today is a good day and to top it the onc said " yes you def can have a drink if you want one " . thats me sorted tonight then !!!, and ladies thank you for sharing my news , i am sending each and everyone of you a positive wish and a loving hug xxxxxxxxxxx

Really pleased to hear your news! Enjoy that drink - you deserve it!

Really pleased to hear your positive news its great to look on here and see that someone has got some good news .Enjoy your drink you deserve it. I will raise a glass for you too .
Love Sharon xx

2% ??? Thats fantastic! Good news indeed, bl**dy hell, crack open the bubbly!

hiya el katrano , my tumour was tiny 6mm with no spread and clear margins , so lucky it was caught so early , grade 1 eostregen receptive , the onc said today without tamoxifen my chance of recurrance 5% , with tamoxifen 2% and as i now seem to have settled down on the tamoxifen it really was music to my ears , i know it can come back and i know i could get it somewhere else but today is today and im happy , dont have any bubbly but im sure a vodka and coke with lots of ice is going to hit the spot very nicely xxxxx