Sudden lumps

Hello everyone hope your all well… I don’t actually know what to say as it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions lately and trawling through endless posts :frowning:

Here goes… I found a large lump in my left breast on the 9th January and attended gp the following morning on my birthday :sob: was really hoping that it was just going to be a fatty tissue or something like that but ended up getting an emergency referral to the breast clinic. Whilst examining me dr found another lump right in the same breast but smaller. The lump I found was non mobile and 3 cm and the other is mobile and 1 cm. Iv been extremely tired and suffering terribly with my eyes (vision going blurry and pulling behind my eyes) opticians today said my eyesight is perfect and healthy (not sure what’s going on)

Since all of this another lump has appeared out of now on the outer Lower left of my other breast that 100% wasn’t there 2 days ago or when my gp checked.

So my question is can new lumps just appear randomly (praying it’s just a cyst or something)

I’m 34 with 3 girls and this is wearing me out… I feel like the life has been sucked out of me.

Thank you for reading.

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Hi @kitty7

So sorry that you have the need for this forum after finding a lump. I can’t say whether it common for lumps to appear. But in my case I found a lump that was moveable and after an MRI to size it to decide if it was chemo or surgery first they found another lump in the other breast. It was smaller and different grade, a totally separate primary cancer. It would be growing much more slowly than the first tumour I found. There is only about 5% of all BC that have two or more primary tumours at the same time.

It might be worth a call to the BCN nurses for a chat as they are the experts.

  • Helpline: 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm). Speak to our trained helpline team. No questions are too big or too small.

Are you waiting for the breast clinic appointment? You mentioned GP then doctor so wasn’t sure if the 2nd lump was found at the clinic or by GP.

At the breast clinic they will do a triple check, physical, mammogram and ultrasound and biopsy, if needed. Then it will be a wait until the results. Some clinics will give you an indication or what is there others will wait for the biopsy results if they were taken. The waiting for results or answers is always the worst part of this journey.

As you are young, statistics would suggest it isn’t anything to worry about but that isn’t guaranteed. All I can say is, if it is BC then this forum and charity are very supportive. There is also support for younger women.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for your reply. Sorry no I have my appointment at the breast clinic next week so just trying to get by until then. My emotions are just so up and down, I’m driving myself crazy thinking the worst. When I found the first lump I was shocked as it’s quite big, then the gp found the second I started to panic and now Iv found a 3rd it’s tipping me over the edge with worry :frowning:

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It is really hard waiting. Try and keep busy, that really helps. Best wishes.

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I understand your worry. As BCN helpline is closed until tomorrow I wanted to signpost you to MacMillan who have a helpline from 8am-8pm should you want to talk to someone tonight.

Sharing how you feel, especially with someone you don’t know, may be helpful.


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Thank you for the replies. I do feel a little better just reaching out and speaking about it. I hope you are all well!

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Hello Kitty,

So understandable, how your feeling at the moment I think we always think the worst. This is a waiting game for you until you go for your appointment next week, which is a long time to be sitting worrying, I think I would call your breast cancer team for some reassurance or the breast cancer nurses on this site, who are so caring.

Thinking of you, we are all here for you, please let us know how you’re getting on.

Love Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:


Thank you for your kind words! I have a lot of good support around me but deep down I try not to open up too much as they are all worrying about me, so don’t want to make them worse. I will definitely bare it in mind if i feel I need to talk to someone thank you. I will keep yous posted on how I get on :heart:

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