Suggestion for an improvement to the forum re page layout



The forum is really good and helpful - thank you.


Just one suggestion/request for your IT manager. Would it be possible to move the save/post and cancel buttons further apart? At present they are extremely close to one another and it is quite easy to accidently press the wrong one, particularly when using a laptop without a mouse, when posting responses late at night or when tired (and I guess most of us on the forum go through stages of being that way!)


I did quite a long informative post last night (in response to a query from someone about bras and lopsidedness) at about 1pm which I somehow lost/deleted when editing after the inital post a few min’s previously. Anyway I can get that back or it is gone forever?  Grateful if you could let me know and reinstate if possible.


Thank you



Hi kind IT person at the forum,
Thank you for reinstating the post I accidently deleted while editing. I hope you can do something about the closeness of the cancel/save buttons too.
Thanks again

Hi Seabreeze,

Thank you so much for your suggestion, ideas on how to improve the forum are always welcome. I will forward on to the appropriate person to review the issue.

