Sudden muscle spasms behind ribs

For the past 3 years I’ve been getting what feels like a muscle spasm behind my ribs on the bc side. It come on very suddenly normally when I bend forward or twist in certain way. It’s really painful and takes my breath away. It only lasts for about 10 seconds or so. It feels like something is being pinched or squeezed. I can go weeks without it happening.
Just wondering if anyone else has this and what it could be? I’m assuming it’s damage from rads.
It’s 4 and a half years since rads and lumpectomy with therapeutic mammoplasty.



I also have the same situation , I had a mastectomy in 2019 during Covid …I had 5 x3 rounds of radiotherapy over one week instead of the customary 15 x 1 rounds, over three weeks ,I was told it was being done across the country to limit hospital visits and possible Covid exposure.

I’ve had both physio and acupuncture to relieve this pain to little avail. I have been told it is due to radiotherapy, shrinking the muscle in the chest. I take amitriptyline to block nerve pain and take pain meds too.

Stretching exercises help for a while but soon after the pain returns so exercise has to always be regular or the muscle shrinks back causing this issue .

Good luck but ask to see a physio who deals with cancer patients they understand what’s happening.

Good luck


Thanks for your reply, I too had the short version of rads in June 2020 due to covid. I’ve definitely got some radiation induced fibrosis going on as my breast and shoulder is very tight. Exercise and stretching helps. But these sudden muscle spasms or cramps when I bend forward is really unsettling, I have to stand up straight for a few seconds and wait for it to fade away before a can move again.


I’ve had exactly the same symptoms as you but not on bc side and i have had this occasionally in the past prior to breast cancer, so it could be nothing to do with your treatment and just a coincidence!

I have the same, also ribs/chest bc side, not all the time but maybe on average about once a week and when I move/twist a certain way. I had 5 rads May 2020 during lockdown, reduced from 15 the same as you, then more rads at the end of 2023 same side. The pain only lasts a minute or so before it starts to ease but it is sharp and debilitating whilst it happens. I had assumed it was radiotherapy damage too so it’s good to hear from you, although sorry you are in pain.
Lisa x


I get a similar ache/ spasm sometimes when i twist to wipe my bum!

Pilates has helped to stretch my side and if it really gets me a warm bean bag ( microwave version) for a few minutes as i hate taking pills unless i really have to

( i had 1 session x 14 days of radiotherapy on right cooked boob August and September 2023 and its definitely less frequent now)

I also used Epson salts in a bath weely

Good luck


Hi again

My shoulder same side as mastectomy has been frozen several times over last years this latest and longest period I put down to the fact I’m now stage 4. New meds new side effects. But the cramping under rib cage was after radiotherapy in 2019. Physio have said it’s caused by the radiotherapy, like someone else mentioned I get mine on the toilet, when I twist. But I also get it if I reach up high.
Oncologist states it’s muscular and nothing to fret over, but he doesn’t live my pain.

I hope you get more joy from your drs,


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Yes you’re right it might not be linked to my cancer treatment. Whilst googling yesterday I came across this thread from the mumsnet forum and there are loads of people on there with the same issue. I will try and link the thread incase anyone else wants a read.

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