supplements- reasons against

supplements- reasons against

supplements- reasons against I’m all in favour of trying supplements to see if they help- but read this for the other, statistical point of view- -dilly

But Dilly, we all know what can be done with statistics.

Phoebe I’m trying to be fairminded and after all it’s possible they may have got their sums [or some of their sums] right!
I’m dubious about the glucosamine results- would like to hear other ladies’ views. dilly

Statisitcs! Some statistics accord great effectivenes to cancer drugs. Use what you can you keep yourself well.

Wrong thread Meant to post this on the thread about alternative treatments started by Greta. Perhaps moderator could move it please?


For JaneRA-Moved your post as requested to the thread ‘alternative treatments’ started by Greta

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