
What is it about sunshine that makes life so much better? It’s a beautiful sunny day here and I’m feeling 10 times better than I have been because of it - it seems to have got rid of all the depression and nervous stress I’ve had since the new job I was in went pear shaped last week.

I’m seeing a specialist in employment law tomorrow on account of a letter I’ve been sent by my ex employer. In the meantime, I’ve started a distance learning course in copywriting and am about to do the first assignment this week; I’ve also booked myself on a one day HTML course in 6 weeks to see if I can cope with the basics of web stuff. anything to bolster my confidence - I’ve even been looking a voluntary work sites. Sleeping tablets are working, but I’m not taking them every night, just if I feel I need to.

I’m in limbo as to whether I should be signing on as I haven’t had a P45 and as far as I’m aware because I (unwittingly) started the grievance procedure I’m still employed.

yes sunshine makes a wonderful difference. I’ve just had three lousy chemo days and today I feel like a light has been switched back on in my body…and its glorious outside.

have read your post about your horrible employers…think you were in a College…I know how horrid that particular culture can be. (not always in case there’s someone reading this in a nice college!)

Hope you get good advice, hope the course goes well…


Hi Cherub,
I’m so glad you are feeling a bit better and taking control. It’s a beautiful day here too (London) and you’re right it does lift the mood. I just got home after my last rads so I’m feeling pretty good too!
All good wishes

Cherub I missed your post about your new job going pear shaped. I’m so sorry as I know how pleased you were to get that job and how important it was to you.

I do hope you get things sorted out soon. In the meantime enjoy the sunshine and take care.
Anthi x