
Darling Supertrouper, we are all devastated by your sudden death, but Thank God it was all peaceful, surrounded by your family. Many moons ago we entered the thread in the Dark Dark wood and your wit and creativity came into its own and by its insanity kept us sane back in 2011, I am truly grateful for these times as are the members  of your friens in Birds With Feahters. I am forever grateful for that friendship and Humour you gave us all in the Aug 2011 thread.

I have lit a candle in the chapel in the Dark Dark wood thread, please God let Perpetual Light Shine on You xx

It’s eons since I logged in here but wanted to add my condolences to all who knew SuperTrouper. Always full of fun and living life fully. Beautiful tribute from sivam.

Rest in peace xx

So sorry to hear Supertrouper has passed away. Condolences to her family and friends.

Hi everyone, 

We just wanted to also say how sorry we were to hear about supertrouper’s death, and thank you sivam for letting us know. 

If anybody would like support, please do call our helpline on 0808 800 6000. 

Take care, 

Becca at Breast Cancer Care. 

A long time since I came on to the forum but I just wanted to pass on condolences on the sad passing of Supertrouper and to send hugs to all her family and friends, MG x

Oh my … this is so sad, Supertrouper was a valued member of this forum,  to be taken from her family & friends so quickly is so cruel ,  I can hardly believe it, what a cruel horrid disease this is, it has really shaken me, Fly high lovely lady , my thoughts are with you and those you loved and left far too early :frowning:




L xx