Support and Back Up

Hi, I’m wondering if anyone gets good support and back up from their oncology team? Prior to chemo I was told there would always be meds on offer to counteract any side effects and everything that could be done to make the experience as pain free and comfortable as possible. This just does not happen. I am getting all sorts of info from the web about creams etc one can rub in to help things like vein damage (Hirudoid cream) EMLA cream for anaesthetising the area of cannulation prior to chemo, Aprepitant (Emend) an anti-emetic which is really good for preventing post chemo nausea and vomitting. My oncolgist told me this was only for vomiting and was very expenisve so would only be used as a last resort. I think in error I was given it though - after chemo when it should be an hour prior… -  and BOY!! it is GOOD !! Would be interested if it’s the same for others?  Good luck x it’s quite a journey to go through, but a little smile each day does help :slight_smile: