suggestions for hypnoherapist in central London

Hi all,


I have been diagnosed with cancer recently and I am anxious about the treatment and also I have a phobia of needles. I think hypnotherapy would help me, but it is a big investment so I want to make sure that I see a good therapist. Does any of you have done hypnotherapy? Would you have some recommendations (ideally a therapist based in central London, near London Bridge would be even better)?

Many thanks,

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Dear Phinou

Ref London Hypnotherapists - the Clifton Practice Hynotherapy Training schools (is nationwide) produce qualified and well reputed therapists. I’ve been looking into Hypnotherapists myself, so have been doing the groundwork into the differences of training, qualifications etc. Some of the other school courses are short. But theirs are quite extensive. I know what you mean by costs, most being £60-70 a session.

If you contact the London school, either by email or phone, I’m sure they’d supply a list of local practioners to you, or provide the required link for a listing.

Hope all goes well with your BC treatments, and I hope you find a suitable Hypno. I’m seriously thinking about it for depression, as opposed to anxiety, like yourself.

I’d be keen to know how you go on, if you take up sessions.


Lots of love, Delly xxxx