Hi all

managed to lose 6lb this week - not quite sure how, other than loads of exercise and keeping my WW points down to 14 per day. Wonder if I’ll gain it all back again next week? Hope not as I’ve got a long way to go.

Keep losing, girls


loss 1/2 lb this week… total loss is 4 1/2 lbs.

lost 4lbs over last 2 weeks, now at 11st 6lbs. Thats a stone lost.
start weight 12st 6lbs
now 11st 6lbs
target around 10st
motivator - summer hols, white linen!
love and good luck to everyone
monica xx

Weighing a day late as I’ve been away for the weekend.

Stayed the same at 11st 7lb, I’m going away for 10days (should be Tunisia-but changed to Cornwall!) I want to be careful and weigh in at the same in 2 weeks- I’ll be happy with that!

Overall loss 11lb so happy with the loss. It’s great having to report here, if I go off the rails it gets me straight back on.

Good luck all.


I’m still doing no good whatsoever…oops.

Start weight: 12st
End of April target: 11st 10 lbs
Weeks 1-5: -0.8 lbs
Week 6: +3.2 lbs
Week 7: -0.4 lbs
Week 8: -1.2 lbs
Week 9: +2.6 lbs
Week 10: -0.8 lbs
Current weight: 12st 1.4 lbs

Hi, I feel rather proud of myself I’ve lost a total of 17lbs all together and feel great,just wondering if I will ever be able to eat normally again though!!
I miss bread the most. Crusty bread and butter and cheese,opps forgot I dont do dairy anymore :frowning:
start weight 11 st 7lbs
April 10 st 4lbs

Hi Jellylegs and everyone else who has lost weight this week,

Well done!

Afraid I’m still 12st so no loss this week which is really annoying as I’ve been quite active and am sure I’ve eaten a lot less than usual! Oh well, will have to try even harder next week!

Good luck for next week,
Love Esme x

Hello everyone
how are you doing?
I’m stuck at 11st 6lbs again and not really expecting much change for a couple of weeks as have oophorectomy this week (well, there’s a couple of ounces gone…anyone know what fallopian tubes weigh? lol)
good luck to everyone - summer is coming, nice walking weather
monica x

Hmmm, it’s not getting worse, I suppose…

Start weight: 12st
Target: 11st 10 lbs
Weeks 1-5: +1.6 lbs
Week 6-10: 0 lbs
Week 11: -1.4 lbs

Current weight: 12st 0.2 lbs
(recalculated as I was getting confused and moved weigh day to a monday)

Hope your op goes without any problems Daisy xxxx

Hi all,

hmmmm - been a bit of a piggy, but going to start weighing in again from next week. Hubby is helping me now as well.

Good luck for op monica - thinking of you.


Is anyone else still trying?

Start weight: 12st
Target: 11st 10 lbs
Weeks 1-5: -0.8 lbs
Week 6-10: +3.4lbs
Week 11: -2.6lbs
Current weight: 11st 12.8 lbs

I’ve had a shock surge of a 2.6lb loss today!! It may be just that I weighed myself a little later in the morning than usual, though!

Fingers crossed I can keep it up. :slight_smile:

thats great news Flora - you’ve slogged away at this, you deserve it xx
I had ooph this week and am going to weigh myself in the morning. Am feeling so well, I can’t believe it - yes, I’m sore but otherwise very comfy and feeling good.
Want to lose a stone in the next 4 weeks so that I am slender for hols. Got weighed pre-op and they said my BMI is 30 and I am obese. I said, so how come I’m sitting here in size 10 trousers? I just think thats ridiculous! I’m not tall (5ft 4in) but I reckon I’m reasonable weight for my height. The nurse agreed but I’m still down on data as being medically obese and then get lectured about diet and exercise. Ho hum, if I want to be medically slender I’ll have to be a size 8 or 6 - not a good look when you’re 50!

Hi Everyone, Hope you don’t me joining in. I’m on weekly tax for liver and spine mets and I’ve suddenly put weight on round my hips and midriff, almost overnight it seems. I’m normally a size 10 and have shot to a 12 which doesn’t seem much, but I’ve got a spare tyre hanging over my jeans! I’m trying to eat low fat, but it doesn’t seem to be helping, so any tips or advice will be greatly welcomed.

Otherwise, hope you are all having a good day. Thanks in advance, Dianne x x x

Hi there

Would like to join you all in the weight loss. I have put on approx 14lbs during 7 chemo’s, last Taxotere this Wednesday.

Am very annoyed with myself for gaining so much weigh, but can’t seem to stop myself from eating! During the Taxotere I lose my taste and what I can taste is horrid yet I can’t stop myself from trying everything and then eating it anyway!

Hoping that after this last treatment I will be able to lose some weight. I need to focus more on healthy eating and doing some excercise, rather than blaming the steroids!!

Starting weight is 11st 10lbs, would like to lose at least 7lbs by 19th June as going to London with girlfriends to celebrate end of my treatment.

Good luck to everyone, and I hope that by posting I will find the willpower I need to lose some weight!


good luck Dianne and Jayne, hope things go well for you
I have put 7lbs on in a week - I think its post op water as I still have swollen ankles etc, so not too worried, will see next week!
hope everyone is well and enjoying the sunshine we are gettingxxx

Glad to hear the Ooph went well, Daisy. Hope your recovery is quick and easy.

Jayne, I started this while on Taxotere and didn’t manage to lose any, but it is starting to drop a little now (and I’ll be honest, I’m not trying all that hard, just being mindful).

Wishing you and Dianne good luck, but do be kind to yourselves. xxx

Hi Everyone, Flora and Daisyleaf, thanks so much for your kind comments. Jayne, I know exactly what you mean, I can’t seem to stop eating either. I’ve blamed it on the steroids but I guess it’s the tax as well. I’ll just have to keep trying. When I first had breast cancer (18 years ago) I put on about a stone and it took me ages to lose it because I went onto Tamoxifen. Once I’d come off that, I lost it by dieting and exercise, but as I’m now nearly 20 years older, I can’t see myself running for miles, especially with bone and liver mets. Bummer.

Anyway, hope you are all feeling well today and take good care of yourselves. Lotsa love, Dianne x x x

Hi everyone not been around for years sorry! So glad that everyone keeping up with it well done to all of you.

Hi All

How everyone doing, I put on a few pounds (11st 11lb so 4lb)went back on my plan 10days ago-it works for me and I enjoy doing it. So I’m back doing what a did at the begining of the year(weighing and logging my food). My weight this morning is 11st 7lb, I’ll weight in on Monday as I like having Mon as my ‘offical weigh in day’

Best wishes
Sue x